Chapter 227 The Age Fu Baowen Control Group (35)

A week later.

Jin Yan and Xiao Ran made an appointment to hang out.

Xiao Ran's mother was busy with work and had no time to take care of her, and she was allowed to stay at her uncle's house during the holidays. Xiao Ran, who could no longer live in a dormitory after graduation, truly realized what it meant to be dependent on others.

A few days after the exam, she could no longer bear it.

Jin Yan mentioned that she should live in Chu's house during the holidays, or live in her old shabby little house.

But Xiao Ran said that he would go to school in Beicheng in the future, which meant that he would have to go to his uncle's house in the future. He was afraid that his aunt would hate her even more if he did so, so he didn't agree.

Jin Yan had no choice but to find her out to play often, to make her happy.

Early in the morning, the two of them were eating steamed stuffed buns when they ran into Shen Bei who was running wildly after the car while apologizing to keep her.

Like crazy, Shen Bei directly opened his arms to block the front of the car.

"So that's the case, then you go to his unit, to his superiors, and let them investigate thoroughly and clear your father's name," Jin Yan said.

When the two of them supported each other to stand up, the crying Shen Bei had already run to the side of the car. Like Huo Tingyu, she scolded Jin Yan and Xiao Ran with her mouth open.

Shen Bei blushed with anger, "You are talking nonsense, my father is not that kind of person, he was wronged, he was not greedy for anything, someone framed him..."

She looked repeatedly at Shen Bei and Huo Tingyu, then at herself and Jin Yan, and then said with difficulty: "We walked well on the road just now, we didn't block anyone's way, and we didn't go the wrong way, right?"

"Well, we were right." Jin Yan said.

Shen Bei: "How can you be so vicious? I remember that you used to speak very little and didn't know how to speak like that. Did Chu Jinyan teach you to say that?"

She is used to making trouble for no reason, but at this moment she is cowardly.

Shen Bei completely shut up.

Obviously before, she and Chu Jinyan had different identities, but because of one Chu Xiao, the identities of such a huge difference were exchanged.

When someone asked Jinyan why she wanted to harm her, she said it was because she didn't speak up for Jinyan when Lin Hao spread rumors to slander Jinyan, and she was hated by Jinyan, saying that Jinyan has a small belly, and he will retaliate even for the small mistakes of others. They were unwilling to let it go, and then warned everyone not to get too close to Jin Yan, so as not to be hated.

The plot is advanced again.

In the plot, after Shen Bei killed her, he didn't even let her sister and mother go.

Jin Yan also scratched his arm.

Jin Yan calmly touched his ankle and said casually, "Because they are sick."

"I'll tell anyone who is sick!" Xiao Ran said.

Jin Yan looked at them expressionlessly.

Jin Yan only thought it was ridiculous.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, Shen Bei cursed angrily, "Who do you think is sick?"

But she couldn't make her swallow this bad breath.

Jin Yan said again: "You said that I harmed him. Could it be that I ordered him to embezzle/take bribes, and all the stolen money he got from embezzlement has been filial to me? But I haven't seen a penny, let alone him. What have you done for me!"

She sneered and said, "What evidence do you have to prove that I harmed your family? I do know that the person named Shen Jianguo was punished, but if I remember correctly, he seems to be corrupt, and what abuse of power, private use of public equipment, etc. , this kind of dog who knows the law and breaks the law will not be the great, bright and upright father you often talk about?"

Shen Bei cried and apologized to Huo Tingyu after scolding. It sounded like she misunderstood Huo Tingyu and another girl. Huo Tingyu was angry and wanted to leave, so she cried and begged Huo Tingyu not to leave.

However, the people in the car acted as if nothing had happened, opened the car window and yelled at the two of them, "If you want to die, stay away!"

He opened the car door, grabbed Shen Bei's hand to comfort her: "I know, but I was greedy for a little money..."

Shen Bei, whose background has become much worse than before, is no longer so popular in school.

Shen Bei: "..."

Xiao Ran's voice changed due to the pain, and he said aggrievedly: "Then what do they mean? It seems that we are rushing to crash and hurt someone, so why should they?"

This action of hers caused the car to turn suddenly, Shen Bei was safe, but the car seemed to be out of control, and crashed straight into the unsuspecting Jin Yan and Xiao Ran.

Because she knew in her heart that if Jin Yan really did this, her father would have no way out.

In the nick of time, Jin Yan pulled Xiao Ran away and managed to avoid the collision of the car, but they fell to the ground due to an unstable center of gravity.

Xiao Ran was dumbfounded on the spot.

Now, she replaced the former Chu Jinyan and became the most unpopular person in the school.

Xiao Ran was terrified, and after falling down, he hurt his arm and leg, and cried out of pain.

These were originally things that would happen in the second half of the year.

That person, Jin Yan and Xiao Ran, both knew each other, it was Huo Tingyu.

Huo Tingyu originally wanted to teach Shen Bei a lesson, but now seeing her being so wronged and sad, his heart softened again.

"Are you blind? You can't see the car coming, don't you know how to avoid it? You almost have an accident, do you have eyes?"

As soon as Xiao Ran said, hatred suddenly appeared on Shen Bei's face. She looked at Jinyan and said, "Chu Jinyan, it was my fault that I didn't speak for you back then. If you resented me, you took revenge on me. Why did you harm my family?"

Xiao Ran rolled his eyes, "That's what I said, don't rely on Jinyan for everything."

Xiao Ran nodded seriously, "I think it's true, crazy, she ran out desperately to stop the car, causing the car to hit us, she's still blaming us for not watching the road, she can't do such a thing without illness! "

Not long after Jin Yan transferred to another school, Shen Bei's father was demoted due to a mistake at work, and he was beaten to the end.

Fortunately, she also has brother Tingyu.

Seeing Shen Bei's troubled look, Jin Yan said again: "Otherwise, I'll go for you and say that Shen Jianguo was wronged, and those who convicted him took money to kill him. There is a huge conspiracy behind this , ask higher-level people to come down and investigate this matter thoroughly, and give your great father a light?"

Xiao Ran laughed straight away.

Shen Bei hesitated to speak.

Still biting the steamed stuffed bun in his mouth, his eyes were already as big as copper bells.

Shen Bei looked at Huo Tingyu aggrievedly, and called him softly, "Brother Tingyu, don't believe her words, you believe me, my father is really not that kind of person..."

But Xiao Ran was doubting life.

Feeling wronged, Shen Bei preached in class that it was Jin Yan's fault that her family became what it is now.

The jobs of Shen Bei's mother and brother seem to have changed as well.

"No! My father didn't!" Shen Bei said quickly.

Huo Tingyu showed a look of indifference, "It's okay to be greedy, no one will pay attention to such a little money, and the people here just take a chicken feather as an arrow and make a big fuss. Don't worry, your father will be fine. He will be reinstated soon..."

Meeting Shen Bei's admiring eyes, Huo Tingyu changed his words again, "Not only will the official be restored to his original post, but he will also be able to be promoted flatly."

Hearing this promise, Shen Bei immediately glanced at Jin Yan proudly.

 The explosion was completed in one day the day before yesterday. I was too tired and had a migraine. I have been suffering from headaches for the past two days. I can only write so much. I will update it in 6 when the situation is relieved~
  good night
(End of this chapter)

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