Chapter 198 The Age Fu Baowen Control Group (6)

"Mom, is there any other good news?"

As soon as Jinyan opened his mouth, Chu Jinchen immediately looked at Su Meixian, trying to wink at Su Meixian and ask her to make up something casually.

As long as it makes my sister happy.

Su Meixian did not speak.

Seeing this, Chu Jinchen said anxiously: "Yes, your second sister will go home tomorrow night."

Jin Yan: "..."

It's not a surprise that the second sister will go home when she's not at work, right?
At this moment, Su Meixian pointed to the gate and said with a smile: "Baby, who do you think is that?"

Another "good boy" sounded at the door, and an old man on crutches was standing at the door with a package in his hand, looking lovingly at Jin Yan who was lying on the window.

Jin Yan called out to Grandpa in surprise, but felt a little puzzled.

In the plot, grandpa came to the house on her birthday on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, and he hadn't been here for several months before that.

But today my grandfather showed up.

Chu Jinchen had already run to the gate, took the package from Grandpa Su, and supported him, "Why are you here, old man? You came all the way, didn't you?"

Grandpa Su said with a smile, "I took a ride when I came here, and I didn't walk much."

"That's still walking, how far is the road, you are old, you really need a..."

Chu Jinchen didn't go on, because grandma's death hurt all of them.

Instead, grandpa comforted her, "Let the past go, and those who stay should live a good life and stop thinking about those things in the past."

In the house, after Grandpa Su sat down, Chu Jinchen said, "I just ordered a bowl of wontons for Yanyan, and there are many more. I will order two more bowls for you and mother, to warm your body."

Su Meixian said unconvinced: "Father, the wontons I make are the best, aren't they? Guaibao actually said that the ones made by Chenchen are better than mine."

After hearing this, Grandpa Su said angrily: "The boss is not young, so he is still jealous with the child?"

"Who told you to be here today? You're always here. I'm just a child. Why can't I be jealous?" Su Meixian said intentionally.

Grandpa Su gave his daughter a loving look, but Sang Cang's clear old eyes were full of love for his daughter.

For so many years, the whereabouts of the son-in-law are unknown, and how difficult the life of the daughter is, others don't know, how can he, the father, not know?
If the old woman is still alive, if he is stronger, he can always help his daughter.

But now, he is already an old bone with half of his body buried in the ground.

He can only work hard to live.

To live one more day is to give her daughter some shelter from the wind and rain when she needs it, and let her be a child who doesn't have to think about anything when she is uncomfortable.

After Chu Jinchen cooked the wontons and entered the house, he asked his grandfather, "You are the most fair, so come and taste it. Is it the wontons I cooked that are delicious, or my mother?"

Jin Yan pursed her lips and smiled, "Sister, don't ask, it must be Mom."

Chu Jinchen deliberately asked, "Why?"

Jin Yan: "Because grandpa is mother's father, father loves his daughter, so everything is for his own daughter's good."

Grandpa and Su Meixian both laughed.

Seeing their happy faces, Chu Jinchen said again: "Then if Dad is here, I must have won, right?"

Jin Yan shook his head.

The other three looked at Jinyan, and Chu Jinchen said, "Why? Didn't you say that father loves his daughter, so why not me?"

Jin Yan: "Because Dad is Mom's husband. During the years when he was not at home, it was Mom who supported our family. Dad loves Mom very much, and he must be reluctant to let her suffer so much. Will lean towards mother."

When Chu Jinchen felt that his sister's mouth was so sweet, he saw Su Meixian secretly wipe away tears from the corner of his eyes, and felt sour for a moment.

Mom has paid too much for this family.

When Dad comes back, he must let him pamper Mom well.

But when will dad come back?

After discovering that Su Meixian was wiping tears again, Chu Jinchen pretended to have a taste and said, "Then what should I do? Grandpa and Dad both favor Mom, so who will help me?"

Jin Yan burst out laughing.

Chu Jinchen suddenly felt bad.

I heard Jin Yan say: "Of course it's your future husband, my future brother-in-law, he will definitely protect you and favor you unconditionally!"

Grandpa laughed loudly, "Baby is right, Chenchen, when will you show us your partner?"

Chu Jinchen: "..."

She knows it!

This girl is not at ease.

While the family was chatting and laughing, grandpa finished a bowl of wontons.

Then he opened the package and took out the bacon and sauce he brought.

Su Meixian frowned and said, "Father, why did you bring something with you? We have everything at home, and the meat is also fresh. You can keep it and eat it yourself."

Grandpa glanced at Jinyan and said, "If I hadn't come, you wouldn't have told me about Guaibao's illness at all. I brought this to Guaibao to replenish her body."

"But, at home..."

"Don't worry, I didn't take it from home. Others honored me. Your sister-in-law knows it too, so she won't say anything." Grandpa said.

Su Meixian sighed, "After all, you follow the elder brother and the others. Even if someone else gave it to you, it still belongs to the family in the eyes of the elder sister-in-law. It is not good to give it to us. She will give you a face when you go back."

Grandpa snorted, "Since Qin Meifen married into our family, she took a lot of things from the family to subsidize her natal brothers. As long as it is not too much, your mother and I will turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye. If I want to give my granddaughter something to eat, do I have to get her approval to see how she looks?"

Su Meixian looked at the old man helplessly.

That's right.

But he is old after all, and his sister-in-law has to cook a bowl of rice. If something goes wrong, the meal will not be good. The elder brother is busy with work and doesn't go home often. No one knows that the old man has been wronged.

"Forget it this time. You came all the way here with these things on your back. I can't let you carry them back. It's too heavy. I'll pack some malted milk later, and you can bring them back for Yanyan to eat." Su Meixian said.

Grandpa agreed, but didn't intend to take it at all.

The little granddaughter is not in good health and has to take medicine every now and then, and how much money his daughter and two granddaughters earn are not enough to fill it in. How can he let his daughter spend money.

Furthermore, seeing that the once flamboyant and arrogant daughter has been smoothed by the hardships of life, and hearing about Qin Meifen, she no longer angrily said that she would go home to settle accounts, and my grandfather felt like a needle prick in his heart. .

His precious daughter will never return to the time when she was innocent and carefree.

"Grandpa, did you tell... her... before you came out?" Jin Yan asked.

She naturally refers to "Qin Meifen".

In name, Qin Meifen is indeed the eldest aunt of the three sisters of the Chu family, but what happened in the past made it impossible for them to regard her as an aunt anymore.

And it's what she deserves.

 Good sister, good mother, good grandfather, good Jinyan~
(End of this chapter)

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