After being identified by Yunxiu, the eunuch's heart skipped a beat, thinking that the person sitting in the carriage could not be some important figure from the palace, right?

But I turned around and thought again, except for the three Buddhas, the Empress Dowager and King Ning, wouldn't the rest of the palace have to salute when they saw the eldest princess?
It is impossible for the Empress Dowager and the emperor to leave the palace easily. Even if they leave the palace, there will be guards of honor to open the way, and the imperial guards will protect their safety.

As for King Ning, that's even more impossible.

As we all know, King Ning pays the most attention to enjoyment. When he travels, all the people, horses and objects he brings are high-quality goods in the palace, and they will never be as shabby as the chariots and horses in front of him.

Maybe he was thinking too much, there were no big figures in the carriage, it was just that this maid came out of the palace and had seen some things in the world.

Thinking of this, the eunuch became arrogant again, "What should I do? When seeing the guard of honor of His Highness the Eldest Princess, it is natural to kneel and kowtow to salute!"

Yunxiu was about to die laughing.

What kind of eldest princess, the eldest princess who has been sealed since the reign of the first emperor, has been in the past for decades, and has not moved in the seat of the eldest princess, and has been in the fiefdom of Ganzhou and Beijing for more than ten years. She has long since lost her place, and she is ashamed to go to the capital to speak out.

"Don't you understand my father-in-law's words? Hurry up and let your master get off the carriage and salute!"

As the eunuch said, he waved the whip in his hand again.

It's just that this time the scene of screams and begging for mercy that he was expecting to see did not appear, and the moment the whip was thrown out, a slender hand caught it in the palm of his hand.

The eunuch's eyes widened suddenly, "You! You will..."

Before he could finish the word "martial arts", a charming and savage voice came from behind, it was the granddaughter of Princess Jingping, the county lord of Hui'an.

She was full of pride, "Have the troublemakers in front dispersed yet? Come here, drive them away, and delay the time to enter the palace, the county lord is asking you!"

The guards behind heard the words and acted immediately.

The eunuch saw it, stepped back quickly, and said in a low voice: "Master, the maid in the front house not only knows the identity of a servant, but also knows martial arts, I'm afraid..."

"Afraid of what? Is the county lord still afraid of them?"

"I don't dare, it's just that this is the capital..."

"So what about the capital city. Grandmother is the only eldest princess of the dynasty, and my aunt is the empress of today. Who is so short-sighted that she dares to stop our car?"


The eunuch here had just compromised, but the guard over there shouted "Get out of the way, or I won't welcome you later", and already moved his hands.

However, the four of Yunxiu and the Wen family's guards were not vegetarians either. Seeing that the other party started beating up without hesitation, they no longer gave each other any face.

The sound of fighting sounded, and the people on the side of the road covered their eyes in fright, as if they had already predicted the end of the Wen family.

To everyone's surprise, after only one move, the guards who came forward to find fault were put on the ground, and each of them had a foot on their chest.

The little eunuch stepped forward, and when he saw that his own people were lying on the ground, he was even more convinced of his doubts.

It is not uncommon for maids to know martial arts, but what is strange is that any of the maids in this family can defeat the guards around the eldest princess.

Obviously, the identities of these people are not just as simple as maids.

But if it is a dark guard, then what kind of people can raise a dark guard with great fanfare?
This thought startled the eunuch, he glanced at the few people on the ground, and then went back to report the situation.

As soon as he left, Yunxiu said, "Okay, let's go too."

This account, the prince will record it himself
Who knows that they don't want to care about it at this time, but someone is rushing to die.

"Where are you going? Has the county lord allowed you to go?"


Yunxiu and the others didn't even give her a look, they turned their heads and continued on their way.

Seeing that someone dared not to take him seriously, the county magistrate of Hui'an immediately became angry, "Come here, take them all down, this county mainly let them know the consequences of being disrespectful to the magistrate!"

"Yes! County Lord!"

The guards rushed forward and fought with Yunxiu and the others again.

On the other side, Wen Jinyang and Si Fengxuan, who did not wait for anyone after getting off the tower, also rode out of the city on horseback.

From a distance, the sound of fighting mixed with the collision of swords could be heard.

Wen Jinyang's face changed slightly, "Something happened!"

And Yunjian Yunzhu and others beside Si Fengxuan immediately ran towards the direction of the sound.

"How is it, do you still want to fight?"

Yunxiu stepped on a guard and looked up at the girl on the opposite horse.

Princess Hui'an was going to explode in anger, "Waste, a bunch of incompetent waste, who can't even beat a few women, what use are you for?"

The guard who was dying of pain on the ground: "..."

proceed if you can!
This is obviously not the entourage of ordinary people, otherwise there is no match for them!
"And you, who are you and which family's servants are you? How dare you disrespect the county lord like this. When you return to the imperial city, the county lord will definitely kill your nine clans!"

"Whose Nine Clans do you want to kill?"

When Si Fengxuan's voice came, Jin Yan lifted the curtains in surprise.

At the same time, Wen Jinyang also came to the carriage, "The child is unfilial and late, which frightened the parents!"

Seeing Wen Jinyang, the county magistrate of Hui'an seemed to have seen a ghost, with a horrified expression on his face.

"So it's you, Wen..."

She spoke in a low voice, but everyone who should hear heard it.

"It's Wen Ziran." Jin Yan said.

Wen Lan nodded, then gave Si Fengxuan an empty salute as if nothing had happened, and asked Wen Jinyang how he was doing.

Taking advantage of no one's attention, Si Fengxuan pinched Jin Yan's face, and then rode to the back, "You were the one talking just now? Whose clan do you want to kill?"


The appearance of the Wen family made Hui'an county head, namely Wen Ziran, panic. She never expected to meet the Wen family here.

In an instant, she remembered the last day in Wen's Village.

That fire made me know what hell looks like.

It also prevented her from smelling any barbecue.

Just remembering these things, Wen Ziran felt unbearable pain all over his body.

She suppressed her fear and nausea, and looked at Si Fengxuan pretending to be calm, "It's what the magistrate said, so what about you?"

Si Fengxuan sneered: "County lord? Yun Jian, do you know when there will be another county lord who is ready to kill the nine clans?"

Yun Jian pretended to think for a while, then shook his head and said, "My lord, I don't know."

County Lord?


Wen Ziran frowned, "You dare to..."

After a pause, her expression changed drastically, "My lord?"

What kind of prince is this?
She was thinking of her grandmother's advice before going out, and when she went to Beijing, she must never provoke King Ning.

The person in front of him is definitely His Highness King Ning, right?
At this moment, the eunuch staggered up from behind.

From far away, he knelt down on the ground, and shouted in a flattering and horrified trembling voice that would scare even ghosts: "The slave pays homage to the lord, the lord is a thousand years old!"

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