Chapter 312 My family is the best (60)

"King Ning is gone?"

"The old slave personally sent the prince to the gate of the palace before returning."

"Listen to what he said, for a woman, just for a woman..."

"This old slave also grew up watching the prince. I have never seen the prince so obsessed with one thing. I think I really like it."

"You turned towards him."

"I don't dare, but I only dare to say that because I know that His Majesty also hopes that the prince can get married as soon as possible, and that I can live with someone who knows both cold and hot."

These words finally put a smile on the emperor's face.

Thinking of his hopeless younger brother, the emperor ordered: "After the court tomorrow morning, let the people from the Ministry of Rites come to the Qinzheng Hall to see me."

Eunuch Li: "Yes, Your Majesty."

The emperor lowered his head, saw the cakes on the desk, and burst out angrily, "You are so greedy, why don't you take this plate away as well."

Eunuch Li flattered: "Your Majesty knows that His Majesty likes to eat, so he specially reserved it for His Majesty."

"Hmph, I don't like to eat these sweet things!"

The emperor's mouth was full of disgust, but he honestly picked up a piece of snack and put it to his mouth.

Eunuch Li watched his nose, nose, and heart, pretending not to see this scene.

After the emperor finished eating a piece of snack, he thought of something and asked again, "The prince is going to see the eldest princess again today?"

Eunuch Li: "Yes."


The emperor's face instantly became extremely gloomy, "What an idiot."

If Si Fengxuan was here, he would definitely go along with the emperor, yes, he would be an idiot, so stupid.

But the people in the hall, including Eunuch Li, did not dare to answer.

After a while, the emperor said again: "Find an opportunity to deal with the people who arranged him near King Ning's mansion. Don't delay King Ning's lifelong event."

Eunuch Li: "..."

Hearing the first sentence, he thought the emperor didn't want the prince to stretch his hand so long.



It turned out to be in order not to miss the prince's lifelong event!

It seems a little strange, but it seems reasonable.

On the other side, after leaving the palace, Si Fengxuan climbed over the wall of Wen's house as usual, and was caught again.

He looked helplessly at Wen Jinyang who was reading in the courtyard, "Junior brother, is this king a scourge? You father and son are so guarded against this king."

Wen Jinyang got up and saluted, and said honestly, "Yes or no, the prince himself doesn't know?"

Si Fengxuan: "Should this king know the number?"

He just wanted to see his sweetheart.

Just as he was talking, Wen Jinyang asked all the servants in the family to retreat, and then Jinyan walked out of the house.

Seeing her figure, Si Fengxuan's eyes lit up.

He glanced at Jin Yan with a smile, and then patted Wen Jinyang on the shoulder, "Good junior brother, you are understanding, senior brother really did not misjudge you!"

Wen Jinyang pouted.


If it wasn't for his younger sister who was waiting there all day long, not even taking the paintbrush, and the readers at the book club were pressing hard, and he himself wanted to read the follow-up, he would not have done such a good deed.

Si Fengxuan did not see Wen Jinyang's expression.

After Jin Yan came over, he happily sat down beside Jin Yan, "Today's clothes look better against you."


Wen Jinyang's cough was completely ignored, Si Fengxuan looked at Jin Yan and said, "This king brought you a snack, it tastes very good, you have a taste."

After saying that, Yun Jian put the two food boxes on the table.

Si Fengxuan opened one of them, took out a snack for Jin Yan, and Jin Yan gave the first piece to Wen Jinyang.

Wen Jinyang: "..."

Si Fengxuan: "..."

Seeing the appetizing expression on Si Fengxuan's face, Wen Jinyang immediately took a bite of the snack.

"The dim sum is really delicious, thank you, my lord." Wen Jinyang said.

Si Fengxuan rolled his eyes, it's not for you to eat!

But he said: "If it tastes good, eat a few more pieces, and the king will send someone to bring it over tomorrow."

Wen Jinyang: "Then it's disrespectful."

Si Fengxuan: "..."

He didn't care about a few dim sum.

What he cares about is that Wen Jinyang doesn't realize that his existence is an eyesore?

At this time, he was still thinking about eating snacks. This future champion looks really not smart at all!
With Wen Jinyang sitting in the town, many things in his heart could not be said, so Wen Jinyang told them about the next court situation.

Finally, when Si Fengxuan continued his three cups of tea and was still talking dry, Wen Jinyang stood up, "I have something to leave for a while, please forgive me, my lord."

Si Fengxuan wished that he would never come back after he left.

As soon as they left, he said to Jin Yan, "Did you sleep well these two days?"

"Okay, my lord doesn't know what to do?" Jin Yan said.

At first, she asked the system to help, and through the high technology of the system, her consciousness was connected with Si Fengxuan, and only then did she see the whole process of Si Fengxuan's detoxification.

After that, the system didn't take action again, but she still dreamed about Si Fengxuan for several days in a row, which definitely had something to do with Si Fengxuan.

Si Fengxuan: "..."

Should I know it?
He had an innocent face, so innocent that Jin Yan even suspected that he was wrong.

The so-called obsession must have an echo.

Maybe it wasn't Si Fengxuan who missed her so much that made her dream of him.

Maybe it was because she missed Si Fengxuan so much that she kept dreaming about him.

The two looked at each other for a moment, and Si Fengxuan seemed to see what Jin Yan was thinking, and he said softly: "Well, I admit it, I know you slept soundly and soundly, and I just want to hear you say it. "

Jin Yan: "..."


"Yanyan, tell me, on the day when your brother was the number one scholar in high school, this king came to your house to propose a marriage. How about a double happiness?" Si Fengxuan asked.

Jin Yan was stunned and said, "Are you serious?"

Si Fengxuan: "Of course."

Jin Yan stared into his eyes for a moment, and after confirming that this person was not joking, she said: "I don't think so, brother's good life deserves to be the focus of attention and surrounded by flowers, and no one or anything can take it away from you." I can't take the highlight moment that belongs to him."

Si Fengxuan didn't quite understand the word "highlight moment", but he understood what Jin Yan meant.

He said indignantly: "Brother, brother, you are too kind to your brother. What kind of blessing did Wen Jinyang cultivate to have you as a good sister!"

Jin Yan: "My brother treats me better."

Si Fengxuan's jealousy changed beyond recognition, "Sometimes, this king really wished that he was Wen Jinyang."

In that case, they were born together, born and raised together, and they are the closest people to each other.

"My lord, enough is enough."

Wen Jinyang's voice came, interrupting Jinyan who was about to speak.

He came in front of Si Fengxuan, and said calmly: "My lord, it's getting late, you should go back to the palace."

In order for his younger sister to meet Si Fengxuan, he risked being beaten up by his father and kindly gave Si Fengxuan a chance.

In the end, Si Fengxuan wanted to replace him.

It's unbearable!
Maybe Dad is right, people's possessiveness is endless.

He shouldn't give Si Fengxuan any good face.

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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