After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 27 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged

Chapter 27 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged (27)

After the Shen brothers and sisters left, Jin Yan immediately turned on Gu Jinhe.

"In front of other people, you actually poked my head!"

Jinyan was furious, and wanted to jump up to take revenge, but Gu Jinhe had an absolute advantage in height, so he suppressed Jinyan immediately.

"Gu Jinhe! Let me go!"

Jinyan scratched the air with her hands for a long time, but she didn't even touch Gu Jinhe's body. She had an idea and stepped on Gu Jinhe's shoe.

There was a muffled hum.

The big hand on the head was released instantly.

Jin Yan looked over triumphantly, but saw that Gu Jinhe was holding back a smile, as if he had been trampled on in the slightest.

"Okay, you lied to me!"

Just as Jin Yan wanted to take revenge back, he heard a cough not far away.

The voice was familiar.

Jinyan paused, and turned around with Gu Jinhe.

At the corner of the street where the Shen brothers and sisters left, Xie Yan in black clothes stood there.

Xie Yan in white has a detached and refined aura, like an exiled immortal who is about to ascend in the next second.

As for him, who was dressed in black clothes, his black hair was like a waterfall, and half of his jade-like face was hidden in the shadows. It was impossible to see his real face clearly, but the exquisite facial contours gave people a thrilling surprise.

When Jinyan stared at Xie Yan, Gu Jinhe had already bowed, "I've seen the Seventh Prince."

Xie Yan walked over slowly.

Eunuch Hai next to him was gone, replaced by a young guard.

Xie Yan first supported Gu Jinhe's wrist, exchanged a few words of greeting, and then explained the purpose of coming, "When I was in Yuntai Mountain, thanks to the care of the eldest princess, Xie Yan was very grateful, and I came here today to pay a special visit."

Gu Jinhe staggered his body and said respectfully, "Please, Your Highness Seventh."

Xie Yan nodded, looked at Jinyan again, and asked softly, "Is the princess feeling better? I have a good millennium snow ginseng. I will send someone to send it later, so that the princess can make up for it."

"His Highness Xie Qi is concerned, I am already well." Jin Yan said.

Next to Gu Jin and her thin lips were tightly pursed, their scrutinizing eyes skipped over Xie Yan, and then fell on Jin Yan who was talking to Xie Yan.

Seeing the relaxed smile on Jinyan's face, Gu Jinhe frowned.

The Seventh Prince was born and grew up in the Leng Palace. If he hadn't saved His Majesty's life last winter by mistake, no one would remember his existence at this moment.

The merit of rescuing him allowed him to move out of the cold palace, and because of his weak health, His Majesty allowed him to recuperate in the Zhuangzi outside the palace, but he has been living in seclusion and rarely showing his face.

Yan Yan should have little chance to meet the Seventh Prince...

Gu Jinhe was full of speculation, but pretended to be nothing, and quietly participated in the topic.

He wanted to move the topic away from Jin Yan, and while talking, somehow turned to "seeking a doctor".

I only heard Xie Yan said: "It is said that a long illness makes a doctor. After being ill for so many years, I have also learned some superficial things. Of course, I am not as good as the Xinglin master like the old doctor Zhang. I just figured out when I couldn't get the doctor and I couldn't get the medicine. Some body-building techniques, now I have some experience, I will organize them into a book and send them to He Jin, if the princess has time, I can practice them."

Gu Jinhe originally suspected that Xie Yan deliberately approached Jinyan with ulterior motives, but seeing that he was always concerned about Jinyan's body, he wondered if he was a villain.

He couldn't help but feel sorry, and just as he was about to thank Xie Yan, all the doubts in his heart emerged.

I just heard Jin Yan say: "It's such a coincidence, I have recently figured out a way to strengthen my muscles and bones. I saw His Highness the Seventh Prince was thin that day, and I thought I would give it to His Highness when I have time. This is a good time. You can compare it." Let's see whose method works better!"

 Gu Jinhe: Xie Yan has unreasonable thoughts about my sister?

  Xie Yan cares about Jinyan's body
  Gu Jinhe: Looks like I'm a villain

  Jin Yan cares about Xie Yan's body
  Gu Jinhe: Could it be that Yan Yan had unreasonable thoughts about Xie Yan?
(End of this chapter)

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