Chapter 204 The Age Fu Baowen Control Group (12)

In the evening, after the rice was cooked, Chu Jinxing stopped Jinyan from trying to stir-fry several times.

She can't cook.

But she is more picky, especially for food.

Every time Jinyan moved the kitchen utensils, Chu Jinxing looked as if he was facing a formidable enemy, "Yanyan, let's not touch these spatulas, we will do it when mom and eldest sister get home."

"But I can do it." Jin Yan said.

Chu Jinxing had rejection written all over his face, "No, you won't do it."

Jin Yan: "..."

All in all, the second sister just didn't trust Jin Yan, and would never let her cook.

Then wait.

At seven o'clock, Chu Jinchen finally came back.

"How's it going, did my sister get a reply?" Jin Yan asked.

Chu Jinchen shook his head.

Obviously, she translated the article strictly according to the request of the other party. It has been almost three weeks since the translation was sent, but the person who promised to reply after reading the article has not heard from it.

Jin Yan counted the time, and couldn't help but turn cold, "Then don't wait, even if you wait, you won't be able to wait."

Chu Jinxing: "Why?"

Jinyan looked at Chu Jinchen, "Did Big Sister read your translated articles to anyone before?"

Chu Jinchen thought for a while, "Two editor-in-chiefs from the publishing house have read it, and there is a colleague who said that he has also translated things for others before, and he can help me correct the mistakes..."

"You showed him the whole article?" Jin Yan asked.

Chu Jinchen shook his head, "No, every time I take a paragraph...No, once I had something to do temporarily, and I was worried that the manuscript would not be available after it was locked in the publishing house, so I asked him to deliver the manuscript for me."

Jin Yan analyzed: "I remember you said that those two editors-in-chief are old, and when they are about to retire, they should only seek stability, so as not to cause trouble for themselves for a small profit, but if the juniors in their families are also engaged in Same job, that's a different story."

"So you suspect it's that colleague?" Chu Jinxing understood what Jin Yan meant.

Jin Yan: "Well, his biggest suspicion is that he doesn't know what pseudonym he used in private. If he sent the translation before the big sister, then in the eyes of some people, the big sister is already an outsider. Not a brazen plagiarist."

And once she is accused of plagiarism and her peers testify, her translation work will be greatly affected.

Chu Jinxing's face darkened instantly, "Who is it? Could it be the one who confessed to you but was rejected by you and still stalked?"

Jin Yan opened his eyes wide, "Which one?"

"Kids, don't worry."

Chu Jinxing patted Jinyan on the head, and said to Chu Jinchen: "Today is already late, tomorrow I will find some people, we will accompany you to find that person, and see what he has to say."

"No, we don't have any evidence to catch a thief and a dirty person. If we rush to the door, they will take advantage of it." Jin Yan said.

Chu Jinxing looked at Jin Yan proudly, "Our baby looks so good, I never thought we would have a full stomach."

Jin Yan had black hair, "Second sister, the word 'fancy intestines' is not used like this!"

Chu Jinxing waved his hand indifferently, "Whatever, that's what it means anyway."

Jin Yan: "..."

She continued: "Eldest sister, don't startle the snake, just pretend you didn't receive a reply and you're in a hurry, and see how he reacts, if it's really him, then he will definitely show his feet."

After being reminded by Jin Yan, Chu Jinchen had already cleared his mind.

Although she doesn't like to cause trouble, she is not afraid of trouble.

If her manuscript was not of poor quality but was stolen and published first, then she would not let it go.


When Su Meixian came back, there was only one braised pork dish left, so she washed her hands and went into the kitchen.

Whatever she does, Jin Yan learns from it.

Like a little tail.

Su Meixian said helplessly: "Mom can do it by herself. You go back to the house to rest and read. This room is full of oily smoke, so don't choke on it."

Jin Yan: "No, I have to remember your steps of making braised pork, so that my second sister can know that I really learned it."

Su Meixian: "She has been picky since she was a child, so please ignore her."

"Mom, you're being biased. If Yan Yan's braised pork tastes exactly the same as yours, then I'm sure I won't be picky." Chu Jinxing said.

Su Meixian glared at her, "If I can eat hot meals without using my hands, then I promise I won't say anything."

Chu Jinxing clicked his tongue twice, "Your words are exactly the same as what the elder sisters in our factory said, but no one cares about them, and no one cares about them. We love you and want to help you, but you just won't let us."

Su Meixian said while cooking: "My daughter is a person who does big things. With such beautiful hands, she can do anything whether she is turning on a machine, translating text, or doing a problem. How can she be stuck in a small kitchen with a kitchen knife and a cutting board?" deal?"

Brother Xiao said when he was here that their daughters have to go to school, go to college, and do what they want.

Even if brother Xiao is not around, she will try her best to fulfill their promise.

Chu Jinxing wanted to say something more, but Jinyan pulled her out.

"Didn't you always feel sorry for mom, why didn't you let me talk about it today?" Chu Jinxing said.

Jin Yan: "Mom is fulfilling the promise she made with her father. Even though it's hard work, she enjoys it. We'll help her when she needs it."

Chu Jinxing raised his eyebrows and stared at Jinyan carefully for a long time.

Jin Yan asked strangely, "What's wrong?"

Chu Jinxing's slender fingers rubbed her hair hard a few times, and his expression was obviously much happier, "It's nothing, I'm just happy."

The eccentric, sensitive and meticulous sister is back.

After dinner, Chu Jinxing volunteered to wash the dishes, Chu Jinchen was translating a new article, Su Meixian took the newly bought cloth and made gestures on Jinyan's body a few times, and soon she buried herself in cutting it.

"Will you make me a skirt?" Jin Yan asked.

Su Meixian replied, "This is some leftover cloth from making cotton padded clothes for you last year, and I found some other cloth, which is just right for you to make a skirt."

Jin Yan sighed after listening, "My sisters are all tall, beautiful and charming, and my parents are also handsome and beautiful, only I am short."

Su Meixian: "..."

Chu Jinchen: "..."

The mother and daughter looked at each other suspiciously.

Chu Jinchen: "Mom, you have a lot of experience in life, so may I ask if good-looking people don't know themselves?"

Su Meixian: "I don't know anything else, but in our family, the best-looking and most delicate one really has no self-knowledge, and still despises himself for being short."

Chu Jinxing came in after washing the dishes, and immediately rolled his eyes after hearing what Chu Jinchen said.

She said: "You haven't opened yet, but it's not necessary, your little face can beat everyone."

Jin Yan: "..."

How could there be such a nice person in the world?


This is her home, her mother and sister.

 Today is group favorite Jinyan
(End of this chapter)

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