Chapter 193 The Age Fu Baowen Control Group (1)

80s, Beicheng, spring.


"Doctor, does my daughter really not need to stay for two more days? She has been weak since she was a child, and this time she has a high fever for several days. I am really afraid."

The woman who spoke had disheveled hair, a haggard face, and was wearing an old but beautiful overcoat. She was chasing after the doctor to talk with a worried expression on her face.

"No, it's just a common fever. It'll be fine if the fever subsides after staying for two days." The middle-aged doctor said.

The woman was still worried, "But, she is still coughing recently, will she have pneumonia?"

The doctor looked at the woman helplessly, "No, I've checked everything, it's not pneumonia, but for a person with a poor constitution like her, the more times she gets sick, the worse her immunity will be, so you must take good care of her when you get home. , the nutrition must also keep up, don't let her catch a cold again."

Seeing that the woman was hesitant to speak, the doctor said: "Recently, there are a lot of people who have caught a cold in the cold spring. You must have seen how many people line up for registration every day in the hospital. Everyone's physical condition is different, and the severity of the illness is different. Same, your daughter has almost recovered from her cold, but she is still in poor health, so if she stays in the hospital, it will be troublesome if she is infected by other patients."

Hearing this, the woman had no choice but to agree.

The hospital is full of people with colds and drinking water, and coughing can be heard wherever they go. If they continue to be hospitalized, there is indeed a risk of aggravating the condition.

"Thank you doctor, then I will take my daughter home first."

After speaking, the woman went back to the ward.

The doctor took two steps, and a nurse came out and said curiously, "Doctor Liu, are you being entangled again?"

Dr. Liu shook his head, "It's reasonable for a mother to worry about her child and ask a few more questions."

The nurse was very moved after hearing this, "It's strange to say that there are many patriarchal patriarchs. It's quite novel to occasionally see a mother who loves girls as much as this mother."

This woman named Su Meixian is no stranger to them.

Who gave Su Meixian a husband who was a "spy".

Her husband is Chu Xiao, who is said to have a very high IQ. He went abroad to study in his teens. He is the high-end talent most needed by the country.

But more than ten years ago, probably not long after the little girl in the hospital was born, he was reported by his sister Chu Jiao and brother-in-law Ma Xu, saying that he had leaked state secrets to foreign friends, and then Chu Xiao was suspended for investigation.

Su Meixian's family used to run a grain store, and they were reported as capitalists by people who envied their family.

The two labels of "spy" and "capitalist" almost overwhelmed them.

If it weren't for some people who had been favored by the Su family's food shop who couldn't bear to stand up and clarify that the Su family was wronged, Su Meixian and the three children might not be alive today.

As for the youngest girl named Chu Jinyan, she was born prematurely and didn't keep up with her nutrition. Since she was born, she has spent more than half of her time in bumps, so her health is naturally relatively poor.

That's why Su Meixian brought her daughter to the hospital every so often.

The mainstay of their family, Chu Xiao, was not around, so the burden was on Su Meixian alone. In order to support the three children, she did all kinds of hard and dirty work.

Even though the family didn't have much money, she didn't hesitate to use it to treat her daughter.

Such a mother who has no patriarchal thoughts, is independent and self-reliant, and loves her daughters like her own life is simply outstanding among the many people in the hospital who "abandon girls if they are girls". It is impossible for people not to notice her.

On the other side, when Su Meixian returned to the ward, Jin Yan had already woken up.

Seeing Su Meixian's haggard and worried expression, Jin Yan called her mother, and she immediately walked to the hospital bed, "Baby is awake?"

Jin Yan nodded, and said softly, "I feel like I'm fine, let's go home."

It costs a lot of money to stay in the hospital for a day, and her mother and sister in the hospital have to take care of her, which delays work and is exhausting.

A beautiful woman with a cold and heroic face next to her frowned and said disapprovingly, "How can you go home if the fever hasn't subsided completely?"

This is the elder sister of the twins, named Chu Jinchen.

The younger sister's name is Chu Jinxing.

Jin Yan smiled at her, "Big sister, I'm really healed, I don't feel any discomfort at all."

Looking at Su Meixian again, "Mom, I'm really well. I want to drink your stewed chicken soup. We're going to be hospitalized. Let's go home and buy a chicken to make chicken soup!"

When Su Meixian and Chu Jinchen were speechless by Jinyan's logic, sudden bursts of laughter came from the bed next to them.

For a moment, the ward was filled with hearty and wild laughter from the bed next door.

Even the gentle and calm Chu Jinchen couldn't help getting up at this moment, pulled open the curtain in the middle, and said angrily, "What's so funny..."

"It's just funny, a child's brain circuit, exchanging hospitalization expenses for an old cock..."

Before finishing a sentence, the boy who was reading a magazine with his legs crossed looked up at the cold beauty who suddenly appeared in front of him, and was immediately dumbfounded.

The magazine in his hand fell to the ground suddenly, revealing the large sexy girl on the cover.

Chu Jinchen looked at the magazine, and his expression was even worse.

The boy noticed her gaze, his expression changed, he quickly picked up the magazine and hid it behind his back, his ears were a little red when he looked up again.

He said embarrassedly: "I didn't hear what you just said clearly."

With a sullen face, Chu Jinchen reminded her displeasedly, "Why are you laughing when my sister is talking? What's so funny?"

If Dad was here, if they could make more money and have more money, Yanyan wouldn't have to make up excuses for wanting to drink chicken soup in order to save some hospital bills.

Everyone in the family knows that Yan Yan's favorite food is braised pork ribs and braised pork, not chicken soup.

The boy looked at her puzzled.

When he noticed the whitish sweater and flimsy cotton coat on her body, she seemed to understand everything.

He hurriedly got off the bed, with embarrassment and apology on his face, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean any harm, I just laughed because I thought children's words were cute, and I hurt you, I'm so sorry!"

Seeing that his expression was sincere, and he didn't seem to be lying, Chu Jinchen's expression softened a little. She pointed to the side and said, "You have to apologize to my sister personally."

The young man glanced at her, and thought that this elder sister was too kind, and knew how to take care of her younger sister's young heart.

On the contrary, his cousins ​​are all like hags, not gentle at all.

He walked up to Chu Jinchen and introduced himself, "My name is Xu Jing. I came to visit relatives in Beicheng. I stayed here last night. Let's get acquainted."

"Well, I'm sorry." Chu Jinchen said.

Xu Jing: "..."

This beauty is so cold!
He glanced at Chu Jinchen cautiously, and said kindly, "I keep my word."

Coming to Jinyan's bed, looking at Jinyan who was thin and pale but couldn't hide her beauty, and Xu Meixian who was wearing an old coat and frowning, Xu Jing secretly sighed again, the whole family is a beauty.

Perhaps, the sudden illness of him, who rarely got sick since childhood, is because God favored him and wanted him to meet beautiful women!

 A new story is coming, overhead!Overhead!Overhead!
(End of this chapter)

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