After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 19 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged

Chapter 19 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged (19)

Help each other?

The third prince glanced in the direction of the East Palace, his eyes were sinister, he gritted his teeth and said: "When they gained power over there, they never stopped wanting to eradicate you and me!"

The fifth prince was silent.

The third prince laughed again, "But those days are gone forever! Who made our highness the crown prince blind? I still can't figure out why he made such an outrageous mistake!"

The fifth prince rarely agreed with what the third prince said.


The crown prince was born as a legitimate son, and the eldest brother of the elder was obsessed with the art of war and had no intention of being a high position. After all, the rest of them were far behind in status, and only the third brother could compete with the crown prince.

But the addition of Jinyan, the "Princess Concubine", completely broke the balance between the crown prince and the third prince.

Since then, the prince's life has been too smooth

The problem lies precisely here.

Because it was too smooth, the prince thought that his current status and prestige all came from the natural advantages of the East Palace and his own excellence.

The result was a big fall.

"Fifth, you are closer to the prince than Gu, do you know what's going on with him?"

The third prince said and pointed to his head, "Could it be that you bumped into this place when you got up at night, and you became a fool?"

With Jin Yan's status and background, such appearance and talent, any of their princes would have to treat her like a little ancestor.

What is wrong with the prince?
Fifth Prince: "..."

He reminded in a low voice: "Third Brother, walls have ears."

The prince's brain is broken, just think about it in his heart, why should he say it?

"Boring! With your temperament, I will become like that dull gourd of Lao Qi after a short time. It's so boring!"

The third prince clicked his tongue in disgust, but didn't say anything harsh, and rode away on his horse.

Just look at his straight back, that is called a high-spirited one.

Those who didn't know thought he won the number one prize and paraded through the streets.


The motorcade stopped at the gate of the eldest princess' mansion, the third and fifth princes dismounted and walked to the carriage in person.

The third prince said: "Before leaving the palace, my father ordered that you have been working hard in Yuntai Mountain to fast and worship the Buddha, and the journey was exhausting, so I specially asked you to go back to the mansion to rest first, and invite you to come in some other day." Palace talk."

The fifth prince also said: "Father said that 'Aunt Wanwang puts her body first'. This is what all of us are concerned about. Please also take care of your body."

"I know the emperor's intentions, I have also seen your filial piety, you are all good children, let's go back to the palace, do your job well, and don't disappoint the emperor's high expectations." The eldest princess said.

The third prince and the fifth prince said in unison: "Yes!"

After the eldest princess entered the mansion, they turned the horse around and left.

After walking a few steps, the third prince laughed again.

The fifth prince glanced at him, inexplicably feeling that the days to come would not stop.

The third prince asked: "Did you find out?"

"What did you find?" The Fifth Prince was puzzled.

The third prince looked excited, "Prince, during this trip, the eldest princess has never asked the prince, not even once! Jin Yan too!"

Fifth Prince: "..."

He is not a fool, how could he not find out.

But third brother, your gloating is too obvious!

The third prince was immersed in great joy, and he didn't even notice the strange look on the fifth prince's face.

It wasn't until he reached the palace gate that the third prince's expression suddenly changed.

When he raised his head again, the triumphant expression on his face was gone, and he had returned to his former aloof and arrogant posture.

 Ask for a wave of votes ^-^
(End of this chapter)

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