After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 32 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged

Chapter 32 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged (32)

Jin Yan was not surprised that Gu Yong and his son could see tricks.

As the biggest villain, if he can't even find this problem, he will probably be offline after a few chapters.

But the plot does not pay attention to those Luo Ji, just like the way of heaven here.

Seeing Jinyan thoughtful, Gu Jinhe sighed again.

It's not that he doesn't want to hide it, it's because my sister is too smart, and clumsy lies can't hide it from her.

Just as he was about to persuade Jin Yan not to worry too much, there were voices of catering outside again and again.

Gu Jinhe lowered his face, and said to Jin Yan, "Sit obediently", and then got out of the carriage.

As soon as he went out, the people surrounding the carriage immediately came in fours and threes, and some young masters who had been watching the show showed guilt.

Gu Jinhe looked over, and those people immediately explained with a smile that they were just passing by.

But I regret it in my heart.

They stayed to watch the fun, and followed Miss Su's words to make fun of them, but they just wanted to see the Gu family make a fool of themselves.

Who told Gu Jinhe to be so good at pretending since he was a child, and always look like a tree facing the wind and the moon in the breeze, which makes them feel so scolded since they were young!

That's all, even the women they like admire Gu Jinhe.

Today, I happened to come across the Gu family's carriage, so I couldn't help but watch the excitement, and it turned out...

Several people panicked in their hearts, for fear that Gu Jinhe would make trouble in public and expose their identities as the sons, or even teach them in public that they had read sage books in vain.

But Gu Jinhe didn't give them another look.

He only looked at Su Yun who was in the middle of the crowd.

Immediately, Su Yun, who had been arguing endlessly with others, shut up, and cast her eyes full of anger and condemnation on Gu Jinhe, who was out of tune with the surrounding environment.

After being watched by Gu Jinhe who hid Leng Feng's eyes for a moment, she adjusted her posture, even showing a shy look on her face.

Gu Jinhe: "..."

Is this person mentally ill?

I can't see that he came out to make trouble, so what's the point of acting like a shy girl to him?

Could it be that she treated him like a prince and tried to confuse him in this way?

It seems that the woman who fascinated the prince so much that her mind was flooded was nothing more than that.

After a while of silence.

Even Su Yun, who thought that time travel was the aura of the protagonist and had always thought highly of herself, finally noticed the coldness in Gu Jinhe's eyes.

For some reason, she felt inexplicably nervous.

This is something she has never seen since time travel.

Subconsciously, she grabbed the only thing she could grab in front of her - the child.

Picking up his aloof and lonely posture, he said to Gu Jinhe: "Master, these people belong to your family? Then you should also know their rude behavior just now, and you still don't order them to tell me and me?" The kid apologizes!"

After saying that, Gu Jinhe sneered, "You said you were here to save the child?"

Su Yun straightened her back, but a sarcastic look flashed across her face.

She said: "Of course, I'm not like some rich and heartless people who ride horses and commit murder..."

Before she finished speaking, her face froze, and she saw that Gu Jinhe sneezed several times as if smelling something foul, and quickly took out a silk handkerchief from his sleeve to cover his mouth and nose.

He didn't know if there were bacteria in the air, but the woman's body smell was too bad.

Gu Jinhe endured the discomfort and said: "Not to mention that the horse itself was startled by the stinky smell on your body, but you kept saying that it was for this child, so what are you doing now, strangling this child to death? "

Everyone was stunned and looked at Su Yun.

She tightly strangled the child's neck with one hand, and grabbed the child's arm with the other hand. She didn't even notice that the child's face had turned pale.

 Awake in the world Gu Jinhe
(End of this chapter)

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