After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 20 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged

Chapter 20 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged (20)

On the second day after the Eldest Princess returned to Beijing, Duke Cheng'en's mansion handed over the greeting card.

The Shen family in Cheng'en Gong's mansion is the queen's mother's family.

Of the first two Cheng Engongs, one died in battle and the other died of illness. Now the eldest son Shen Yu is in charge of the family.

This time, it was not Shen Yu who handed over the letter of worship, but Xun Taijun of Duke Cheng'en's mansion.

After breakfast, Princess Dachang practiced sword with Jin Yan for a while, after resting, Jin Yan took a book of poems and read it to her.

The butler entered the door with the greeting card, explained his purpose and asked, "In your opinion, should this greeting card be returned intact or?"

If it was an ordinary family, let alone accepting invitations, they would be able to beat people out when the Shen family came to the door.

However, when Taijun Xun was young, he was accompanied by Princess Dachang, and old Cheng Engong was also a subordinate of Duke Dingguo. The friendship here cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences, nor can it be severed by one or two things. .

Not to mention that Cheng Engong's mansion is the queen's mother's house, unless it is torn face, otherwise it cannot be dealt with hastily.

"Why retreat, what kind of friendship does Ben Gong have with Ah Rong, how can there be a estrangement because the empress and the prince have done stupid things?" said the Eldest Princess.

The butler glanced at the Eldest Princess.

Seeing that there was no warmth on her face, one knew that she was annoyed by Taijun Xun.

The news of the divorce was widely circulated in Beijing.

But in such a big Shen family, apart from Mrs. Song, Mrs. Cheng En, who went to the eldest princess to make amends, and the eldest son Shen Yu and the legitimate daughter Shen Wan visited the little princess and spoke for the little princess, no one in the Shen family stood up. Justice.

Even if it's just for show!

Seeing the eldest princess's displeasure, Jin Yan persuaded: "Grandmother, father and mother have all entered the palace today, and the matter of retiring the engagement has been dragging on for so long, and it seems that there will be a result soon, so don't worry about it because of this." If you get angry about something trivial, it will ruin your friendship for many years."

The eldest princess stroked Jinyan's hair affectionately.

She said: "Silly girl, the relationship between people is not static, and more often the relationship is linked to 'interests'. Previously, they relied on me, the powerful eldest princess, for everything, so they naturally valued it." Love, but not now."

After a pause, a cold murderous look flashed in her eyes.

He also said: I am still alive and they dare to insult your mother and you like this. After a hundred years from me and your grandfather, Cheng Engong's mansion, as the empress or the mother's family of the empress dowager, will definitely not pay attention to you... "

"Then let someone else be the prince." Jin Yan said casually.

The eldest princess was startled, and looked at Jin Yan in surprise and joy.

The servants and housekeepers who were waiting on the sidelines were already stunned.

What did the princess say?
Change a prince?
Was it really their little princess who spoke just now, and not Her Royal Highness the eldest princess more than 20 years ago?
"Yan Yan, what did you just say?" The eldest princess asked Jin Yan while signaling for everyone else to go down.

Jin Yan's face was delicate and pretty, and there was innocence and purity in her clear eyes.

She said softly and slowly: "Just change someone else to be the prince. It's not that the court will stop turning after leaving Xie Zhao, and it's not that your majesty only has Xie Zhao's son."

Under the delighted gaze of the Eldest Princess, Jin Yan continued: "Yan Yan feels that, let alone Xie Zhao, even if it is a pig, with the help of many people with lofty ideals, it may not be better than Xie Zhao. Zhaocha."

Even more rebellious, she and her brother also have royal blood.

Although she doesn't like to be a bully with all kinds of things.

But if you really can't find a suitable candidate for the crown prince, you can only work harder and let your own person get in!
 Prince: I don’t need to be worse than changing a pig!
  Jin Yan: You experience it yourself
  Prince: Orphan=pig?

(End of this chapter)

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