Chapter 206 The Age Fu Baowen Control Group (14)

Jin Yan's words caused many people to cast mocking looks at Shen Bei.

It is said that Xiao Ran is meddling in other people's business, but what about herself?

Regardless of whether Jin Yan's rumors are true or not, Lin Hao provoked Jin Yan first, Xiao Ran and Jin Yan are good friends, it's only normal to fight for Jin Yan.

But what qualifications does she, Shen Bei, have to come out as a peacemaker?
At this time, Wang Qi said again, "Either take care of everything, or don't care, there is no reason for you to meddle in other people's affairs and ask others to stand by and watch!"

Shen Bei was already humiliated, and felt extremely upset.

Hearing what Xiao Ran said, he immediately retorted, "It's none of your business, I want you to speak up!"

Xiao Ran sneered, "I didn't name names, why are you so eager to argue?"

This is exactly the sarcastic remark Shen Bei said before.

Someone burst out laughing.

He only explained in a low voice, "I'm not what you said, I'm very kind, and I won't intentionally embarrass others at all!"

Shen Bei: "You are shameless!"

This is urgent.

Wang Qi couldn't understand Shen Bei's logic, but he also found it ridiculous, "I don't think there is any direct relationship between fighting for reason and 'shameless', I'm just explaining the facts."

Shen Bei was arguing, but she didn't dare to look at Jin Yan, she was afraid of touching Jin Yan's eyes that seemed to see through her,

It's fucking unlucky.

Kill the chickens to warn the monkeys.

I didn't expect Xueshen to be so good at eloquence, even someone like Shen Bei who spoke illogically and made people unable to answer, and then always took the advantage of public opinion out of nowhere was defeated by her.

At this time, Jin Yan was also carrying her schoolbag and was about to go out.

other people:"……"

This time, the Shen family must die.

Now many people laughed.

She racked her brains for a long time but couldn't come up with a countermeasure. When she saw Wang Qi looking at Jinyan, she immediately made up her mind and said with a smile: "Don't think I don't know your purpose, don't you just like Chu Jinyan and want to give it to me?" She made a good impression!"

There were thin mocking voices in the classroom again.

Wang Qi sneered, "Don't look at me, I didn't make her cry, haven't you heard the phrase "A thief shouting, "Stop a thief?"

Shen Bei didn't kill anyone with his own hands.

Although Shen Bei would indeed do such things sometimes, wouldn't it be bad to say it so bluntly?
Sure enough, the moment the red-eyed Shen Bei raised his head, he picked up the book on the table and threw it at Wang Qi.

Wang Qi was full of disdain, "Who stipulated that men must be magnanimous and tolerant?"

other people:"……"

Afterwards, she shed a few crocodile tears, saying that all she did was for peace and justice.

head teacher:"……"

Wang Qi retreated resolutely, and the class teacher stepped forward to stop Shen Bei.

Jin Yan: "Go to the class teacher and the dean, and maybe the principal's office and the police station."

Of course she couldn't bear it.

Wang Qi blurted out a foul word.

"I'm not what you say!"

One word, absolutely!

Shen Bei's face ached naturally.


Because Huo Tingyu, a mad dog, held the knife for her.

Immediately, he scolded with a cold face: "Wang Qi, you are a big boy, is it interesting to be so fussy?"

Jin Yan didn't even look at him.

Just like what Chu Jinyan said, at the moment she only has hatred in her mind, she can't wait to tear Chu Jinyan's mouth open, can't wait to kill Chu Jinyan, so that she can never speak again!
Knowing what kind of person Shen Bei is, Jin Yan is too lazy to entangle with her.

But today she was going to take Lin Hao under the knife.

So you have the nerve to say that you are never aggressive and that you are kind?
I'm afraid she doesn't even know how to write the word kindness.

Usually, it seems that the brain is not clear enough, but I didn't expect it to be so vicious.

After a while of uproar, the study committee and the others immediately went to check the head teacher's injuries, while some people were blaming Shen Bei.

Just when she thought that Wang Qi had caused her to suffer the greatest humiliation in her life, Chu Jinyan made her laugh again and again.

Shen Bei's face changed slightly, "Don't mess around, this is not a problem at all!"

Since she was a child, since when did she suffer such humiliation?

"For me, others' slander and rumors against my family are more serious than slapping me in the face, so I will never forgive or tolerate it," Jinyan said.

Shen Bei stopped crying instantly.

When the class teacher was brought back to the classroom by Wang Qi, he saw Shen Bei lying on the table and kept crying, so he immediately looked at Wang Qi.

Coincidentally, the hardest corner of the book hit the head teacher's forehead.

Lin Hao stood up suddenly, his eyes widened, his expression panicked, thinking of the consequences of this incident, he couldn't help shouting, "Chu Jinyan!"

Wang Qi didn't look back, "Look for the Mediterranean Sea."

What she said was typed back intact, I don't know if her face hurts or not.

Among the people who bullied her in this class, Shen Bei was in front, and Lin Hao couldn't be ranked first.

head teacher:"……"

But let her refute, she can't say anything.

Although Shen Bei is selfish, she is not completely unaware of the attitudes of the people around her.

What a blatant sarcasm!

Shen Bei: "..."

After today, there will be more rumors between Jin Yan and him.

After hearing this, Jin Yan showed a funny expression, "Then I'll take off my shoes now, slap your face hard a few times, and then I say I'm just joking with you, and you'll act like nothing happened ?"

The deskmate called him, "Brother Qi, where are you going?"

Shen Bei seemed to have forgotten how painful the face was just now, and jumped out and said: "We are all classmates, Lin Hao is just joking with you, why are you so aggressive, it's not good for you if things get serious It's no good."

All kinds of strange roars erupted in the classroom as if it were an animal world.

Jin Yan: "Oh."

He looked at Shen Bei who was sobbing and sobbing, as if he had been greatly wronged, got up and walked out.

"If you have nothing to say, just divert the conflict. I think you're just fucking out of your mind!" Wang Qi scolded angrily.

Shen Bei was stunned by the scolding, and after a while, she suddenly burst into tears, "Wang Qi, you are too bad, you just scold me like that, you are still not a boy!"

After a pause, she glanced at Shen Bei playfully, "Just like once I really slap you, you will kill me."

Shen Bei: "..."

Xiao Ran said "Oh", his eyes were full of admiration for Jin Yan, "I'm afraid of Teacher, so I won't go with you, I will silently cheer you on in my seat!"

What kind of plague god is this!

Xiao Ran hurriedly called her to stop, "Jin Yan, where are you going?"

On the other side, Jin Yan went directly to the principal's office, and the dean happened to be there, so he told Lin Hao and other students in the class about the slander against her and her family.

After hearing this, the dean scolded, "It's simply lawless. Parents send them to school to study, not to gossip about others like village shrews!"

There was a hint of sarcasm in Jin Yan's eyes.

As expected of the dean, he only has the word "study" in his eyes.

 Continue to 6 more ~ ​​ask for votes for support ~
(End of this chapter)

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