Chapter 203 The Age Fu Baowen Control Group (11)

Chu Jinxing didn't notice that Jinyan was also watching at the alley, and kicked him hard after warning.

Then he commanded the people behind him, "Where is the water, pour it down for him."

After the words fell, the young men behind them all moved instantly.

Jin Yan saw them go around to the door of the family next door, and after a while, each of them came out with two buckets of water.

The cold spring has not yet ended, and the well water is so cold that the people on the ground are shivering with cold when the bucket is poured down.

But Chu Jinxing didn't soften his heart at all, and so did the young men.

After seven or eight buckets of water were poured down, she kicked the other side like a dead pig, "Go away, don't dirty the ground here, and don't let me see you again in the future!"

After she finished speaking, she heard applause behind her.

Chu Jinxing thought it was a neighbor who was watching the fun, so he turned his head impatiently, and was about to reprimand him, when he saw Jin Yan standing at the entrance of the alley, he was stunned.

She was stunned, and the young men behind her were also stunned.

One whispered, "When did sister Jinyan come?"

Others: "I don't know."

Then they saw that Sister Xing, who was usually hot-tempered and strong-willed, suddenly became gentle and virtuous.

She tidied up her clothes first, then asked everyone if there was anything inappropriate, then put on an overly beautiful smile and walked towards Jinyan slowly.

Although I have known for a long time how gentle "Sister Xing" is in front of my younger sister, but every time I see it, people can't help but be amazed.

The violent temper that even the factory manager dares to hate, turns out that there are times when he is really gentle.

It's a pity they don't have that blessing.

Although it was a pity in my heart that my overture was rejected, the few people did not stop their movements, and soon carried the soaked and frozen man to another alley.

The youngest of them also followed Chu Jinxing's example and stomped on each other's head, and said calmly, "Only cowards bully women and children. Next time if you have the ability, find some brothers, and we will play with you."

Another person also said: "The little sister of the Chu family is covered by us, if you bully her again, don't blame us for being cruel."

As he spoke, he broke the stick that Chu Jinxing had held earlier with his bare hands.

In the end, one person said: "Don't be too extreme in what you do and what you do. When you fabricate all kinds of unsavory gossips behind the little girls and family members, don't you ever think that you have sisters and mothers?"

Looking at the lifeless faces of the people on the ground, he spat and said, "Of course, if your mother and the whole family are dead, then I didn't say anything. Otherwise, the evil things you did will be revenged sooner or later." To your own family!"

After finishing speaking, he greeted the others, "Okay, Sister Xing went home to coax her sister, we should leave too."

A few of them got into the car, and within a few seconds, they thought of something and turned back.

As a result, people who passed by at the alley saw a picture of a few young people with a puppet in their hands.

They came to Chu's house familiarly, and before they entered the door, they heard Sister Xing's usual quotations to coax her younger sister.

"Today is an exception. My sister never hits people. Forget everything you see."

"That person is looking for death by himself and insists on molesting me."

Several people outside the door: "..."

What an excuse.

But also understandable.

This little sister of the Chu family has a very ill-fated life, and she has been associated with something like a vicious broom star since she was born.

Over the years, there have been several coincidences that have caused many people to follow suit and regard her as a catastrophe.

So she didn't say anything about being bullied. She wanted to make her family worry, and she didn't want them to stand up for her, so as not to cause trouble.

Sister Xing used this clumsy excuse to coax her, and she didn't want her to worry about self-blame.

"Sister Xing, the things got off the car and we brought them."

After one person spoke, the voice in the courtyard was interrupted.

When Chu Jinxing and Jinyan came to the door, Jinyan greeted them with a smile, "Hello, brothers, you've worked hard just now, let's go in and have a cup of tea."

Several people blushed for a while.

It's still the sister of the Chu family who is sweet and sweet, even being called "brother" is so nice and sweet.

Of course, it would be even better if "brother" could be changed to "brother-in-law"!
It's a pity that when they saw the past, Chu Jinxing said impatiently: "Okay, okay, today's business is over, put down your things, you go back to the factory first, and I will treat you to dinner another day."

Several people:"……"

The resentful look in his eyes couldn't be hidden.

But what's the use?
Several people had no choice but to file in, put the big dolls in the room, handed the small ones to Jin Yan, and praised Jin Yan a few words before leaving.

Jin Yan stood at the door and saw off a few people, "Goodbye, brothers, thank you."

Several people:"……"

If Sister Xing has such a sweet mouth and a younger sister who is so obedient, then...they will not be blessed!

After the few people left, Jin Yan closed the door and joked, "Second Sister, you are too confused."

Chu Jinxing was taken aback for a moment, and after realizing what Jinyan was talking about, he grabbed her ear amusedly, "What is incomprehensible style?"

"Those handsome guys all like you." Jin Yan said.

The beauty of their family is one of the best in the whole country.

The second sister is tall, with a heroic look between her brows, she sings beautifully, and has a straightforward and cute temper. I don't know how many people like her.

The few who came here just now are the best and most handsome young men in the factory.

Chu Jinxing smiled, "Don't talk nonsense, do they like me? They like my face."

"That's your face too." Jin Yan said.

Just as Chu Jinxing was about to refute, Jinyan said again: "Besides, those people all said that Mom was attracted to Dad's face at first, and Dad was the same, but they still love each other deeply."


After a moment of silence, Chu Jinxing tapped Jinyan on the head, "Okay, my sister will take care of my sister's affairs, you can just eat, drink and have fun."

Soon she said again: "You are responsible for eating, drinking and having fun, don't worry about other things, you are almost an old man."

Jin Yan: "I don't worry about it."

"That's right, kid, don't think about it. I asked someone to buy these dolls. They are the most popular styles now. From now on, I will put them on your bed and let them accompany us when we are away from work." You." Chu Jinxing said.

Jin Yan had a sore nose, "I'm not a child anymore, you didn't have these when you were my age, I don't need these."

Chu Jinxing stroked her hair, "It's not that the conditions were not allowed before. Now my eldest sister and I have made money, and our family's conditions are better. If others have it, my sister must have it too."

Jin Yan sniffed, "Then I'll put one in every room, as if it's Dad accompanying us."

Chu Jinxing wanted to speak, but the sudden sadness in her heart made her unable to open her mouth.

It would be nice if it was really Dad who came back.

Jin Yan saw it, and didn't say anything, but silently put the dolls back into the room.

 The handsomeness of the second sister cannot be explained~
  Continue to 6 updates, ask for tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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