Chapter 117 Killing the Son-in-Law (45)

Xie Xi was so caught up in memories that he didn't even hear Jinyan call him.

Jin Yan squeezed Xie Xi's hand worriedly, "Daddy, what's wrong with you?"

Xie Xi suddenly came back to his senses, looking at the obedient daughter in front of him who was full of worry about him, he could only feel rejoicing.

Fortunately, he was past the age of self-importance.

Otherwise, he would not go up the mountain to seek medical treatment.

They will not listen to the nonsense of eminent monks.

But it was that nonsense that saved his daughter's life.

Xie Xi shook his head and said it was fine.

Jin Yan didn't believe it, and said casually: "What did the eminent monk say? I think Xun Yu's fate and mine are more compatible than Lin Ao's, and he also escaped death at that time. I read that the scriptures are written in exchange for life." Maybe it was Xun Yu who saved my life from the disaster for me, and I don't know for sure."

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener changed his face.

At the beginning, the eminent monk gave him two words.

A "Xun" character.

A "Lin" character.

The eminent monk said that these two people were both entangled with their daughters.

But "Xun" is the best policy, and "Lin" is the worst policy.

He immediately thought of Xun Yu, the son of the Xun family who was molested by his daughter.

Although Yan Yan loves to look at beauties, but before Xun Yu, she had never molested anyone.

After that, Yan Yan couldn't see Xun Yu for a long time, so he had to ask about Xun Yu's whereabouts every day.

Seeing that his daughter was so concerned, he helped Xun Yu once.

But when Yan Yan was most critical, he couldn't find Xun Yu no matter what.

He wondered if the eminent monk had miscalculated the person.

Or the eminent monk himself is talking nonsense and pretending to be a ghost.

The best strategy didn't work, and the situation didn't wait for anyone, so he could only settle for the second best, and chose Lin Ao.

Not long after that, Yan Yan turned the corner.

In this case, although what Yan Yan said about Xun Yu bearing the fate for her was a bit fanciful, it was not impossible.

Thinking of this, Xie Xi did not continue to hide Jin Yan, but told Jin Yan some things.

"Since he is an eminent monk, there must be many people wanting to see him, right? Did daddy have a hard time at that time? It must have been hard for you then?" Jin Yan said distressedly.

Xie Xi's eyes were sore for a moment, and his heart was also filled with heat waves.

He shook his head, looked at Jin Yan lovingly and said, "It's not hard work, as long as you are safe and healthy, everything Daddy does is worth it."

And what he did was to lower his haughty head, bend his knees where no daughter would kneel, and worship thousands of steps devoutly.

Jin Yan sniffed, her voice hoarse, "Thank you, Dad, for everything you have done for me!"

The person who saved her was not Xun Yu.

It's Daddy.



Mother Lin looked down on Li Xiner's mannerisms, but the feeling of being served by someone at will was so good that she couldn't refuse.

So Li Xiner stayed in the Lin family.

While being humiliated and disgusted, he was entrusted with a heavy responsibility.

Lin Ao's injury gradually improved, and he could get out of bed.

When he was going to tell Mother Lin about his moving plan, he heard the aunt and nephew arguing again in the courtyard.

After all, it was still about what happened when he had a fever.

He was impulsive.

But Li Xiner was not innocent either.

Hearing complaints and sophistry from outside, Lin Ao was extremely upset.

How has he been troubled by these two pig teammates? He doesn't complain about this or that every day. What is there to argue about these two?
After listening for a long time, Lin Ao, who was upset and irritable, finally couldn't take it anymore.

He picked up the crutch that he had drawn and had others make it, and walked out slowly.


Lin Ao scolded, and the two people in the courtyard stopped.

Li Xiner reacted quickly, and immediately got up and ran towards Lin Ao, "Cousin, why did you get out of bed? Your injury is still not healed, let me help you go back."

Lin Ao did not speak, but looked at Li Xiner coldly.

Li Xiner started to have a smile on her face.

After a while, he realized that Lin Ao's eyes were cold and unfamiliar, and he couldn't laugh anymore.

What's wrong with my cousin?
Since he knew that Xie's family had divorced, he didn't have any special reaction.

They were also worried that he had suppressed all the pain and humiliation in his heart, and advised him many times to vent his emotions.

But my cousin said that he had expected this day to come.

Retirement is what will happen eventually.

Only sooner or later.

It was as if he expected all this to happen and didn't care at all.

But what is he doing now?
Did he regret it again?
Do you also blame her for ruining his big event like your aunt?
The more Li Xiner thought about it, the paler her face became.

She stared at Lin Ao cautiously, "Cousin, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Ao ignored her, and just looked at Mother Lin, "Mom, pack up your things, sell everything that can be sold at home, let's leave Lin'an."

Mother Lin was sewing clothes, and she was so frightened that all the sewing clothes in her hand fell to the ground.

She suspected that she had heard it wrong, and said in shock, "Ao'er, what did you say?"

Lin Ao said calmly, "I said, let's leave Lin'an."

Mother Lin stood up abruptly, walked around twice in a daze, wiped her clothes repeatedly, and said inexplicably, "Why? We live here well, your studies, your Teacher, your classmates are all here, leaving Lin'an, where are we going?"

Lin Ao looked at the sky coldly, and said meaningfully: "The sky is high enough for birds to fly, and the sea is wide enough for fishes to leap."

How can the life of the protagonist be free from setbacks.

Retirement is a crucial part of the script in which the protagonist counterattacks to the pinnacle of life.

Just go back.

Fortunately, he is still alive.

After retiring from the marriage, without the entanglement of marriage, it is convenient for him to show his talents and shock the world!
Lin's mother couldn't understand, and Li Xin'er was struck by lightning.

She couldn't believe what she saw at all.

"Cousin, why did you leave Lin'an? Our roots are here, where can we go if we leave Lin'an?" Li Xiner said anxiously.

Ever since her cousin was divorced by the Xie family, her parents didn't approve of letting her associate with her cousin. It was she who threatened her parents with the excuse of "the person who said she was already a cousin", so they didn't force her to take her away. go back.

What would she do if her cousin took her aunt to another place, to the capital?
"Of course, go to the capital." Lin Ao said.

Even though she guessed that Lin Ao would go to the capital, hearing it with her own ears was still a big shock. Li Xiner looked at her sadly and hesitantly, "I know my cousin is going to the capital to take the exam, but, but..."

But what about her?

"There's nothing wrong with it. Xie Xi is a man who always takes revenge. He's never soft on his enemies. Recently, things have been calm just because he thought I was dead. When he gets the news that I'm still alive, he won't let me go easily, and he will definitely kill me. Absolutely." Lin Ao said.

Li Xin'er, who hesitated to speak, and Lin Mu, who was anxious to get angry, were silent.

For them, Lin Ao is everything.

It is hard to leave the homeland again, but compared with Lin Ao's life, it seems not worth mentioning.

However, Xie Xi was once a Tanhua Lang!
His contacts are everywhere in the world.

After leaving Lin'an, can they really escape Xie Xi's clutches?
 Lin Ao: Who stole my protagonist halo

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(End of this chapter)

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