Chapter 311 My family is the best (59)

This morning, an unprecedented scuffle broke out in the main courtyard of Wen's family.

The three parties were all respectable people, and they also paid attention to their image. During the fight, none of them touched the other's face, and only greeted the flesh hard.

After the fight, the three of them acted as if nothing had happened, making it impossible to see that they had fought just now.

When Jin Yan woke up, Si Fengxuan had already been sent away by Wen Lan.

Jin Yan could only ask Yunxiu and the others if the residual poison in Si Fengxuan's body had been completely eliminated, and if his old wounds had healed.

Yunxiu truthfully said what Yunzhu had said.

Knowing that Si Fengxuan is fine now, Jin Yan is relieved.

At night, Si Fengxuan climbed over the wall and entered Jinyan's yard in a familiar way, but this time before he entered the house, he was startled by the torches all over the yard.

Naturally, Si Fengxuan would not naively think that these torches were a ceremony for Jin Yan to welcome him.

Sure enough, Wen Lan stood up from the stone chair behind him.

"It's so late, the prince is still interested in climbing over the wall to admire the moon?" Wen Lan said sarcastically.

Si Fengxuan coughed, and said without changing his face: "The moonlight is beautiful tonight. I originally wanted to invite Jin Yan to enjoy the moon together, but now it seems that I can't."

other people:"……"

Today is clearly a cloudy day, and I can't even see a single star when I look up. Where does the moonlight come from?

Wen Lan said coldly: "It's really impossible. The little girl is not feeling well and has already rested. Since the prince wants to enjoy the moon, please go ahead!"

Being caught over the wall and being rejected in person, Si Fengxuan didn't show any offended anger on his face.

He withdrew his feet in a good temper, and said with regret: "That's such a pity, such a beautiful moonlight, only this king can enjoy it."

Everyone: "..."


No one else can find where there is moonlight!

Si Fengxuan turned around and was about to leave, but suddenly said, "Then I will take my leave, please tell Zhuang Zhu Wen to Jin Yan, I wish her a sweet dream."

Don't dream about him again.

Don't meet him again in your dream, guard him, accompany him to detoxify and accompany him to pain.

He was reluctant.

Wen Lan didn't know the meaning of Si Fengxuan's words, when he saw him speak, he immediately bowed and said, "Send off the prince!"

Si Fengxuan gave a helpless wry smile, and then flew away gracefully.

Wen Lan didn't convey Si Fengxuan's words to Jin Yan, but Jin Yan heard it all in the room.

She didn't fall asleep, but stared at the bed curtain with her eyes open, thinking of Si Fengxuan in yesterday's dream who was in pain during detoxification but kept pretending to be indifferent, smiling at her and comforting her.

He wished her sweet dreams.

Then it will be as he wishes.


Although he was rejected all the time, Si Fengxuan never stopped visiting the Wen family.

Time passed, not to mention the people who were watching him secretly, the queen mother and the emperor in the palace couldn't sit still at first.

"Where has all your arrogance gone for so many years? That daughter of the Wen family is just so nice, and she asked you to lower your profile to ask for permission!" the emperor scolded.

Si Fengxuan: "Of course Yanyan is the best woman in the world."

The emperor was very angry, "It's fine that the identity and background of the Wen family are not right with you. The son of the Wen family is indeed a rare talent, but their family treats you like a scourge, why do you still rush to the Wen family all day long?" ?”

Si Fengxuan said honestly: "Increase the impression, I will run a few more times, and when their temper is worn out by me, they will accept me."

The emperor turned pale with anger.

A dignified prince, a nobleman of the royal family, just because he likes a woman, he has to look at other people's faces like this, it's really worthless!

But the person who was rejected several times was still eating there as if nothing happened, and didn't feel that there was anything wrong with his behavior at all.

"Originally, both I and my mother wanted to find you a gentle and beautiful lady from a great family..."

"Don't do it, I don't like ladies from all over the world!"


The emperor took a deep breath, and continued: "Then what do you really want? Since you like it so much, why don't you let me marry you? I don't believe it, there are still people in this world who dare to disobey orders and disrespect!"

Si Fengxuan turned his head to look at him slowly, "Brother Huang, don't say that resisting the edict is disrespectful, you are the Zhu Jiuzu..."

Pausing for a moment, thinking of something, Si Fengxuan immediately said: "Brother Huang, that idiot granddaughter of the eldest princess's family shouted to kill the Nine Clans last time, you know about that, right?"

The emperor's face darkened, obviously he knew it a long time ago.

Si Fengxuan added embellishments, "The ignorant are fearless. I admire her quite a bit. How many relatives of the royal family would dare to yell to punish the nine clans in public? Could it be that they want to seek power and usurp the throne?"

The Son of Heaven snorted, "I already know about this matter, and I will deal with it myself, so why don't you tell me about your marriage?"

"It's a big deal, it must be grand, of course you can't pass the emperor brother." Si Fengxuan said.

Son of Heaven: "..."

You don't even write a word, and you are just saying that the marriage is going to be a big deal. Is this a daydream?

Seeing the emperor's contemptuous expression, Si Fengxuan said: "Sooner or later there will be such a day, let the Ministry of Rites make preparations earlier, and there will be more time."

The emperor snorted coldly, "You think it's pretty."

Si Fengxuan: "I'm also quite beautiful, brother, didn't you always praise me for my beauty?"

The emperor expressed his annoyance and did not want to speak.

After a while, the eunuch came in with a plate of pastries, saying that they were sent by the Queen Mother.

Si Fengxuan took a bite and asked, "Is there any more?"

Eunuch: "... yes."

Si Fengxuan: "Prepare two copies and give them to Yunjian."

Eunuch: "...Yes."

After the bewildered eunuch retreated, the Son of Heaven looked at Si Fengxuan speechlessly, "Can you be a bit promising?"

No need to ask, this pastry must be prepared for that girl from the Wen family.

He never expected that his younger brother, who is so wise and close to a demon, is so full of love and love, he is simply a strange flower in the royal family.

"You always say that if I don't have a family, I won't grow up. Now I only want to have a family, and you despise me for being worthless. It's so good that you have finished talking." Si Fengxuan complained.

The emperor was choked speechless.

After a brief silence, the Son of Heaven said: "I will have a test soon. During this period, you should not go to Wen's house. You know that kid has real talents, but outsiders don't know it. If you don't want to cause trouble for Wen's family, you should take care of yourself. "

Si Fengxuan rolled his eyes after hearing this, "Brother Huang doesn't think I'm going through the main entrance, does he? Wen's courtyard is so short, of course I'm going to look..."

"Si Fengxuan!"

The Son of Heaven slapped down the desk, and scolded angrily: "Your Majesty, stealthily overturning the walls of other people's houses, you are really promising!"

Si Fengxuan grinned, and said in a very awkward tone: "Thank you for your compliment, brother! I also know that I am very promising, so I don't need others to remind me."

The emperor was so angry that he didn't want to talk anymore, he just waved his hands in disgust, telling Si Fengxuan to go away.

Si Fengxuan was as good as he was, "Your brother resigns! It's still early, just in time to turn over..."


(End of this chapter)

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