Chapter 226 The Age Fu Baowen Control Group (34)

When Jin Yan was talking to his family, he noticed someone looking at him out of the corner of his eye.

But when she looked over, there were all strange faces there.

"What's wrong?" Chu Xiao asked.

Jin Yan: "I seem to see a former classmate."

Chu Xiao immediately looked over and searched the crowd, "Is it someone who bullied you before?"

Jin Yan said no, it was just someone he knew before.

Chu Xiao didn't pay much attention after hearing this, and took Jin Yan and the others to the restaurant to celebrate.

After dinner, Jinyan said that she had an appointment with a classmate and wanted to go out for a while. After confirming the location and time, Chu Xiao sent her to Xinghua Lane.

"08:30, Dad will come here to pick you up on time." Chu Xiao said.

Chu Xiao himself is tall and handsome, with broad shoulders and narrow waist, and he has an excellent figure. Coupled with a custom-made shirt and suit, his demeanor is naturally even more extraordinary.

After the family left, Jin Yan stood there for a while.

Now he runs his own company to do research and development, and contacts so many high-end talents every day, the effect of publicity can be imagined.


Instead of forcing a smile.

"What do you want to say?" Jin Yan asked.

Wen Zhan was short on time, no one said to go to the bookstore or sit somewhere, just walked aimlessly on the street.

After Wen Zhan stopped, Jin Yan knew the time was up.

Wen Zhan pursed his thin lips lightly, some words had already reached his lips, but he still swallowed them down.

Jin Yan: "Otherwise?"

Wen Zhan changed his rhetoric, "I'm going south, and I'll pass by here on the way, and I'll drop by to see you, congratulations on your graduation."

Jin Yan looked up at Wen Zhanying's straight nose and deep eyes, and said, "I'm on high alert. If I get confused, it's not you who looked at me at the school gate, and you didn't come to Beicheng at all. I will go back to my old broken house and wait for my father to pick me up at home."

Wen Zhan suddenly laughed.

The family also supported her, and the three Jinyan sisters and Chu Xiao acted as models and spokespersons for her for free.

Jin Yan frowned when he heard this, and advised him, "You should do things step by step, don't rush forward, and don't work hard, you don't have to work so hard at all."

Wen Zhan left, Jin Yan was disappointed, but the surprise of meeting Wen Zhan overwhelmed her disappointment, and she was very happy for the next few days.

He sighed and said helplessly, "It's only half an hour now, but I'll finish what I'm doing early, and I'll stay in Beicheng for two days on the return trip."

It's normal!
Everyone in the family felt that something was wrong, but they couldn't find the reason.

Suddenly seeing a strange boy taking his daughter home, I am afraid that anyone who saw it would be surprised, and Jin Yan had to explain again.

Wen Zhan couldn't bear it, "Half an hour."

After an unknown amount of time, they circled back to the streets of Xinghua Lane.

Wen Zhan smiled lightly, walked up to Jin Yan and looked at her, saying, "Okay, even if you're not lying, then it's okay for you to be so vigilant. I heard about several security incidents when I just came here today."

"No, even if I don't advance the work schedule, I will come to Beicheng on the return trip. Xu Jing's aunt has just had an operation and is in the hospital. According to the family relationship, she is also my elder. No matter what, I should visit." Wen Zhan said.

Whenever someone asks her why she is so happy, Jin Yan will say: "My mother paid me a salary, is it normal for me to be happy?"

Jin Yan suspected that this was the reason he was looking for.

The young driver who drove the car had never seen Wen Zhan like this before, and unexpectedly saw him and Jin Yan many times.

Jin Yan: "..."

Jin Yan said "Oh" and didn't want to talk much.

I don't know good from bad!

Before Jin Yan could speak, he said, "Go home, I'll take you to the door and leave, everyone can rest assured."

Wen Zhan's heart tightened, and he said, "It's beautiful, don't laugh like this next time."

Perhaps the price will discourage many people, but there are always people who are willing to spend money for themselves to place orders.

When the car stopped, she got into the car first, looked at Wen Zhan who was stunned on the road and said, "Why are you in a daze, get in the car, you said you were going to take me home."

What he said was actually tentative, because he was not sure whether Jinyan's family knew about their contacts.

The joyful look on Jin Yan's face disappeared instantly, "When are you leaving?"

In the car, Wen Zhan taught Jin Yan a lot of safety knowledge, patiently and meticulously, just like his elders who told him everything before he went out.

When we arrived at Chu's house, the car stopped.

With the first guest, there will naturally be a second, and a third...

She was not lying when she said that.

But she lacked evidence.

Jin Yan originally planned to go home as soon as Wen Zhan left, but immediately waved to the car following her.

The corners of Wen Zhan's lips curled slightly, "Just go back to 'Old Po Xiao' for a while?"

The promise to meet again in a few days made her feel less disappointed. She adjusted her mood and smiled at Wen Zhan with a relaxed and happy expression.

Seeing her lost look, Wen Zhanchui moved his hand on one side, as if he wanted to lift it up, but fell back to the original place after a few seconds.

A car followed them at a moderate pace.

The law and order is not very good these days. Even in the city, there are many robberies every day.

But Jin Yan didn't seem to care about these, on the contrary, he thought too much.

Jinyan is surrounded by students of the same age and has no financial resources. Most parents are reluctant to buy them too many clothes. Usually, they can make new clothes for their children by changing their old clothes.

Jinyan's smile should be bright, comfortable, joyful, and carefree.

After successfully selling her first set of clothes, Su Meixian rented a shop, determined to develop her business well.

Both Chu Jinchen and Chu Jinxing have their own work circles, and most of the friends they know are people with jobs and financial independence. Seeing that the clothes they wear are high-end materials, generous and beautiful, the people around them will definitely be tempted.

Otherwise, if Jin Yan stayed here until 08:30, he wouldn't be at ease.

Just as Jin Yan was about to get out of the car, Wen Zhan gently pinched her fingers in the dark. He looked into her eyes and said softly, "Little classmate, see you in a few days."

Jin Yan didn't look back, but retorted, "I didn't lie."

Seeing her angry look, Wen Zhan finally couldn't help pinching her cheek, "Are you going home now or waiting here?"

Only last week, Chu Xiao witnessed three incidents with his own eyes, and even subdued two gangsters bravely. He was worried that his daughter would go out alone, so he often had people follow him.

Wen Zhan was not her classmate, but they wrote letters and communicated, and they were considered pen pals.

She was just about to go back to the old house when footsteps came from behind her, and a familiar voice sounded at the same time, "Lying is not a good habit."

No one expected Jin Yan to help sell the clothes, but Jin Yan became the king of "carrying goods" instead.

It's just that what she sells are not clothes, but bracelets, hairpins, hair ropes and dolls, which Su Meixian wholesales and intends to give customers as small gifts.

Small profits but quick turnover can be regarded as a profit.

In the end, all the money went into Jinyan's small wallet.

(End of this chapter)

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