Chapter 286 My family is the best (34)

After giving the jade pendant to Jin Yan, Si Fengxuan asked the Wen family if they wanted to move.

As soon as Wen Lan said yes, he immediately said: "It's so good, I'm going back to the county, let Mrs. Wen and Jin Yan go with me, I don't believe that so-called evil things dare to invade my car!"

"My lord, it's so inappropriate..."

"What's wrong? In the eyes of Mr. Wen, are those red tapes more important than the safety of his family?"


Wen Lan was speechless.

For him, let alone the red tape, everything in this world is not as important as the safety of his family.

But the current situation is that, knowing that Si Fengxuan has ulterior motives to plot against his precious daughter, and knowing that the other party has set up layers of traps, he has no choice but to jump in.

Because he can't afford to gamble.

He could easily kill Wen Ziran, but he didn't know how to kill "Wen Ziran".

The final result speaks for itself.

Si Fengxuan won again.

This made Jinyan suspect that the not-so-smart look that Si Fengxuan showed when they first met was his disguise.

Is he actually pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

Then this acting skill is really amazing, once again he deceived her.

When Jin Yan wished he could grab Si Fengxuan's ear and ask why, Si Fengxuan proposed to let Wen Lan go with him.

There are so many unpredictable things in this world. In his opinion, there is no need to be too obsessed with what Wen Ziran is, all he needs to do is kill her.

Wen Lan: "Thank you, my lord, for your kindness. I can't leave."

He had to watch Wen Ziran disappear before his eyes.

Si Fengxuan seemed to have guessed this point, and said: "Then the king will leave a few people for you to send, and if you have anything to do, just tell them to do it."

Wen Lan thanked Si Fengxuan again.

As soon as they packed up, Zhang Lin said that grandpa and grandma had already packed up, and they were waiting for them.

There was a lot of movement about the second room's move, especially the appearance of Si Fengxuan attracted everyone's attention.

Seeing that Jin Yan and the others were about to go out, Wen's father, Wen's mother, Wen Tan and others rushed to the door. They thought that Wen Lan was leaving too, so they opened their mouths to play the family card, asking Wen Lan to take them away and take them in.

Everyone looked at Wen Lan expectantly, and Wen Lan said lightly, "You guys made a mistake, I'm not going anywhere."

But no one believed Wen Lan's words.

Wen Tan even cast his eyes on Si Fengxuan.

Wearing gorgeous and extravagant clothes, with an upright and extraordinary posture, and accompanied by guards with knives, it is obvious that he has a lot of background.

Wen Tan tried to strike up a conversation, "I wonder who this young master is?"

No one cares about him.

Wen Tan observed carefully, and found that Si Fengxuan was standing behind Jin Yan and Wen Jinyang, thinking that Si Fengxuan was a friend Wen Jinyang met outside, and the expression on his face suddenly became more eager.

"I forgot to say, I am Jin Yang's uncle. I wonder when this son and Jin Yang met?"

After Wen Tan finished speaking, everyone was speechless for a while.

It's fine to take the opportunity to cling to the relationship, but also mistake the key person.

However, Si Fengxuan showed a look of interest in Wen Tan, which made Wen Tan feel proud.

He said that although he has not yet entered the officialdom, the knowledge and growth brought to him by so many years of experience in taking the exam are not comparable to that of a brat like Wen Jinyang.

Sure enough, the noble young master saw his extraordinaryness at a glance.

When he tried to introduce himself, Si Fengxuan sent him to hell with one sentence, "Why don't you look sad at all, isn't that dead and resurrected monster your daughter?"

After the words fell, Wen Tan's expression changed on the spot.

Dafang and others are even worse than him.

Wen Tan wanted to defend himself, but the weirdness of his "daughter" made him unable to say anything unnecessary.

He was afraid of being retaliated, and even more afraid of being cursed by evil things.

So are others.

"You are really ruthless as a father."

After saying this, Si Fengxuan sneered, then turned and walked towards his carriage.

This time, in front of many outsiders, for the sake of Jin Yan's reputation, he didn't say anything about letting Jin Yan ride in the same carriage with him.

For him, the Wen family accepted and got used to his existence, and he had won a big step.

As for others, the future is long.

After the carriage left, Wen Tan rushed forward furiously. He wanted to grab Wen Lan's collar, but Wen Lan easily knocked him down to the ground.

Wen Tan was so thrown that his internal organs were about to jump out, he covered his heart and scolded: "Second brother, did your father and son speak ill of me in front of that young master, you ruined my reputation..."

"Your reputation? What's your reputation? Do you have any reputation at all?" Wen Lan mocked directly.

Wen Tan was so angry that he said, "It's you, you are afraid that I will pass the exam and that I will become a success, so you want to use this lowly method to snatch my contacts and hinder my progress!"

Wen Lan almost vomited what he said.

He looked at Wen Tan, who looked like a rascal, and scolded: "You want to be the prime minister, are you crazy? Use your brain before you speak. If you can really make a fortune with your own ability, why should you be frustrated because you can't make connections? Maliciously slandering our father and son?"

Wen Tan: "That's because you guys have done nasty things!"

Wen Lan was too lazy to talk about these meaningless things with him, so he just said to Wen's father and mother, "I have already finished greeting the people in the clan, and when the clan people arrive, I will separate the family immediately, and you will enjoy the happiness with the boss in the future." go."

After finishing speaking, ignoring the ugly and anxious faces of Wen's father and mother, he turned and went back to his home.

Wen Erya, who was hiding at the door to eavesdrop, told Wen Hai and Wang the news immediately.

Wang clasped his palms together and muttered silently: "Amitabha, it can be considered that the family is going to be separated, and I finally don't have to stay in the same house with that evil spirit in the future, thank God!"

Wen Hai gave her a warning look, telling her not to be "evil" or something, but he was relieved.

Only Dafang's family looked as if they were mourning their concubine, all of them drooped their heads, and their faces were even uglier than going to the grave.

As soon as Wen Zimo went back, he was dragged into the house by Mrs. Yang, who whispered, "Second Uncle wants to separate, so let's take this opportunity to separate too..."

Wen Zimo refused straight away, "No, grandparents and parents are here, and I am the eldest son, how can we separate the family?"

Xiao Yang was angry and resentful, "Do you think I want to separate? I'm not for you and my son! Your sister...she can hate the second wife for no reason, how can you guarantee that she won't hate us and won't come? Harm us?"

Even if people would poke their noses and scold them when they separated, she didn't want to have anything to do with that kind of monster.

Wen Zimo's expression showed a struggle and hesitation.

When Xiao Yang thought he would agree to split the family for him, Wen Zimo shook his head, "This matter cannot be solved by separating the family, so don't mention it again in the future."

"Wen Ziran" can come back from the dead, what else can't she do?
If she really wanted revenge, no one would be able to hide from the person she hated, and the second wife would be the first to bear the brunt.

(End of this chapter)

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