Chapter 213 The Age Fu Baowen Control Group (21)

Jin Yan walked out of the alley and was about to go to the vegetable market when suddenly a person stood in front of her.

"Jin Yan."

It was Wen Zhan's voice.

Today he changed into a sports suit, compared to when he was wearing a suit, he had a little more sunshine in Aokiji.

Jin Yan looked at him for a while, and asked strangely, "Why are you here?"

Wen Zhan: "I'm waiting for you."

"Wait for me? How long have you been here?" Jin Yan said.

Wen Zhan said shortly, "I don't know if you went to school today, so I came here to try my luck and see if I can wait for you."

Jin Yan: "Then what if you can't wait?"

If Chu Xiao is replaced by him, and the person Jin Yan trusts and relies on is himself, then he will feel very satisfied again.

If he continued to stay in Beicheng, he would have to rely on the elders in his family no matter what he did.

With such a powerful father by his side, Jin Yan can grow up happily and carefree.

"Happy." Jin Yan said.

Wen Zhan looked at her quietly for a while, and said seriously: "Take care of yourself, I will wait for you in the capital."

But her tone didn't have the slightest bit of blame, but was full of distress.

"I was going to school, but now I have gone through the transfer procedures, and I will go to another school in the afternoon or tomorrow." Jin Yan said.

Or if there is an appointment to go to the factory, the second sister and her friends will wait for her on the roadside in advance.

Su Meixian suppressed a smile, "Well, then I won't do anything, just wait for dinner."

Only when he goes back to the capital, in such a complex circle full of interests and fighting, can he grow rapidly.

Jin Yan's trust and reliance on Chu Xiao made Wen Zhan a little apprehensive.

"I know, Mommy has a good rest, I'll go to the kitchen to put down the things first." Jin Yan said.

Seeing that she bought fish, Chu Xiao told her: "Just put it in the kitchen, don't touch it, I'll go and deal with it later."

When the kitchen knife fell for the first time, the fish jumped to the ground.

Wen Zhan accompanied Jinyan to the vegetable market. When someone looked at him curiously, Jinyan generously introduced him as a friend.

Wen Zhan nodded and said softly, "You will always be so happy in the future."

When Jin Yan came back after putting away his things, he said, "Is your second sister's factory far away?"

The second time I saw the fish, but the fish jumped up suddenly, scaring brother Xiao so much that he even lost the kitchen knife.

Jin Yan said some trifles, and Wen Zhan was very worried, and explained, "I have planned this for a long time."

Her daughter was born to be pampered.

She clearly remembered that when they had just given birth to twins, Brother Xiao wanted to make fish soup for her with his own hands, but he couldn't even kill a fish.

Wen Zhan accompanied Jin Yan back to the alley of their house. He thought about the eyes of those people walking along the way, and asked Jin Yan in a low voice, "Are you happy today?"

According to Dad's temper, it is estimated that he will not go to the capital to develop.

Judging from the information obtained from the investigation, Chu Xiao is indeed a rare figure.

Now that the pillar of the family is back, with a backer, he no longer needs to be afraid of being retaliated against if he fights back, and he can no longer hide his arrogant nature.

He originally thought of transferring to Beicheng to study with Jin Yan, but Chu Xiao's return changed his mind.

Wen Zhan was also happy for her when he heard it, "This is a happy event, and we really need to celebrate it well."

"Have you completed the transfer procedures? Have you contacted the new school?" Wen Zhan asked.

He smiled and said, "It doesn't matter whether you go to the capital or not. When you go to university, where are you, I'll look for you."

Jin Yan listened, frowned and said, "You came to see me today, don't you mean you want to go home?"

Su Meixian was a little surprised, and joked, "Brother Xiao knows how to kill fish?"

"How did you know that I would go to the capital?" Jin Yan said.

But it's a pity that the current him doesn't have the right to be jealous.

Jin Yan shook his head, "Not yet, but I'm sure, as long as they are willing to give me a little time to give me the test paper last night, I believe they will not reject me."

Su Meixian was already awake when Jin Yan returned home.


Wen Zhan said, "I actually didn't help much."

Wen Zhan: "But I was lucky, I waited for you."

Chu Xiao said yes.

Seeing Jin Yan, she was still a little embarrassed, "Mom is a little dizzy..."

Dad is back, and my mother finally doesn't have to work so hard. Their family is reunited, of course she is happy.

They left after buying the vegetables, and they didn't hear anything about the Chu family's youngest daughter imitating her mother and sister to seduce men.

She has always been invincible in front of her daughter, but at this moment she is clinging to Chu Xiao's side like a bird.

"Thank you, but you probably don't need it now. Thank you for your help in finding out about Dad." Jin Yan said.

Jin Yan's eyes shifted, and he immediately said: "Far! It's so far away. When I was looking for my second sister, I was blocked on the road and bullied. I couldn't go to the village or back to the shop, and I couldn't ask for help. After the second sister found out, I wouldn't let her go. I went there by myself."

Wen Zhan nodded, "Something happened at home, I have to go back early, the phone number and address I gave you are always valid, please contact me if you have anything."

Before Chu Xiao came back, he had to go through his grandfather and grandfather even to inquire about news for Jinyan. His own circle of contacts had no access to such high-level secrets.

Wen Zhan worried about her, "Did something happen?"

In normal times, rumors have been flying all over the sky.

The third time the fish jumped into the pot by itself, splashing and overturning the pot of water, wetting brother Xiao's pants.

Su Meixian's teasing expression also reminded Chu Xiao of the past.

He said without changing his face: "It's not like I didn't know it before, it's just being a father for the first time. I was too excited to hold the knife steadily. Today I will show you a hand."

Before, Guaibao didn't complain and didn't say how much wronged she had suffered. It was just because she was afraid that she would worry and cause trouble for the family, so she gritted her teeth and took everything on her own.

Thinking of something, she smiled again and said, "Of course, now that my dad is back, he will take care of everything."

Jin Yan chuckled, "Thank you, too. When everyone regards the word 'Chu Xiao' as a plague, only you are willing to help me find out about my father."

He asked Jin Yan where he was going, and Jin Yan said to the vegetable market, "I'm going to buy some meat and vegetables. Dad is back. Tonight our family can be reunited."

"This kid has been complaining since you came back." Su Meixian said.

Looking at Jin Yan's expression, Wen Zhan also thought of the same question.

Chu Xiao said distressedly: "What else, whoever bullied you, sister and mother, tell me everything, and father will avenge you."

With an excited expression on his face, Jin Yan clenched his fists and said, "There are too many. I'm afraid I won't be able to finish it all day and night, but I remember everything clearly. I remember every word they said, every malicious look in their eyes."

Chu Xiao said: "Then speak slowly, Dad has plenty of time to listen to you."

There is no doubt that any name that Jinyan can say will be on the "death list" in Chu Xiao's mind.

 Wen Zhan: Where are you and where am I?
  Jin Yan: 100 years of focus on filing lawsuits
(End of this chapter)

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