Jinyan didn't know what happened in the morning.

But she was not used to seeing Xun Yu when she woke up.

When he went to say hello to Xie Xi, Xie Lin was about to go out.


"Going out to do some errands?"

"Well, the Patriarch is waiting for you inside."

"be careful."

After Jin Yan finished speaking, she trotted in. Xie Lin watched her disappear before turning and leaving.

"Good morning Daddy!"

Jin Yan took over the housekeeper's job as soon as he entered, and poured a cup of tea for Xie Xi.

Xie Xi's expression was a bit apprehensive, "Did you come here to say hello to me?"

"Otherwise?" Jin Yan said.

Xie Xi: "I'm afraid it wasn't that the boy from the Xun family didn't come today, so you came here to find out information?"

Jin Yan suddenly opened his eyes wide, and looked at him aggrieved and unconvinced, "How can you think so, I greet you early in the morning, naturally I put you first!"

Xie Xi snorted.

He is number one.

In other words, he still has the status of the Xun family boy.

"Daddy, what happened to Xun Yu? Why didn't you come today?" Jin Yan asked.

Xie Xi: "..."

You have been warned in advance, why ask?

Jin Yan looked like you mentioned me why didn't you ask.

After looking at each other for a while, Xie Xi was defeated.

He said: "Yesterday, the youngest son of the Xun family spoke rudely to you, and Xun Yu called to settle the score."

The corners of Jin Yan's mouth twitched slightly, "Is what you said true?"

The image of Xun Meiren being carried flying by the flower-picking thieves has been lingering in her mind, so she can't imagine what it would be like for a weak Xun Meiren to beat someone.

Xie Xi said: "It's true, you'll know in a few days."

Having said that, Jin Yan became even more curious.

But Xie Xi seemed to know what she was thinking, and suddenly said: "You didn't study to make perfume before, but now the experimental base you want has been built, and a good perfume maker has also been recruited. Don't you want to try it?"

"Everything was done so quickly?" Jin Yan looked at Xie Xi in surprise.

Xie Xi nodded, "When did Daddy never pay attention to what you want?"

Jin Yan was very excited, "Thank you dad, then I'll go to the base first, if I come back late, don't wait for me, you guys eat first!"

Seeing her cheerful appearance, Xie Xi was also happy, but vaguely worried that once her daughter became addicted to making incense, she might not even return home.

After breakfast, Jin Yan was going to take the maids out, Xie Xi deliberately reminded her, "What about Xun Yu, don't you care?"

Jin Yan was a little confused, "What do you care?"

Xie Xi: "..."

Is the daughter's reaction worried about Xun Yu, or not?

Jin Yan looked at Xie Xi's puzzled look and laughed, "Daddy, I'm just curious what it would be like for a sick beauty like Xun Yu to fight with others, and I'm not worried that he won't be able to fight against the Xun family, he is so dark and cunning People use their brains to do things, not their strength."

Xie Xi: "..."

It turned out that Yan Yan knew how dark Xun Yu was.

"If he comes to ask for help, you can lend him a few hands."

Xie Xi pretended to hesitate.

Jin Yan added: "But I don't think he would ask for help. After all, if he can't even handle the Xun family's affairs, then you won't recognize him, will you?"

Xie Xi: "..."

It's his precious daughter who keeps his eyes on him the most?


In just a few days, Xun Yu successfully replaced Lin Ao and became the new son-in-law of the Xie family.

The Xun family, like the Xie family, are both Lin'an aristocratic families, but their prestige in Lin'an is very different.

The head of the Xun family took the exam three times as a scholar, and five times as a candidate, and in the end it took half his life to get a fellow Jinshi.

When Xie Xi was a teenager, he was five yuan and ranked first.

At that time, there was a saying that all the examiners were interested in Xie Xi's essays, and they even preferred him to be the number one scholar.

However, when the emperor saw Xie Xi during the palace examination, he said that he was a born flower hunter.

Many people felt sorry for Xie Xi, thinking that Xie Xi would be the first six-yuan and No.

As a result, with a bright future at hand, Xie Xi resigned and returned to Lin'an to start a business.

Xie Xi's actions not only caused great controversy in the court, but also among the people.

Patriarch Xun, who was inferior to Xie Xi in everything, naturally made a lot of mocking remarks.

But within a year, Xie Xi's business flourished, and a lot of money flowed into Xie's family.

A few years later, the Xie family rose strongly and became independent from the Lin'an family. The big and small families were dominated by the Xie family, and the era of Xie Xi's rule officially began.

Patriarch Xun, who used to laugh at Xie Xi for "knowing how to read dead books", has his face swollen from beating, but he still pretends to be a fat man. Whenever Xie Xi is present, he will make a big talk, in order to belittle Xie Xi. It is greedy for profit. , and he never lost his character as a scholar.

But it is such a person who wants to sing against Xie Xi in everything, and always uses his "nobility" to step down on Xie Xi's body, but raises a son who is willing to be the son-in-law of Xie's family.

The first son of the Xun family, Xun Yu.

After Xun Yu spread the word to the outside world, he went to Xie's house to plead guilty.

Cut first and then play.

It would be considered good if Xie Xi didn't kill him.

However, Xie Xi didn't make a move, or even get angry, but just looked at him coldly.

"Today, you counted the Xun family and the Xie family, me and your turtle father, who are you going to count next time?" Xie Xi stared into his eyes and said.

After Xun Yu released the news that he wanted to marry Miss Xie's family, the people in Lin'an City scolded Patriarch Xun and his step-wife.

As we all know, the Xie family only recruits sons-in-law, not daughters.

Xun Yu is a scholar, even if the imperial court gave his son-in-law special permission to take the scientific examination, it would be a hindrance to his reputation.

How could Xun Yu not understand the key point of this?

But with the death of Xun Yu's biological mother, the fact that the head of the Xun family spoiled his concubine and killed his wife, coveted his wife's dowry and Yue's family property, his stepwife murdered the mistress, and killed his legitimate son was revealed, and everyone understood Xun Yu's actions.

In such a situation, Xun Yu had no better choice.

As for the despised villainous Patriarch Xun and his stepwife, one had just lost his limbs and was paralyzed on the bed, and the other had an outbreak of toxins in his body, vomiting blood every day.

On the contrary, it was Xun Yu, who was sick, pitiful and helpless, kneeling in front of Xie Xi calmly.

He looked innocent, but there was a bit of paranoia and madness in his eyes.

He said honestly: "Uncle, I don't guarantee that I won't plot against you in the future, but I can swear to the sky that I will never hurt Jinyan."

Xie Xi was unmoved.

He sneered, "The most useless thing in this world is a man's oath."

Xun Yu didn't argue, he just told a story.

Hearing him say the words "Heartblood", Xie Xi's face suddenly became horrified, and he stood up and kicked Xun Yu, furiously said: "How dare you!"

Xun Yu wiped off the blood from his mouth, the crazy paranoia and strong possessiveness on his face were gradually concealed, only the indescribable tenderness and affection remained.

He smiled and said, "Uncle, look, our love for Jinyan is the same."

Xie Xi would never abandon his daughter.

He will never gouge out the flesh and blood of the second person again.

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