Chapter 205 The Age Fu Baowen Control Group (13)

On Monday, Jinyan walked into the school under Su Meixian's concerned eyes.

As soon as she entered the school gate, she saw Shen Bei who was arguing with a tall boy.

"Huo Tingyu, stop, who told you to pull my braid?"

Shen Bei cursed loudly, but there was no trace of anger on his face, but a hint of shyness in his eyes.

Like many girls around who wanted to see Huo Tingyu but didn't dare to stare straight at her, and who wanted to go up to say hello but were shy or inferior, the emotion in Shen Bei's eyes was also very obvious.

The same goes for the hero Huo Tingyu.

Shen Bei pierced two balls on his head today, Huo Tingyu said he was a stinky girl, and flicked his fingers on the two balls dishonestly, but there was always a smile on that cold face.

The unrevealed secret love of teenagers is indeed very touching, but it also often hides the deepest malice.

The death of the original owner and the disaster of the Chu family were all because of Huo Tingyu and Shen Bei.

It's just that I didn't expect that not only my grandfather came to the house early, but even Huo Tingyu appeared earlier than in the plot.

Jin Yan closed his eyes, walked past them indifferently, and walked straight to the teaching building.

The classroom is on the third floor, and as soon as she arrived at the corner of the first floor, someone called her name from behind.

"Jinyan, are you back?"

When the girl's voice sounded, a smile appeared on Jin Yan's face, "Xiao Ran."

Xiao Ran quickly caught up with her, and first took a look at her, "Have you recovered from your cold? I went back to my grandfather's house this weekend, or I will go to the hospital to see you."

"It's a good thing you didn't go, I was already discharged from the hospital at that time." Jin Yan said.

Xiao Ran sighed, "I really want to go, but now I live in my grandpa's house, even if my grandpa and grandma love me, but my aunt is always feeling uncomfortable. If I don't behave positively, my aunt will say that I am dissatisfied with her." gone."

Jin Yan also felt sorry for her when she heard it.

She comforted her: "You don't live and eat for free, your mother gives her money every month, and you usually live in school and don't go back to their house often, so you don't have to be so careful."

Xiao Ran still sighed, "The words are true, but the reality is another matter. Don't talk about these, you are away these few days, I took notes for you, although I think it may be useless."

"Why is it useless? You help me so hard, I can save a lot of effort, I am very grateful." Jin Yan said.

By the time the two of them were talking, they had already reached the classroom.

Seeing Jinyan, some people asked her if she had recovered from the cold, and some people said that being beautiful is a privilege, and everyone from the head teacher to the dean took extra care of her.

It also connoted Su Meixian and the twins, implying that the Chu family did not know what kind of activities they were engaged in.

Jin Yan passed by in the aisle and happened to hear it, so he stopped and asked the boy who was talking, "Then tell me, what kind of business are my mother and sister engaged in, and what privileges did the class teacher and dean give me?"

The boy was taken aback, completely unexpected that Jin Yan would ask such a question in public.

Everyone in the classroom looked at them, some were watching the show, and some were dissatisfied with his remarks.

Being stared at by everyone, the boy inevitably felt guilty, but he still insisted: "Everyone can see that you ask for leave every now and then, and I'm not lying."

"But you said that the dean and class teacher gave me preferential treatment, what kind of preferential treatment is it?" Jin Yan asked.

Boy: "..."

Of course you study well, they value you!
But he couldn't say this no matter what, otherwise he would be slapping himself in the face.

"Can't tell, right? Then why don't we ask the class teacher, the dean and the principal, has the school formulated a discipline for you, clearly stipulating that you can't ask for leave, and say that the school looks after my mother and sister?" For your sake, I was given special treatment." Jin Yan said.

Looking at Jinyan's stern expression, the boy was not sure whether she was talking about scaring people or if she was really going to do it, and he was confused for a moment.

But someone in the back row made a fuss, "Then go ahead and ask the school leaders whether the school rules and disciplines are biased towards anyone, or whether they treat a certain person differently."

"that is!"

"Support, Brother Hao, let's go!"

But "Brother Hao" was timid, feeling like he was sitting on pins and needles, and didn't even dare to look up at all the scrutinizing eyes around him.

Seeing this, Jin Yan smiled, her voice full of sarcasm and disdain, "You said that the school gave me special treatment, and you alluded to my mother and sister's improper occupations, so you should go with me to see the school leader, or go to the police station , Tell the teacher and the police uncle what you know, if the situation you mentioned exists, let the school strictly investigate and let the police station arrest people."

The boy said nothing.

Seeing the cold sweat dripping from his forehead, someone sneered, "Don't dare to act, you bastard!"

"I've been tired of seeing him for a long time, hey, chirp, you're even more pussy than pussy!"

"I was slapped in the face by Chu Jinyan today, so he shouldn't gossip about those unnecessary gossips in the future, right?"

"That's not sure. Most of these gossips are from family members. It can be seen that his family members are not good people."

"As the old saying goes: the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked!"

"Let me just say a word, without investigation and argumentation, people say what others say, and those who follow the rumors are all rubbish!"

Jin Yan recognized the voice of the speaker, it was Wang Qi in the back seat of her.

When Wang Qi finished speaking, the boy's expression became even uglier.

Just when he couldn't bear the pressure and wanted to admit his mistake, Shen Bei's voice sounded from the door, "Why are you all standing?"

He asked the boy again, "Lin Hao, what's wrong with you?"

As if he had found a backer, Lin Hao suddenly stood up.

He glanced at Jin Yan coldly, and said pointedly: "It's just that I said a few truths, and I was attacked."

Shen Bei asked him what he said. After Lin Hao explained it, Shen Bei said with some confusion: "What's there to be angry about? You just said it casually and didn't name it. Chu Jinyan, you are too fussy .”

"It's not the mention of 'surname' and 'name' that's called naming names." Jin Yan said.

Shen Bei frowned, "Then what counts? He didn't even mention your name, so how can you be sure he's talking about you, not anyone else in the school?"

Jin Yan said coldly: "Is it true, he knows it well."

"No, why are you like this? People didn't say anything about you. Are you so sensitive because you have ghosts in your heart?" Shen Bei said.

Xiao Ran was so angry that he stood beside Jin Yan, and said dissatisfiedly: "Jin Yan is only protecting his own reputation, what does it have to do with being sensitive or not?"

Seeing Xiao Ran who was complaining for Jin Yan, Shen Bei said: "Do you all like to be so affectionate? It's not your business, why are you so talkative?"

"If that's the case, then what does it matter to you? I want you to come out and be a good person." Jin Yan returned Shen Bei's words.

From the moment she watched the plot, she had no intention of letting Shen Bei and Huo Tingyu go, and naturally she would not flirt with them again.

 6 more ~ ​​the end of the month, please recommend a monthly ticket for support ^-^【Thank you】

  good night
(End of this chapter)

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