Chapter 194 The Age Fu Baowen Control Group (2)

Xu Jing glanced at Jin Yan and Su Meixian indiscriminately, and apologized earnestly.

"I'm sorry, little sister. Just now I just laughed because I thought your words were funny. There was no malice. Don't be sad about it, okay?"

Xu Jing deliberately lowered his voice when speaking, making his tone sound a lot gentler.

Jin Yan nodded, "Well, I see, I'm not angry."

Xu Jing smiled, "It's really cute."

Chu Jinchen glared at him, "After apologizing, you can go back."

Xu Jing: "..."

Still so cold!

He coughed and said cheekily: "As compensation for offending you just now, how about I give you a gift?"

Chu Jinchen: "Thank you, we don't need it."

Jin Yan: "Thank you brother, I don't need compensation."

Xu Jing paused and said, "How can this work? If you don't accept gifts, my brother will be so guilty that he won't be able to sleep, and I'm also sick. If I don't sleep well, I won't recover well. You are so kind." , you won’t watch me being tortured by illness with cold eyes, will you?”

Jin Yan: "..."

No, I'm not kind.

And she is actually 15 years old, but her nutrition has not kept up, she looks younger, but don't treat her like a five-year-old child.

Probably because he was afraid of being rejected, Xu Jing ran back without saying a word, took a notebook and a pen and put them on Jinyan's bed.

Chu Jinchen wanted to return it to him, but he blocked him.

He said: "This is what my friend compensated me after I won a bet. I will borrow flowers to present Buddha and give it to you."

Chu Jinchen glanced at the pen, frowned and refused, "No, it's too expensive, we can't accept it."

Xu Jing: "It's not expensive, I didn't spend any money."

Chu Jinchen: "..."

Xu Jing: "Being able to live in the same ward is our fate. In view of this fate, I must also give my little sister a gift."

Chu Jinchen: "You're making unreasonable words."

Xu Jing chuckled: "Who made me and my little sister fall in love? I will live in Beicheng for a while and will not leave until the end of the holiday. Maybe we will have a chance to meet again in the future."

After a pause, he said again: "I forgot to mention that I live in Lihua Lane now."

After talking about what he remembered, he said "Oops, I forgot something important" and quickly left the ward.

When Chu Jinchen chased after him with something, he ran back again and reminded again and again: "If you say it's a gift, it's a gift, and it doesn't contain any interest involved. It's just because my little sister is pleasing to the eye. Don't put it back for me, or I will give it away." I asked for your address on the street, and I will send it to your home when I am discharged from the hospital."

After speaking, he ran away without a trace.

Chu Jinchen stood at the door for a moment, then returned with his things.

"Mom, what do we do now?"

When Chu Jinchen asked Su Meixian, Jinyan picked up the pen with a feeling.

Inexplicably, she felt a familiar aura on this pen.

Then she picked up the notebook again, and there was nothing written on it, only the word "gift" was written on the front page.

As for who to give it to, there is no text.

Noticing Jinyan's movements, Chu Jinchen asked softly, "Do you like it?"

Jin Yan shook his head.

She doesn't like these things, she just misses that person's breath.

But Chu Jinchen only thought of his sister as duplicity.

Since childhood, my younger sister has always been so sensible and obedient. Except for illness, she never caused any trouble to the family, nor did she take the initiative to ask for anything.

Now holding the things given by strangers and looking at them repeatedly, in her opinion, this is liking.

Is put it down.

Chu Jinchen glanced at Su Meixian, and the eyes of the mother and daughter expressed the same meaning.

Since Yan Yan likes it, then accept it.

But they won't take it for nothing.

Chu Jinchen immediately took out the pen and paper from the bag, wrote down her name and the address where she was working now on the paper, and wrote that she would ask about the market price of the pen and notebook, and after remitting the money to Xu Jing, He folded the paper and put it under Xu Jing's pillow.

After finishing all this, she said: "Then mom, you should pack your things first, and wait in the ward with Yan Yan for a while, and we will go home after I finish the discharge procedures."

It took about half an hour to disappear, and the family left the ward after Chu Jinchen came back.

When they were about to leave the hospital, they were stopped by a familiar voice, "Congratulations, my little sister has been discharged from the hospital!"

It was Xu Jing at first glance.

When Chu Jinchen went to explain the note to Xu Jing, Jin Yan also looked at the tall and handsome boy in a suit beside Xu Jing in surprise.

The moment she looked over, the other party just happened to look at her.

The four eyes meet, Jin Yan's eyes are slightly moist, with unspeakable longing.

And the young man walked directly towards Jin Yan.

"You don't need to give me money, I said it was a gift, it's purely because we hit it off, what, you want my address? That's great!"

When Xu Jing was excited to write down his home address and phone number, from the corner of his eye he saw Fa Xiao Wen Zhan walking towards Jin Yan, and he was startled.

Still holding the pen in his hand, he quickly followed Wen Zhan and reminded him in a low voice, "Master, this is the younger sister I just met, don't scare her."

After saying that, Wen Zhan looked at Jin Yan intently and said, "I seem to have seen you somewhere."

Xu Jing: "..."

This stinking shameless person usually coexists with autism, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and cleanliness disorder. He has a posture of keeping away from ghosts and ghosts. Now when he sees a beautiful woman, all symptoms disappear?
I didn't expect Wen Zhan, who usually looks meticulous and serious, would be familiar with him when striking up a conversation, and he would be shameless!

And "I seem to have seen you somewhere", do you think this is a dream of Red Mansions?

As soon as Xu Jing finished slandering, he became numb.

Because of Wen Zhan's "Sister Lin", she responded.

Jin Yan looked at Wen Zhan and smiled sweetly, "What a coincidence, I also think I've seen you somewhere, little brother."

Xu Jing: "..."

Chu Jinchen: "..."

What kind of god development is this?

Su Meixian was at a loss.

When did the daughter know these people?Why doesn't she know?

Not to mention Xu Jing.

Where did he strike up a conversation for a long time but failed to get a smile from the cold beauty, Wen Zhan's paralyzed face actually completed the copy of "I've seen this sister before".

Is it because Wen Zhan is more handsome than him?

Wen Zhan's heart pounded non-stop when Jin Yan called him "little brother" softly.

But he is cold and white-skinned, and he can hide his emotions, and there is not much joy on his face.

Still staring into Jinyan's eyes, he said, "Wen Zhan, my name is Wen Zhan, I'm from Beijing, and I live in Lihua Lane now."

Jin Yan: "Coincidentally, my family lives in Xinghua Lane, which is next to a wall with Lihua Lane."

Wen Zhan's expression suddenly darkened for a moment.

Jin Yan clearly noticed that he was a little depressed, not very happy.

And Xu Jing almost rolled his eyes here.

Wen Zhan was not happy when he heard the words "Xinghua Lane".

What's the matter?
We just met, don't you still want to tear down the wall between Lihua Lane and Xinghua Lane?
Don't go crazy!
Scare the sweet little sister of the Chu family again.

 A new story is coming, ask for votes ^-^[Thank you little cutie]
(End of this chapter)

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