After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 21 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged

Chapter 21 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged (21)

When the eldest princess came back from the palace, Jin Yan was planting flowers in the courtyard.

She took off all the cumbersome dresses outside, and only wore a slim-fitting inner garment. After rolling up the skirt, she squatted on the ground and tended the soil herself.

Probably too focused, he didn't even notice the dirt on his face.

The eldest princess stopped the maid who was about to pay her respects with her eyes, and she came to Jin Yan's side lightly, raised her jade hand and touched Jin Yan's side face lightly, "Whose family's little cat has such a dirty face."

Jin Yan turned around in surprise, "Mother is back?"

"What are you doing? Just let the servants do it." said the eldest princess.

She took out a handkerchief and wiped Jin Yan's face distressedly, "The weather is turning cold, and you are wearing such thin clothes, what if you catch a cold?"

Jin Yan stretched out his arm in front of her.

The eldest princess was puzzled, "What's wrong?"

Jin Yan motioned her to look at her arm, "Squeeze it, I have been practicing sword with the guards for half a month, I feel that my body is much better than before, and I won't get sick any more."

In order to give her a healthy body in the last days, Dad can be said to have worked hard.

Now that she has a healthy body that she couldn't ask for in her previous life, she will naturally cherish it.

The eldest princess lightly pinched Jinyan's arm.

So soft, so easy to pinch.

But unable to hold back Jin Yan's expectant gaze, he coaxed, "It's a little different."

"That's right! I just said, as long as I insist on exercising like this every day, I will be healthy and healthy, and my father and mother will no longer have to worry about my body." Jin Yan said.

The eldest princess was relieved and funny, her eyes were a little sore.

She then asked Jin Yan what she was going to do, "It won't be long before winter, when the temperature will drop sharply, these flowers and plants will not be able to grow outside."

In case of freezing to death, my daughter will be sad again.

Jin Yan smiled and said: "Mother, don't worry, I have found a way to grow flowers and plants in winter. If the experiment is successful, we can also grow fruits and vegetables."

The eldest princess was very cooperative, "Is there another way?"

Jinyan nodded obediently, and said, "Yes, the terrain in the south of the Yangtze River is low and flat, with a lot of rain, and the climate is mild and humid. The yield and variety of food that can be grown are much higher than those in the north. My daughter wants to try it. By artificially adjusting the temperature and Can the humidity grow vegetables that are only available in spring and summer?"

"Sounds like it might work."

After the eldest princess finished speaking, she saw her daughter raising her head proudly, like a proud little peacock.

She said again: "Since you want to try, you should open up a piece of land in the mansion first. Mother will ask the housekeeper to choose a few people who are good at farming from the village to help you. You can only be responsible for the conditions. Never do it yourself again."

"Thank you, mother!" Jin Yan said excitedly.

She thought that she would get some doubts if she said something, but she didn't expect the eldest princess to agree without hesitation.

The eldest princess: "You ghost, you have a lot of crazy ideas since you were a child, you can try it if you want, if you succeed, it will be a merit that will benefit the country and the people forever, and the whole world will remember your merit."

Since childhood?

Jin Yan's heart moved slightly, but his expression remained calm.

She muttered: "My daughter didn't think so far, and she didn't want to be famous in history..."

"That's up to you." The eldest princess laughed.

Gu Yong's voice suddenly sounded from the direction of the arch, "Is there anything in this world that my daughter can't control?"

The eldest princess rolled her eyes, and joked with a smile: "With your father around, it will be hard for you not to leave your name in history."

Just because of the person in front of him, Prime Minister Gu, who was six yuan in the Jianping period and became a powerful minister at an extremely fast speed, the history books will not forget the traces of their family.

(End of this chapter)

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