Chapter 285 My family is the best (33)

Before Si Fengxuan's car reached Wen's house, he saw villagers flocking in front of Wen's house from a distance.

Everyone held some peach branches in their hands, carrying the blood of the black dog. When they were exposed to Wen's house, they whipped the gate with the peach branches and splashed the blood of the black dog on the wall.

The Wen family did not officially separate, and the second and third families of the Wen family also came in and out through that door, but the villagers who were frightened at this time couldn't control that much, they just wanted to expel the evildoers quickly and return the village to tranquility.

But when Wen Lan came out from inside with a sullen face, those villagers who were doing strange movements and chanting incomprehensible words, as if they were offering sacrifices and praying, all moved out of the way.

They were afraid of evil things, and they were even more afraid of Wen Lan who could easily kill evil things.

After Wen Lan came out, Xiaohu, who was driving the carriage, also came out. After explaining a few words to Xiaohu, he asked him to leave with a load of luggage.

He was about to go home when he saw something out of the corner of his eye and stopped again.

Soon, Si Fengxuan's car stopped in front of Wen's house.

Wen Lan was about to salute Si Fengxuan, but Yun Zhu and Yun Jian, who had quick eyes and quick hands, immediately stopped him. Yun Jian said, "Our son is passing by here and wants to ask for a glass of water. Please make it easy."

Everyone in the village stared at the sudden appearance of the luxurious carriage and the well-trained guards in a daze.

Wen Lan stood aside and said, "Please."

After finishing speaking, Si Fengxuan walked out of the carriage.

It's not that he wants to show some affinity in front of his future father-in-law, it's just that the carriage is too tall and too big to get in Wen's house.

Si Fengxuan's visit surprised Jin Yan as well.

She guessed that Si Fengxuan might come to see her again, but she didn't expect him to walk into Wen's house in such a grand manner.

"I have seen..."

"Mrs. Wen doesn't need to be polite."

After avoiding Mei Huiniang's etiquette, Si Fengxuan looked at the handsome young man opposite him, who was like a green pine and jade tree facing the wind, "This must be your son, right?"

Wen Jinyang: "I have seen the prince."

Si Fengxuan held up Wen Jinyang's bowing hand with a fan, and said: "This king has said, there is no need to be polite."

"Thank you, my lord." Wen Jinyang said.

Si Fengxuan gave Jin Yan a helpless look, but he didn't want Mrs. Wen and Wen Jinyang to salute, he had tried his best to stop it.

Jin Yan pretended not to see his wink.

Wen Lan cut to the chase and said, "I don't know why the prince came to visit, why?"

Si Fengxuan: "I heard that a strange thing happened in Wenjia Village, so I came to see how 'weird' this strange thing is, and whether it is as evil as the fleeing people said."

Wen Lan: "My lord is really well informed."

"It's easy to say, who made the most intelligence-savvy people in the world fall under my king's door." Si Fengxuan said calmly.

Wen Lan: "..."

Yunzhu Yunjian: "..."

There is no need to tell these secrets!

Jin Yan was even amused by Si Fengxuan's nonsense, she reminded Si Fengxuan, "My lord, it's better not to tell us about such important matters."

She doesn't care, but her parents and brother have heard too much, and there will always be psychological pressure.

Si Fengxuan immediately said: "This king has no intention of scaring you, but the water spilled by what I said can't be taken back, so just pretend you didn't hear anything."

Everyone: "..."

Everyone's eyes fell on Jin Yan at the same time.

Why does King Ning listen to you so much?
Jin Yan: "..."

Because she likes obedient men, can't she?

Si Fengxuan didn't want them to put pressure on Jin Yan, so he brought up other things, "I just heard a few words when I entered the door. The person who made the villagers so panic is also surnamed Wen?"

Wen Lan: "My lord, whether her surname is Wen or not is still inconclusive."

Si Fengxuan: "That's right, it's just a lonesome ghost with an evil spirit everywhere."

Mei Huiniang grasped Jin Yan's hand subconsciously, and then looked at Wen Lan worriedly.

If Wen Ziran is really a lonely ghost, then where does her resentment towards Yan Yan come from?

Now that Wen Ziran has died several times, has he already turned into a ghost?Will he take revenge on Yan Yan?
Sensing the change in Madam Wen's expression, Si Fengxuan asked, "What's wrong with Madam Wen?"

Mei Huiniang was worried, but she still pretended to be calm and shook her head, "The woman has lost her composure, please forgive me..."

"What is unforgivable, what concerns do you have, but it's okay to say." Si Fengxuan said.

Mei Huiniang was hesitating, but Si Fengxuan took out a jade pendant that was still warm from his arms and handed it to Jin Yan, "The king promised to give you a gift when we parted last time. It is said that the gift given to me by Your Majesty has been enshrined in the temple for many years, and it can ward off evil spirits and keep you safe, so I will give it to you."

Jin Yan was stunned.

Was the "last time" he was talking about a parting at the restaurant or last night?

But no matter which time, Jin Yan didn't remember any gift giving.

Looking at Jin Yan's expression, Wen Lan knew that this was nothing at all, and he immediately said: "My lord, this jade pendant is a gift from the sage, how can I give it to others, please don't want it..."

"What is in my king's hands is my king's stuff. I can give it to whoever I want, and my brother will not interfere." Si Fengxuan put on a righteous attitude.

There was one thing he didn't say.

That is, this jade pendant is actually a pair. When the emperor gave it to him, he said that when he had a sweetheart, he would give one of them to the woman as a token.

Wen Lan: "My lord, this is too precious, my daughter can't accept it, so I ask my lord to take it back!"

Wen Jinyang knelt down and begged Si Fengxuan to take back his life.

Looking at the father and son, Si Fengxuan also showed a trace of helplessness on his face, and soon he said: "To be honest, this king came here just for Jinyan after hearing about the strange things in Wenjia Village."

He spread the jade pendant and said: "Since that evil thing has resentment towards Jin Yan, you have to be on guard. This jade pendant has been with me for many years and has been enshrined devoutly by eminent monks for many years. It has long been contaminated with dragon spirit and Buddha nature. With it following Jinyan, it will surely protect Jinyan from illness and disaster."

Jin Yan looked at Si Fengxuan suddenly.

She also said why did this person come here suddenly with such a big fanfare, it turned out that he was worried about her after hearing what happened in the village, so he came to send her a peace talisman?

Wen Lan and Wen Jinyang were also speechless at this time.

Who would have thought that Si Fengxuan came here this time to protect Jinyan?
Si Fengxuan said earnestly: "You don't want to be rewarded without merit, and you are unwilling to accept it. This king can understand, but it's not that this king has no plans..."

Wen Lan and his wife, Jin Yan and the others all looked up at Si Fengxuan.

I heard Si Fengxuan say: "My king's plan is that Jinyan can be safe, happy and free from worries. At least in this point, we are the same, aren't we?"

Knowing that Si Fengxuan had more plans than this, Wen Lan, his wife and Wen Jinyang still couldn't say anything to refute.

Si Fengxuan simply put the jade pendant into Jin Yan's hands, "Take it as a temporary safekeeping for the king for a few days, and return it to the king after the matter here is over."

At that time, maybe Wen Lan has recognized his identity, so naturally there is no need to pay it back.

(End of this chapter)

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