Chapter 199 The Age Fu Baowen Control Group (7)

Grandpa didn't know what Jin Yan was going to do, he only said that Qin Meifen knew.

In fact, where do you know.

Qin Meifen was afraid that he would take more things from home, so she sent her granddaughter Yanyan to stare at him in his room when he didn't go out.

The eldest grandson grew up with him, he was honest and kind, and he didn't have so many thoughts. The daughter-in-law felt that he had taught her son badly, so that he would not favor her mother, so she took the little granddaughter with her after she was born.

As a result, the little granddaughter became exactly like her mother under the influence of her ears and eyes.

Narrow-minded, loves to take advantage, full of bad thoughts, always speculates about everyone around him with the greatest maliciousness.

Especially him and his daughter's family.

After Qin Meifen spoke, the little granddaughter obediently watched his every move, she would rather watch him if she was late for school, in case he took away any things from home.

Until he went out, Qin Meifen was still pointing at Sang and cursing Huai.

It was useless to explain the rumors about the little granddaughter too many times, and he didn't bother to waste any more words.

As long as Guaibao grows up and has a promising future, and her daughter's family can live a good life, the rumors will naturally be self-defeating.

It's a pity that grandpa didn't know that in the original world, none of his wishes came true.

His daughter's family, which he had been worried about until his death, was ruined by someone, and it was extremely miserable.

After the grandfather finished speaking, Jin Yan hugged his arm and said, "Since she knows, then don't go back, stay here for a few days, and the second sister will go home tomorrow, and our family will make dumplings for dinner."

Hearing the intimate words, the grandfather softened his heart, but shook his head and said: "This place is small, staying here will hinder you and delay your mother's work. I will go back later, maybe I can catch a ride."

Jin Yan acted like a baby, "No, mom has been taking care of me in the hospital these days too hard, so I won't be out tomorrow, we will be with you, mom went back to visit you during the Chinese New Year, my sister and I haven't seen you for a long time , I miss you!"

Grandpa's expression was obviously shaken.

But if she doesn't go back, Qin Meifen will get angry again, and more importantly, she doesn't know how many rumors will arise.

He is clearly alive and honored by his daughter and granddaughter, but people who don't know may say that he was killed by his little granddaughter just like the old woman.

His baby is so small and thin, how can he bear the weight of two lives?

Thinking of this, Grandpa's expression became firm again, and he resolutely disagreed to stay.

If he hadn't heard that his granddaughter was hospitalized again this time, he might not be able to come to his daughter's house because he was afraid that something would happen to the child, and if his daughter couldn't afford so much life-saving money.

Or, like before, come and take a sneak peek, so as not to let the daughters find out.

Jin Yan originally tried to persuade him, but when he saw the tears in his grandfather's eyes when he lowered his head, he also felt uncomfortable.

She said: "Well, you go back today, go back earlier, it's not so cold, I will pick you up when I make money, and you will be where we are in the future, and we will take care of you."

Hearing this, Grandpa couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

His good daughter and granddaughter are all so kind and filial, and they are the best people in the world, but fate has been playing tricks on them.

Chu Xiao didn't know where he was either.

If he knew what happened to his wife and his three daughters these years, how much he would be heartbroken!

Grandpa resolutely refused to stay in the accommodation, so that he could go home early, Su Meixian went to buy some meat and set up a table of delicious dishes.

It's past two o'clock after dinner.

Su Meixian filled a can of malted milk, put on a new pair of socks, and said, "Dad, it takes two or three hours to walk home. I'll hire a car for you and take you to your door."

Grandpa shook his head quickly when he heard this, "No, don't waste the money. When I was young, I traveled all over the world and traveled all the way. This is nothing. I will go back soon."

Su Meixian refused to agree anyway.

The road is far away and secluded, and the old man is really uneasy.

Seeing this, grandpa pulled her over and whispered: "You spent money, but I don't know if that person is reliable. If he left me, an old man, on the way and said that he had delivered it, you couldn't prove it. I can’t do anything about him, maybe I’ll make up something that’s not good, but it’s not good, I’m leaving now, and I’ll be home before dark.”

"However, how can I rest assured that you will go back alone?" Su Meixian said.

The old man smiled and said, "I'm a bad old man. I have to rely on my son and daughter-in-law for food. I don't have any valuables on me. Who can rob me?"

He patted Su Meixian on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry about me. You take good care of my baby at home. You have just been discharged from the hospital, so don't be careless. Children are weak and can't afford to go to the hospital every day."

Su Meixian: "Then I will see you off."

The words of refusal were on his lips, but he didn't say it.

Before leaving, grandpa took out another sachet from his body and stuffed it into Jin Yan. When Jin Yan opened it, it was a piece of mutton fat white jade.

Su Meixian immediately said: "Father, how can this be done, take it back quickly."

Grandpa glared at her, "What's wrong, my jade pendant, I'd like to give it to my granddaughter."

He looked at Jin Yan and coaxed him, "Grandfather specially went to the temple to ask the master to consecrate this piece of jade. It can bless our baby safe and healthy. You must carry it every day, and you are not allowed to take it off."

"This won't work, it's too expensive, and you've already given me the mother's heirloom jade." Su Meiyu said.

Grandpa ignored her, and only said to Jin Yan: "Don't listen to your mother, this is given to you by grandpa, if you don't accept it, you are not filial."

Then he said to Chu Jinchen: "Grandpa is also keeping the gift from you and Xing Xing. Grandpa will give it to you on the day you get married."

Chu Jinchen said: "Grandpa, as long as you live well and live a long life, it doesn't matter if I have gifts or not."

Grandpa looked at the sensible granddaughter lovingly, and said with relief: "For your mothers, I have to live longer, and longer."

Meetings are always short-lived.

Before leaving, Jin Yan sent her grandfather to the alley, but the adults didn't allow her to send him any further.

"Grandpa, take good care of yourself at home, exercise well, and wait for me to pick you up to enjoy your old age!" Jin Yan said.

The old man wiped away his tears and left.

As soon as they walked away, Jin Yan said: "Sister, you can accompany mother to see off grandpa, I'll be at home by myself."

"Okay, then you close the door and open it when we come back. I will accompany my mother to see off grandpa." Chu Jinchen said.

Jin Yan obediently agreed.

As soon as she arrived at the door, she heard someone calling her name.

Jin Yan turned around, and saw Wen Zhan who was wearing a suit that didn't fit in the entire quaint alley.

She asked unexpectedly, "Why are you here?"

Wen Zhan approached slowly and apologized, "I'm sorry, I asked someone for your address without consent."

Jin Yan: "Then why did you do this?"

Wen Zhan stood still in front of her, and said softly, "I've come to see you."

 I was a little teary when I wrote these two chapters TT
  6 more~ ask for votes and support ^-^
(End of this chapter)

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