After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 33 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged

Chapter 33 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged (33)

After noticing that everyone's eyes had changed, Su Yun remembered that she was still holding a child.

She quickly lowered her head to look at the child, and asked with concern: "Little friend, are you okay? Did you strangle you? My sister just wanted to save you, can you forgive my sister..."

When Gu Ping heard this, he sneered, "Why are you asking such an ignorant child? When his parents come, you can just ask them to see if they will forgive you!"

Su Yun's eyes widened slightly, showing an angry and aggrieved expression, "You are so unreasonable! Knowing that this child has separated from his parents, if you insist on asking his parents what they mean, will I hurt him? If I have malicious intentions, why did I run out to save him?"

Gu Ping sneered coldly: "Who knows what you think."

Bao Buqi, because he recognized their Gu family's carriage and came out on purpose to make trouble!

There is a banquet held in the palace today, and the nobles in Beijing will all enter the palace to attend the banquet, but anyone with connections should know the news.

This woman came out suddenly, maybe she was dissatisfied with their princess and deliberately tried to dissuade them!

Su Yun lost her temper for a while, and looked at Gu Jinhe again, "Such a bright person like Young Master, do you want to watch the evil slave bully you?"

"It's clear that you maliciously slandered us, yet you still beat us up. I've grown up, and I've never seen such a brazen person like you!" Gu Ping scolded.

Jin Yan almost laughed out loud.

I didn't expect Gu Ping to have a talent for rapping.

Since time travel, Su Yun has never been disadvantaged in anything she does. She has never been so disliked by others, and she felt aggrieved and angry at the moment.

Involuntarily, she also felt a little regretful, whether she shouldn't have rushed out.

Now that no one else is by her side, if the person in front of her insists on embarrassing her, I'm afraid this matter will not be easily settled.

She looked around, and the guards of this family directly surrounded her in the center, with an attitude that even if she was willing to admit their mistake, she would not let it go.

"Young master, you really..."

"Who are my guards? I'm very clear in my mind. Since you have concluded in your heart that we are villains, then go to the yamen. In the courtroom, the adults who can discern the details will definitely give you justice!" Gu Jinhe said coldly .

After finishing speaking, he asked Gu Ping again, "After the incident, did you go to Jing Zhaoyin to report the case? Has the child's family been found there?"

Coincidentally, a patrolling official came over after hearing someone's report.

A few officials thought it was the guards of the Gu family who had a dispute with others, and when they saw that Gu Jinhe was there, they immediately said respectfully: "I have met Mr. Gu."

Gu Jinhe paid his respects, and Gu Ping immediately explained the whole story.

In the middle, Su Yun wanted to interrupt, but was scolded by the official, "Girl, can both parties present their testimony? Don't be in a hurry, wait for him to finish speaking, and you will have time to speak."

After Gu Ping finished speaking objectively, the officer looked at Su Yun again.

The process Su Yun said was the same as that of Gu Ping. After all, there were so many eyes watching her, she couldn't argue even if she wanted to.

It's just that all her words are justifying herself.

"I just want to do good things. Is there something wrong with that?"

"For the time being, even if I misunderstood them in my rush to save people, but I didn't do it on purpose, and they didn't lose, so should I be sentenced to death because I did something bad with good intentions?

"Take a step back, even if I did something wrong, are they really innocent?"

"Don't be afraid of [-], just in case, no matter what, my actions will give this child a little more hope of survival, and it will also save a family from suffering the grief of fragmentation!

 I exercised for a while before going to bed yesterday. I may have caught a cold. My throat was uncomfortable before going to bed. The symptoms worsened in the morning, and I had a fever in the afternoon. I was sore all over the body. I have been staying at home for more than a month, the epidemic is serious and the psychological pressure is too great
(End of this chapter)

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