When Jinyan found Chu Jinchen, she had just separated from a man.

Afterwards, the young man kept talking and even wanted to block her way, but Chu Jinchen didn't pay attention, and instead said that he would sue or something.

The driver Wu Lin saw this scene and asked Jin Yan, "Do you want to go down and help?"

Jin Yan: "No, big sister can solve it by herself."

If I guess correctly, this young man should be the male colleague who stole my sister's translation.

Sure enough, after Chu Jinchen said the lawsuit, the man didn't dare to approach him again.

Chu Jinchen noticed the car as soon as she turned around, but she didn't expect that her family would be sitting in the car, so she just took a look and walked away.

But soon she found that the car was following her.

She glanced at the car defensively, the news about the traffickers flashed through her mind, and her eyes became alert.

Seeing this, Jin Yan hurriedly opened the car window, "Big Sister, it's me!"

She said: "Dad, I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh at you for not knowing how to kill fish. I will never make fun of you for not knowing how to kill fish. After all, let alone killing fish, the men around our house don't even know how to cook." Come in, so it's not a big deal that you don't kill fish."

Chu Xiao patted their backs lightly, patted their heads to comfort them, and made them happy.

But soon the laughter mixed with male and female voices covered the harsh sound of the porcelain basin colliding with the ground.

After a while, the two sisters, who were temporarily relieved, couldn't help laughing when they heard the reason why Su Meixian chased Jinyan to teach him a lesson.

Then there was another crackling sound.

After the gentle hostess said "Catch the fish quickly, don't let the fish escape", a deep and gentle male voice said: "It was just an accident just now, I really know how to kill fish."

Jin Yan chuckled: "You will know when you get home."

Chu Jinxing glanced at Chu Jinchen, and the same look flashed in their eyes.

Looking at this scene, Jinyan's eyes were a little sour, and when she looked up, she saw Su Meixian was wiping her tears secretly again, and quickly joked, "Mom, after all these years, dad still hasn't learned how to kill fish?"

Su Meixian said again: "The fish is disobedient, and the knife is a bit blunt. The last time I sharpened the knife was the last time."

"It's just that I can't learn how to kill fish." Jin Yan said.

Compared with Jin Yan, the twins spent a longer time with Chu Xiao, and everything that happened when they were young left an indelible mark on their immature hearts.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Chu Jinxing frowned, "Baby, tell us honestly, what happened at home?"

The yard is not big, and as soon as I entered, I heard the sound from the kitchen.

After so many years, seeing the tall, handsome and omnipotent father appeared in front of them again, they were no less shocked and surprised than Su Meixian.

As soon as these words came out, Su Meixian immediately glared at Jin Yan, "Even your father dares to make fun of him."

It seemed that he was afraid that after he stepped in, the dream that lasted less than 2 minutes would be broken.

Mom is a master of nonsense literature.

Chu Jinxing said: "What's the matter if you can't kill fish, you can't discriminate against Dad just because he can't kill fish."

Is this eating her father's jealousy?

After a pause for a few seconds, Su Meixian picked up a broom by the wall and chased after Jinyan to beat him.

"I believe you, I believe you will kill the fish, but today the fish is disobedient." Su Meixian said with a smile.

Su Meixian coughed, "Baby, don't be too old or young, don't bully Dad."

Su Meixian: "..."

Jin Yan nodded obediently to admit his mistake, and said sadly: "I know mom, dad is back, and I'm no longer your darling."

The eyes of the two of them were fixed on the man, and they didn't dare to blink. They didn't even notice that the tears filled their eyes and slid down their faces.

Chu Xiao looked at the two daughters lovingly, approached and touched Jin Yan's little head, Jin Yan returned a sweet smile, then ran to Su Meixian's side, leaving space for his father and two sisters .

"Yanyan, why do you..."

However, until they picked up Chu Jinxing and returned home, Jinyan didn't tell them the reason.

Although the logic in the two sisters' words was a bit weird, Jin Yan obediently said that she understood.

"So I still haven't learned it yet." Jin Yan said deliberately.

Jin Yan grabbed the hands of the two, looked at them with a smile and said, "Big Sister and Second Sister, we're going home."

As for the tears that almost burst into my eyes, they have long since disappeared.

Chu Jinchen and Chu Jinxing looked at the kitchen worriedly, afraid that the sounds of nature they heard just now were just a temporary illusion.

At the entrance of the alley, before approaching, those neighbors who usually looked at their family as if they were looking at dirty things smiled and greeted them.

The eyes of the twins fell on Jin Yan's face with a bright smile, and they were stunned for a few seconds before following Jin Yan inside in a daze.

However, in the next second a tall and familiar man came out of the kitchen.

The two sisters murmured in their hearts.

Chu Jinchen thought she was hallucinating, but she did see her little sister sitting in the car.

Su Meixian said: "Everyone is good at different things, and they have their own way of doing things. Your father is just not used to the kitchen knife at home."

Jin Yan: "Is it true that you haven't learned it?"

Let's not mention how wronged the fish is.

After Jin Yan's clear and sweet laughter sounded, the kitchen fell silent for an instant.

They couldn't believe it.

Chu Jinchen looked at Jin Yan in surprise, Jin Yan opened the car door with a smile, "Get in the car, we still have to pick up the second sister, and I'll tell you the rest on the way."

It wasn't until Chu Xiao reached out to hug them and said softly, "Dad came back late, you have worked hard for so many years", the two couldn't restrain their emotions and began to sob in a low voice.

Chu Jinchen poked Chu Jinxing, and taught Jinyan a lesson, "I know you, like us, think that dad is omnipotent, but dad is a man, and he can't have children yet, so it's no good if he can't kill fish. Strange."

Jin Yan couldn't help laughing wildly when he heard Su Meixian's sentence "The last time I sharpened the knife was the last time".

The courtyard fell silent for an instant.

Chu Xiao's face remained unchanged, and he responded solemnly, "That's right, I've never seen such a disobedient fish."

It sounded like the enamelled basin and knives had been knocked to the ground.


But apart from the answer they had hoped for countless times, they couldn't find a reasonable explanation.

When they reached the door of their house, Chu Jinchen and Chu Jinxing suddenly stopped, not daring to lift their footsteps.

The knife is very sharp, and Chu Xiao couldn't have the cheek to say that the knife sharpened by his wife was not sharp enough, so he continued to lean on the fish.

Su Meixian said firmly: "You can't say that, your father is the smartest person in the world, he can learn anything he wants..."


The cute baby in the eyes of parents is more or less rebellious.

Chu Xiao: "..."

This is the little padded jacket that he can't let go of?
How do you feel that there is a leak everywhere?

Jin Yan: How can the little padded jacket leak air?

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