Chapter 200 The Age Fu Baowen Control Group (8)

From the moment he saw Wen Zhan, Jin Yan knew that he would definitely find her.

But she didn't expect Wen Zhan to come so early.

"This large area is actually called Xinghua Lane. It's not easy to find it. How did you find it here?" Jin Yan asked.

Wen Zhan's lips moved, and seeing Jin Yan's cold look, he hurriedly said, "Is it convenient to go in and talk? It's cold outside."

Jin Yan said solemnly: "That depends on whether you are a bad person, bad people can't enter, are you?"

The corner of Wen Zhan's mouth curled up, and he said, "I'm Wen Zhan."

Jin Yan joked: "What's wrong with Wen Zhan? Does the meaning of Wen Zhan mean 'I'm not a bad person'?"

"You can say that." Wen Zhan said.

Anyway, I won't do anything to hurt Jinyan.

Jin Yan stepped aside, "In this case, please come in."

Wen Zhan took a step, thought of something and said, "Are your mother and sister at home?"

Jin Yan: "Does it matter?"

Now it was Wen Zhan's turn to say old-fashionedly: "If the adults are away and you are at home, you still have to be vigilant and don't let strangers into the house."

"But you are a stranger." Jin Yan said.

Everyone treats her like a child, but she is not young anymore.

Wen Zhan: "We met in the hospital."

"If you've met him once, you're no longer a stranger?" Jin Yan asked back.

Wen Zhan: "..."

He can't say yes, and he can't say no.

After a pause, Wen Zhan said, "I'm different from other people. Although we've just met, I feel in my heart that I've known you for a long time."

He looked at Jin Yan expectantly.

Jin Yan pretended to be indifferent.

After a long while, he said helplessly: "Come in, there is nothing else in the house, and the white water pipe is enough."

Wen Zhan was stunned for a moment, then pursed his lips and smiled, "Okay, thank you for the hospitality."

He could tell that the Chu family was not well off, and it was rare that Jin Yan was so calm, bright and generous.

When he got home, Jin Yan really poured Wen Zhan a cup of boiled water, "The cup is clean, with tea leaves and sugar, if you want to drink, make it yourself."

Wen Zhan looked at Jin Yan, and Jin Yan said, "If you don't know how to make tea, then I can help you too, whoever made you a guest."

"Thank you, plain water is fine." Wen Zhan said.

After a while of silence, Jin Yan asked him, "Your friend gave me a notebook and a pen, saying that they were given to him by a friend, and he borrowed flowers to present Buddha, is it yours?"

Wen Zhan was a little surprised, "He gave it to you?"

Jin Yan nodded.

The corner of Wen Zhan's lips showed a faint smile again, "Then you accept it and don't worry about him."

When Xu Jing tricked and took those two things away, no one thought that Jin Yan would belong to them.

This is probably fate.

Jin Yan: "You don't get paid for nothing, I will pay him back with money."

"If you have to pay it back, it should be paid back to me, not him." Wen Zhan said.

Jin Yan: "Why?"

Wen Zhan said bluntly: "Xu Jing stole it from me in the first place. It's not his stuff, so it should be returned to me."

As he spoke, he asked Jinyan if he had any paper and pen.

Jin Yan asked him what he was doing, and Wen Zhan said, "I'll write down my address and phone number. If you want to make money, call me before sending me money, and I'll know."

Jin Yan: "..."

The corner of her mouth twitched, although this Wen Zhan looked a little weird, but he still had the same mind and black belly.

The white wolf with empty gloves played smoothly.

She found a pen and paper, and Wen Zhan quickly wrote down a list of contact information, not forgetting to solemnly tell Jin Yan, "I will probably stay here for three or four days, maybe a week. If I leave If you want to... just write to me or call me."

After staying for a while, Jin Yan asked him, "Did you go to the hospital to see patients? Then what will he do when you come here?"

Soon she saw the obvious disgust on Wen Zhan's face.

He said: "Xu Jing is taken care of by his aunt's family. I just happened to be in Beicheng and went to see him when I heard he was sick."

Xu Jing: "Ah Choo!"

This friend has nothing to do.

"You are from the capital like him, aren't you?" Jin Yan asked.

Jin Yan hesitated, and said: "My father's name is Chu Xiao. It has been more than ten years since he was taken away as a spy. We all know that he is not. In recent years, many scholars have returned to their posts, but I Dad hasn't gone anywhere so far, I want to ask..."

"I'll help you find out." Wen Zhan said.

Jin Yan: "If there is any difficulty, forget it."

Wen Zhan shook his head, he looked at Jin Yan firmly, "No, you can ask anything you want, I can tell you everything I know."

"As for the uncle, my grandfather and grandparents all have contacts in the capital. I can ask them to inquire and help you find the whereabouts of uncle. I will tell you as soon as I have news."

Jin Yan looked at him moved, "Thank you."

Although both she and her sister can help their mother support the family, in the eyes of her mother, they are all children.

When the elders are around, children should not bear heavy burdens.

Only when father comes back can mother be redeemed.

Jin Yan said some more information about Chu Xiao, and Wen Zhan wrote it down.

Before leaving, he said: "Don't worry too much. The country was in a stage of lack of talents ten years ago. My uncle is a genius in foreign languages ​​and physics and mathematics. There should be nothing wrong. I will call home when I get back and ask them to help find it. .”

After Wen Zhan left, Jin Yan returned home and immediately asked 288, "Can you find out where Dad is?"

288: "Sorry host, the system does not have permission."

Jin Yan was not disappointed when he didn't get an answer.

Lying on the bed, she murmured: "It's okay, you don't need to apologize, I know Dad will show up soon."

288: "Hmm."

Jin Yan couldn't help laughing, "You're still so cute."

I said before that I don’t have permission to reveal my father’s whereabouts, but now I’m "hmm", doesn’t it mean that everything is different from the plot now, and will my father come back early?

Thinking of this, Jin Yan's mood improved a lot.

Before her mother and sister came back, she got up and went to the kitchen after lying down for a while.

She is in poor health and is not easy to recover from her injuries. Her family does not allow her to use a knife, but she also helps her mother choose and wash vegetables before leaving the stall.

After a while, Jin Yan prepared all the dishes needed for dinner, and steamed rice.

It was completely dark when Su Meixian and Chu Jinchen came back.

"Sister, did you send grandpa home?" Jin Yan asked.

Chu Jinchen nodded, "It's only five miles away from Grandpa's house, Grandpa really won't let me drop it off, so my mother and I came back."

Jin Yan: "You guys have worked hard, I boiled hot water, you and mom soak your feet quickly, and you can eat soon."

"Don't move, I'll do it after washing." Chu Jinchen said.

Jin Yan: "It's all ready. The rice has been cooked for about half an hour. I think there are some pork ribs, so I use the pork ribs to stew potatoes. It will be ready soon."

In the kitchen, seeing that everything was ready, Su Meixian blinked desperately a few times.

Our little ones have grown up.

Brother Xiao, where are you?

 call villain dad

  Continue to the 6th update, it’s the end of the month, ask for a ticket, let’s give Jinyan all the recommended tickets for the monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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