Chapter 306 My family is the best (54)

The sound of "My Lord is thousand years old" frightened everyone present.

The guards of the Princess Palace all knelt down after realizing it.

Many of the people who followed the eldest princess to the fiefdom in the early years are already old. They were promoted later. They have not left the fiefdom for many years, have never been to the capital, and do not know King Ning.

But even if they don't know each other, they all know that King Ning can't be messed with.

After the sound of "My lord is a thousand years old", the eldest princess's carriage slowly came to the front.

The maid raised the curtain of the carriage, and Princess Jingping was sitting in the carriage. She was in her 50s, but she looked only in her 30s. It was obvious that she had been living in a fief all these years, but she was living a very good life.

The eldest princess looked at Si Fengxuan, but Si Fengxuan didn't look at her directly.

This contemptuous and disdainful attitude made the eldest princess very annoyed, and it was even more embarrassing to think that so many ordinary people saw her being ignored by King Ning.

But in the end she suppressed her anger and said in a familiar and friendly tone: "So it's really Xuan'er. I haven't seen you for many years. You've grown up so much?"

Si Fengxuan poked her lung tube as soon as he opened his mouth, "Thanks to you, I finally survived."

Princess: "..."

Her face changed slightly, and she glanced at the maid next to her again.

Didn't it mean that King Ning's memory has not been as good as before since he was poisoned, and he can't remember many things?Why do you still remember the hatred of the year?

The maid lowered her head and dared not speak.

The eldest princess smiled shyly again: "You child, you used to be outspoken. After so many years, your temperament has not changed. It shows how much the Queen Mother and His Majesty dote on you."

Si Fengxuan had a playful look on his face, and pointed out: "My queen's mother and emperor's brother will naturally stand by my king's side all the time."

Princess: "..."


The eldest princess was a little unclear, so she thought that the purpose of her trip had already been seen through, but she also felt that it was impossible.

This time she was allowed to enter Beijing under the guise of celebrating the queen mother's birthday and choosing a son-in-law for her granddaughter, but what kind of person is worthy to be her grandson-in-law?

Except for the prince and prince, there is no one else.

However, King Ning still remembers the grudges of those years, so it is obviously impossible, so only the prince and a few other princes are left.

Before the eldest princess understood the situation, Si Fengxuan turned his horse's head, "This king still has important matters, so I will go ahead."

"Wait, Xuan'er, these people are..." The eldest princess asked the Wen family in front again.

Although she didn't show up before, she knew exactly what happened. Who was in the carriage in front, and King Ning greeted him in person.

Si Fengxuan: "The eldest princess knows that Mrs. Lin has accepted a closed disciple, right?"

The news has already spread, and the eldest princess, who always pays attention to the movements of the capital, naturally knows, "So..."

Si Fengxuan: "In the carriage is the family of my junior brother."

The eldest princess almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Junior brother, family?
It's just a Jieyuan, even if he worships Mrs. Lin as his teacher, he is still a Jieyuan.

Even if he is really the top pick in high school, so what?Could it still be bigger than her, the eldest princess?Can it be more honorable than her?
"Xuan'er, these people are your junior brother's family, so hasn't he taught his family etiquette? Don't you know that you should kneel down and salute when you see me? From the master to the servants, you have been taught like this, so you can see Yuan Ye... "

"Then dare to ask the eldest princess, but my family is rude first?" Wen Jinyang also walked over.

Seeing Wen Jinyang's face, it was impossible to ignore his cold eyes, which made the eldest princess feel a little oppressive and dangerous.

She lowered her face, "You are Wen Jieyuan? You are a scholar, so what have you learned about etiquette?"

Wen Jinyang cupped his hands and bowed to the north, "The emperor is benevolent and loves the people. He once said that unless there are special occasions, the common people don't have to salute when they meet the royal family. Could it be that the eldest princess's rules are worse than the emperor's?"

The eldest princess was at a loss for words.

Wen Jinyang said again: "Whether it is my family and these people who are rude and disrespectful to the eldest princess, or the guards of the eldest princess's mansion who bully and beat the people, as long as you check it, you will know, and it will be time for everyone in the capital to see the eldest princess. Majestic, let's see the true face of the county head who is ready to punish the nine clans at every turn!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at the pale Wen Ziran, "I have been studying for so many years, and I have never heard that a county head who doesn't even have a food city can exercise the power of the emperor to punish the nine clans."

The eldest princess choked for breath, her heart almost jumped out of her chest.

Wen Jinyang suddenly laughed, "Those who know will say that the upbringing of the eldest princess's mansion is nothing more than this, but those who don't know may think that the eldest princess is driven by ambition and wants to usurp the throne!"

The sentence "seeking to usurp the throne" hit the eldest princess's mind and made her heart beat sharply.

She gave Wen Ziran a hard look, as if she wanted to cut Wen Ziran alive.

Wen Ziran hated and feared at the same time.

He hated himself for being reborn again but still being bullied and suppressed by Wen's family, so he couldn't avenge his previous revenge immediately.

He was also afraid that the news of "Zhu Jiu Clan" would spread, and he might not be able to keep his head at that time.

Seeing that the Eldest Princess could not utter a word, Wen Ziran withdrew his sharp edge, "The boy was rude just now, please forgive me by the Eldest Princess. Since the Eldest Princess is in a hurry to enter the palace, please go ahead and invite her."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yunxiu and the others directed the Wen family's carriages to stop at the side of the road, giving way to the spacious official road.

At this moment, there were no obstacles on the road, but the people in the Princess's Mansion did not dare to move.

Everyone is waiting for the princess's reaction.

The eldest princess coughed crazily, which also added a few strands of blood to her pale face.

She looked at Si Fengxuan, who had a sarcastic expression, and said with a compensatory smile: "It was just a misunderstanding, everyone, don't take it to heart, Xuan'er, since your junior and brother's family is in a hurry to reunite, let them go first. Bengong hasn't returned to Beijing for many years, but now that I'm here, I feel a little timid because of the closeness to my hometown, so I'd better wait for Bengong to calm down before entering the city."

She offered to pass the steps, but Si Fengxuan didn't bother to accept them. He said coldly, "If you want to leave, hurry up, otherwise you won't even think about entering the city."

The eldest princess immediately shut up.

She naturally knew that Si Fengxuan was not joking.

In desperation, he had no choice but to tell people to move on.

Wen Ziran had already realized that she had caused a disaster, but she had no idea how big the disaster was.

When the eldest princess returned to the carriage, she ran to serve her attentively, "Grandmother, why should he do whatever he says, how about we..."

Before he finished speaking, Wen Ziran was slapped loudly on the face with a "slap", "Things that are more than successful than failures, you did a good job!"

Wen Ziran covered his face and dared not speak.

The eldest princess had a gloomy face, looking out of the window with a sullen expression.

"Today's shame, I have recorded it!"

In the future, these people must be repaid double!
(End of this chapter)

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