After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 26 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged

Chapter 26 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged (26)

What Shen Wan said was true, and Jin Yan was also quite moved.

Shen Wan in the plot is so understanding and has defended Jin Yan many times.

After the Gu family and the prince turned against each other, in order to help the prince win more contacts, Taijun Xun decided to make a marriage contract for the son of the Shen family.

Shen Wan didn't want to marry the servant of the Ministry of Justice, who was 20 years older than her and had a bunch of concubines and grandchildren, so she hastily married Xu Jin, Shen Yu's life and death comrade-in-arms.

Xu Jin came from a humble background, but he is familiar with military books and has a solid kung fu. He has been on the battlefield for several years, and he can always be promoted by virtue of his military exploits, earning an imperial order for Shen Wan.

However, on the night of Shen Wan's wedding, Xiu Mu's Xu Jin was transferred to join the expedition team. During a foreign invasion, the guards resisted desperately, and finally even the corpse was taken away by wild wolves.

After Xu Jin's death, Shen Wan blamed herself for being unable to control herself, and was depressed all day long, and passed away not long after.

Like the original owner, Shen Wan was spoiled and pampered since she was a child, she was well educated and reasonable, she was clearly thoughtful and assertive, her life had just begun to unfold, but in the end they all got a result of depression and ecstasy.

Isn't this the fate of being fooled by "God's will"?
Jin Yan didn't believe that she would give up on herself and her flesh and blood just because she begged for someone.

Just like she didn't believe that the wise prince finally defeated Gu Yong, the "treacherous minister of power" and ascended to the throne.

The success of the male and female protagonists in the plot is nothing but the result desired by "God's will".

But how can things like "fortune" always be as "God's will" wishes?
Otherwise she wouldn't be here.


Jin Yan and Shen Wan were talking, and before they knew it, it was lunch time.

She dragged Shen Wan to have dinner, only to realize that Taijun Xun and the Song family had returned home first.

After lunch, Jin Yan took Shen Wan to see the flowers she planted herself and the vegetables that would sprout at some point.

Shen Wan sees everything as novelty.

No one restrained her here, and no one kept reminding her not to do that and not to touch, so she took Jinyan's small farm tool and hoeed the ground for a while.

I haven't done rough work on weekdays, so I get tired after a while.

Following Jin Yan's example, she rolled up her skirt and squatted on the ground, looking at the small field expectantly, "When will they sprout?"

"Don't you doubt that I can't plant it?" Jin Yan said.

Shen Wan's eyes were full of trust, "You have been smart since you were a child, I believe you will be able to."

Suddenly, Jin Yan suspected that he was not befriending his childhood sweetheart sister, but a fanatic fan.

Shen Wan stayed until the end of the hour.

As soon as Jin Yan sent her out, he heard the sound of horseshoes on the side of the street.

She looked up and saw that Gu Jinhe and Shen Yu, who were wearing two different styles of official uniforms, one blue and one red, came running side by side.

"elder brother."

"Meet the princess."

"Shizi Shen."

"Master Gu."

After saying hello, Jin Yan laughed.

"What's the fun?" Gu Jinhe lightly tapped Jinyan's head.

Jin Yan glared at him, intending to fight back, but thinking of the presence of outsiders, he temporarily took revenge.

"Sister Shen, since Shizi Shen came to pick her up in person, I won't see you off far away. See you some other day." Jin Yan said.

Shen Wan smiled, glanced at Shen Yu from the corner of her eye, and felt a little resentful in her heart.

The prince has quit, why is my brother still a log?
Seeing that Shen Yu still didn't respond, she had no choice but to say goodbye to Jin Yan.

After getting into the carriage, there was no movement for a long time.

Opening the curtain and looking, he saw Shen Yu was talking to Jin Yan, while the hand behind his back was rubbing his fingers non-stop.

Shen Wan lowered the curtain to block the old mother's smile.

 good night
(End of this chapter)

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