As soon as Xun Yu stood firm, Qi Jiu immediately stepped back three meters.

Xun Yu was not allowed to notice his trembling.

Xun Yu's face was pale, without a trace of blood, he was turned upside down, both his head and stomach seemed to be turning upside down.

But he didn't care about that.

A crazy dog ​​rushed towards him, and Qi Jiu, who was terrified to death, resisted his fear and wanted to step forward, but Xun Yu stretched out his hand to block it.

He just stood there, with one hand behind his back, motionless, looking at the black dog coldly with cold eyes.

No matter how crazy a mad dog is, it can sense danger.

When he realized how dangerous the person in front of him was, the mad dog instantly became extremely docile and gentle, and even wagged his tail and squatted down in front of Xun Yu.

A look waiting to be touched.

Qi Jiu stared dumbfounded.

Is this the fucking mad dog that frightens him?
"Master, why does this dog still watch people order dishes? I'm afraid he was caught by some weird thing?" Qi Jiu said.

He does not mean that.

Xun Yu's eyes moved slightly, and suddenly his thoughts flew away again.

Qi Jiu was not in a hurry when he didn't get an answer.

Seeing that Xun Yu had frightened the mad dog, he felt that the dog was not that scary, so he took a step forward and cursed: "You dog, sir, grandpa, I will spare your life today..."


"Wang Wang!"

"Wang Wang Wang!"

The moment Qi Jiu approached, the black dog instantly dropped his obedient disguise.

The well-behaved dog showed a ferocious and unrestrained expression on his face, his bloody mouth was wide open, and the sharp fangs gleaming coldly seemed to want to tear Qi Jiu to pieces.

Qi Jiu's back felt cold, she turned around and ran back in fright.

The mad dog kept barking, Qi Jiu felt that his feet were not as fast as the dog's, so he flew up to a big banyan tree by the road in a panic.

When he hugged the tree trunk, sticking out his tongue and gasping for breath, he saw the black dog changed into a dog again, surrounding his master's feet like a pug who only knew how to please people.

Qi Jiu was so angry that his face became ferocious.

This dead dog barks and chooses people?
How despised him!

The puppy opened its big watery eyes, wagging its tail and ran back and forth under Xun Yu's feet, excited as if it had found its lost and regained owner.

It's a pity that Xun Yu's face was expressionless, and there was even a bit of cold disgust in his eyes.

He uttered one word coldly: Get lost.

The little dog couldn't understand, and still walked around his feet, trying to give him a look.

Seeing that the puppy was obedient again, Qi Jiu hesitated again and again, and finally got down from the tree.

"Master, this dog is a bit evil, let's go quickly!" Qi Jiu persuaded.

This dog is so good at disguising, who knows that the meekness in front of the master is not an illusion it pretends to be?

Xun Yu just glanced at him indifferently.

Qi Jiu: "..."

Well, it was his fault.

He shouldn't have forgotten the lesson from the last time because there were not many people on the street early in the morning, and he shouldn't have run away with his master on his shoulders, letting his master lose face!
"Master, I was wrong, but I am very sure that there were no outsiders here just now, and no one would have seen that scene." Qi Jiu made amends for himself.

Xun Yu remained silent, murderous intent flashed across his cold eyes.

On the opposite side, Xie Lin, who seemed to have just finished training in martial arts, walked slowly, his voice was clear and clear, "Mr. Xun, why don't you go in?"

After finishing speaking, I realized that there was a dog on the ground, and smiled, "Wangcai, come here!"

The little dog took a few steps forward, stood in the center, glanced at the gentle and harmless Xie Lin in front of him, and then at Xun Yu who was like Yama behind him.

After circling around in place for a few times, it pouted its buttocks and quickly ran to Xun Yu.

Wagging for mercy.

Xie Lin's face was dark, but his eyes were calm, and his voice could not hear the slightest anger, "I heard the people below say that the dog was lost, and I really lost it, but it followed here. It seems that it is destined for you of."

Qi Jiu looked at Xie Lin unconvinced.

What do you mean?
Is this person here to provoke?

Seeing that Xun Yu refused to let him make a move, he angrily pulled the horse over.

The corner of Xun Yu's mouth twitched slightly, showing a cold and indifferent smile, "Thank you for being so skillful, but there are things you can't manage?"

Xie Lin sneered: "It's just a dog who can't recognize its master and see reality clearly."

Xun Yu looked at him calmly, and pointedly said: "It's just a dog, if you can't see clearly, you can't see clearly. Manager Xie can see clearly."

After saying that, he got on his horse and rode off with a whip.

The little dog looked back at Xie Lin, and soon followed in the direction Xun Yu was going, and ran away like he was having fun.

Qi Jiu gave Xie Lin a warning look.

He didn't dare to provoke Xie Xi, but what is Xie Lin?How dare he provoke his master!
Next time, he doesn't mind letting Xie Lin taste his fist.

Xie Lin stood where he was, the morning light and mist that jumped into the sky shrouded his face, making it difficult for people to see his expression clearly.

But inexplicable oppression.

He doesn't want to argue with anyone.

From the moment he was led into Xie's house by the head of the family, the relationship between him and the young lady was destined not to change in any way.

He once swore to be loyal to the head of the family and protect the eldest lady until death.

This sentence is valid at any time.

But because he doesn't argue, it doesn't mean he will tolerate other people bullying and disrespecting the young lady.


Xun Yu rode back to Lanyuan, and saw a noble uncle and a anxious man standing there, looking frequently at the entrance of the alley.

"Why did the young master come back so early?" Uncle Gui asked puzzled.

Before Xun Yu could speak, the other person said in a hurry: "Young master, young master was captured by the Xie family. I don't know where he was captured. The Xie family is used to being tyrannical, and they always kill people without blinking an eye. You and Xie The relationship between the family is not shallow, the owner of the family asked you to go to the Xie family to..."

"What does his life and death have to do with me?"

Xun Yu's face was gloomy, and he went straight into the blue garden after speaking.

Seeing the puppy follow Xun Yu away, Qi Jiu stepped forward and kicked the steward on the waist, "What are you, you dare to talk to my master like that!"

It's this stupid, bad and arrogant bastard, in order to curry favor with his concubine's superior stepwife, he withholds the master's things and clothes, and makes the servants unite to tease and abuse the master.

The steward was stunned.

After being stunned for a moment, he said: "You are presumptuous! I am the housekeeper of the Xun family, and the most important confidant of the master and wife. If you dare to disrespect me, when I report back to the master, you will definitely be unable to eat!"

Qi Jiu snorted, "I can't eat it and walk around, right? I'll let you taste it first."

As he said that, Qi Jiu kicked again and again, until the steward clutched his stomach and yelled, unable to speak any more.

The steward looked at Uncle Gui frequently and signaled to Uncle Gui.

Although the young master's wings are hardened, as a son of man, he must not disobey his father, otherwise he will be disobedient and treasonous!
He remembered the revenge of the beating he had suffered for nothing, but the most important thing right now was to rescue the young master.

Otherwise, with the cruelty of Xie's family, the young master might have to shed a few layers of skin!
It's a pity that Uncle Gui just watched him being beaten indifferently.

At the beginning, the Xun family poisoned the young lady, but the young lady had dystocia but refused to save her, and murdered the young master...

One by one, it's finally time to settle the matter.

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