Chapter 207 The Age Fu Baowen Control Group (15)

The dean gave a speech on "study" for more than a minute, completely oblivious to how cold Jin Yan's eyes were.

But the principal, who caught a glimpse of the sarcastic expression on Jin Yan's face, suddenly coughed.

After the director of teaching noticed that something was wrong and gradually disappeared, he said seriously: "The school has always taught students to be upright and kind, and to learn to distinguish between true and false information. Unfortunately, they have not learned anything. It seems that the next step is to strengthen ideological and moral education. Education, strengthen the quality of students!"

"Then let's have a meeting to discuss it." The dean said.

Principal: "Then you should make arrangements now. This issue is urgent. Education and education must not only teach knowledge, but also teach people to behave. The next work must focus on the mental health and quality of students."

The dean nodded frequently.

Jin Yan watched coldly as they sang and played the whole play.

The dean seemed to realize that Jin Yan was still in the office, and said with concern: "Student Chu, the school already knows about the problems you reported, and will focus on investigation and make corresponding rectifications. You should go back to class quickly." , don't delay the class."

Jin Yan said lightly, "Got it."

Soon Jinyan packed up, and more than half of the class was over.

When approaching the school gate, the head teacher's panting voice came from behind.

There is also Chu Jinyan's mother and sister. If Chu Jinyan is really a villain, it will be their mother and daughter who bear the brunt.

After the words fell, the office was instantly quiet.

Jin Yan glanced at the two, and said slowly: "I didn't suddenly decide to transfer schools today. I made plans before, but I still had some illusions about the school. Now it seems that there is no need for me to stay here at all. .”

Thinking of the bad things they did to Chu Jinyan after listening to the rumors, they suddenly felt something called "shame" and "guilt".

Even if she knew it, she would only find it ridiculous.

After finishing speaking, Jin Yan turned around and left.

Is there anyone who doesn't know about the Chu family?

Some rumors about Chu Jinyan's mother and sister were not only circulated in the school. It stands to reason that Chu Jinyan should be used to hearing them since she was a child. I don't know what she was thinking, but she actually started to make a fuss at this time.

Jin Yan knew nothing about it.

Jin Yan shook his head, "No, I'm going to transfer schools."

She is not interested in hearing these people's so-called confessions.

"But hasn't it been passed on for a long time?" The dean was going crazy, he couldn't figure out why Jin Yan made such a decision.

Shen Bei suddenly interrupted and said: "Why else, looking for trouble for nothing, making a big fuss, falsely accusing a classmate, and being punished by the school!"

Make him worry for nothing.

In the classroom, Jin Yan tidied up all the books on the table when he went back.

After finishing speaking, she murmured again, "It doesn't matter if you transfer to another school. Anyway, you have good grades, and you are the teacher's favorite student no matter where you are."

The dean didn't dare to delay for a moment and immediately went out to find someone.

The other party was immediately speechless.

Talking is useless.

According to Chu Jinyan's temperament, I'm afraid she can say what she can, and if she really wants to make this matter a big one, bring it up to the top, and cause negative effects, then they will all be overwhelmed and walk around.

"Well, I can't stay with you anymore, I'm sorry." Jin Yan said to Xiao Ran.

He who was originally uneasy, felt instantly relieved after hearing this sentence.

In the next second, the principal burst into a rage, "Bring that man named Lin Hao, the school is a place for learning, not for him to make irresponsible remarks and attack his classmates, so that students who have no quality and bottom line can stay in the school. The student is really unfair, bring his parents along!"

A deadly silence still spread in the office.

Lin Hao suddenly pricked up his ears.

As for grades or something, she didn't bother to argue.

"Shut up, I didn't ask you!" Wang Qi said angrily.

It took Xiao Ran a long time to realize, "Why? Why do you want to transfer schools suddenly?"

The others heard it too.

What's so good here?
So many injustices have happened, but no one has ever come forward and given any justice.

Shen Bei was dumbfounded.

When Jinyan left the classroom, whether it was Xiao Ran with good relationship, Wang Qi and others whom he was familiar with, or some people with bad relationship all stretched their necks to look at her.

Jin Yan looked at her calmly, "Teacher, to me, that's no small matter!"

He should have known earlier that a stubborn student like Chu Jinyan has no way out in this society!

"Jin Yan wants to transfer schools." He said at the same table.

Wang Qi's expression changed, "Why?"

Before the dean could breathe a sigh of relief, Jin Yan said, "I want to transfer schools."

The dean almost jumped up from his chair, "What are you talking about? You want to transfer? You did well in No. [-] Middle School, why did you suddenly transfer? Just for such a trivial matter? Don't forget that you can have the grades you have now. Teacher of the school How much did you pay!"

Xiao Ran opened her mouth, and tears fell down. She sniffed her nose and said with a smile: "It's okay, I'll just treat it as when I just transferred to another school, don't talk about it, I'll clean it up for you."

Without waiting for the other party to get angry, she said again: "As for Lin Hao and those who spread rumors, it doesn't matter whether the school deals with it or not. I will report, sue, and report. I don't believe that such a big country can't find anyone who can give justice to my family. mechanism!"

Seeing Jinyan's Tokyo, Wang Qi quickly walked up to him, "What happened?"

He pretended to be studying, but his ears were always paying attention to the movement behind him.

With a bang, the door closed.

Watching Jinyan walk out of the classroom with her schoolbag and books in her arms, some people suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Just now the class teacher warned Wang Qi not to talk to her like this, and Wang Qi just ignored her when he turned around?

If Chu Jinyan is really a catastrophe, and if he gets close to her, he will become unlucky, then why has nothing happened to anyone in their class?

It's just a few bad words, just pretend you didn't hear it. With the conditions in her family, she is still arguing about changing schools, she really doesn't know what to say!
Jin Yan sneered: "So, the rumors have been spreading for so long, what did you do? Did you let the rumors spread wantonly?"

Xiao Ran gave Shen Bei a sneaky look, and said in a low voice, "Just transfer to another school, there's nothing wrong with that."

It is also a good thing to avoid Shen Bei's psychopathy by leaving here.

She had a bag in her desk pocket, so she helped Jinyan pack some of the books. Shen Bei, who had been adjusted by the head teacher, and Wang Qi, who had a bad face, came in at this time.

Xiao Ran and the students around were startled, and worriedly asked her if there was any pressure from the school.

So many bad news happened at birth, it is not for Chu Jinyan to decide.

Jin Yan didn't look back.

Not far away was the school gate, but the open gate had already been locked.

Standing where he was, Jin Yan listened to the consolation from the class teacher and the perverse persuasion from the head teacher to persuade him to stay, and couldn't help cursing, "You speak lightly".

The next second, she froze in place.

 guess what
(End of this chapter)

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