Chapter 328 My family is the best (76)

three days later.

During dinner in the evening, Jinyan had been serving food for his parents, and he had explained many things to Wen Jinyang in a circumstantial manner.

Jin Yan was so focused on making her family feel her love for them that she didn't notice the changes in the eyes of her parents and brother.

After eating, Jin Yan suddenly hugged Mei Huiniang.

Mei Huiniang looked at Jin Yan lovingly, "What's wrong? Who bullied my daughter?"

Jin Yan shook his head, "No, with you here, who would dare to bully me? I just want to hug you."

"Why don't mothers sleep with you tonight?" Mei Huiniang said.

Jin Yan shook his head again, "Well, no, if you stay with your daughter, then Dad will have to stay alone in the empty room, Dad is too pitiful."

Wen Lan said from the side: "Father can do anything."

Mei Huiniang snorted, "It doesn't matter your father, he's such a big man, it won't hurt to sleep alone."

"No, Daddy will be lonely." Jin Yan said.

how about you?
King Ning led his troops to fight, you are also lonely, right?
Mei Huiniang sighed in her heart, she gently stroked Jinyan's hair, and looked carefully, her eyes still had some moisture.

Seeing Jin Yan hugging Mei Huiniang, Wen Lan ate it: "You just miss your mother?"

Jin Yan was slightly taken aback, and she glanced at Wen Lan calmly, wondering if Wen Lan had discovered something.

"What are you looking at? Don't hurry up and hug Daddy!" Wen Lan said pretending to be angry.

Mei Huiniang scolded a childish ghost, Wen Jinyang watched the fun, while Jinyan let go of her mother helplessly, and threw herself into his father's arms again.

Wen Lan just pampered Jin Yan's hair, seemingly unintentionally said: "If you want to do something, do it boldly, no matter what happens, Daddy will always be behind you."

Jin Yan let out a muffled "Yes", "Thank you, Daddy."

After a while, Wen Lan said, "You've been very tired from raising supplies these days, and it's getting late, go back to your yard to rest."

After Wen Lan and his wife left, Wen Jinyang sent Jinyan back to the yard.

Along the way, he didn't say much, until he arrived at Jinyan's room, he said: "Although I can't be King Ning's military advisor, His Majesty has given me the responsibility for the food and grass. I promise that the front line will never worry about food and grass. .”

"Thank you brother."

After Jinyan finished speaking, Wen Jinyang cupped his cheeks.

Her mouth puffed up, and she looked at Wen Jinyang who was suddenly playing a prank speechlessly, "Brother, what are you doing?"

"Don't frown, the little girl has to be happy and carefree every day, otherwise she won't be pretty." Wen Jinyang said with a smile.

Jin Yan glared at him angrily, "Aren't I pretty?"

Wen Jinyang laughed louder, and said dotingly: "Beautiful, of course she is beautiful, my sister is the most beautiful in the world."

Jin Yan snorted, "That's about the same."

"Okay, it's getting late, take a rest, brother will come back tomorrow and buy you something delicious." Wen Jinyang said.

Jin Yan paused, then nodded with a sweet smile, "Okay, thank you brother."

"I know, I know, my mouth is so sweet, I don't want to wait until tomorrow, why don't I go buy it now?" Wen Jinyang said.

He really wants to go now.

Otherwise, it will be too late.

Jin Yan shook his head, "No, it's getting so dark, brother, don't go out, I don't want my brother to be too tired."

"Okay, then tomorrow."

"Go to sleep."

After Wen Jinyang left, Jinyan stood there for a long time, until Yunxiu reminded her, "Miss, the residual poison on the prince's body has been cured, and there will be nothing to restrain him after that, but you, the only person he can't let go of." , he must not want you to take risks..."

Jin Yan: "Have you packed it?"

Yunxiu nodded.

Jin Yan: "Then let's go."

Yun Xiu was slightly stunned, seeing the firm and decisive look on Jin Yan's face, she knew that persuasion would have no results.

When Jinyan finished changing into men's clothes, Yunxiu said, "Miss, the carriage has been set up and we can set off."


Jin Yan put a stack of weapon design drawings that he had drawn overnight on the table, and put a letter on top of the drawings and pressed it down with a teacup.

"Let's go."

Not long after Jin Yan and the four maids left, Wen Lan and Wen Jinyang appeared in her yard.

"I've seen Lord Hou..."

"Go back."

After all the waiters in the courtyard retreated, the three of them immediately came to Jinyan's room. Mei Huiniang threw herself on the bed, crying while holding the quilt covered by Jinyan.

"Father, look at this." Wen Jinyang handed the letter and the blueprint to Wen Lan.

Wen Lan saw the words "unfilial daughter" on the envelope for the first time, and he cursed "stinky girl" with distressed eyes. Just as he was about to open the letter, his attention was attracted by the drawings below.

"This, this is..."

"Quickly open the letter, my sister must have explained clearly in the letter." Wen Jinyang said.

Wen Lan opened the letter without saying a word. He read the first page at a glance, and then squeezed the blueprint in his hand, "Take care of your mother, father enters the palace... that's all, you go with father."

Mei Huiniang was a little puzzled by the dignified expressions on the faces of their father and son, but comforted her: "Do whatever you want, don't worry about me, I just hope that King Ning can return with great victories and end this war as soon as possible."

Well, return her daughter to her as soon as possible.

Seeing Mei Huiniang's sadness and worry, Wen Jinyang comforted her: "Mother, don't worry too much. King Ning left most of his powerful hidden guards in the capital to protect his sister. With those people accompanying him all the way, my sister will be fine."

When they arrived at the border, Yan Yan's safety was naturally protected by King Ning.

"Okay, it's not too late, hurry up and enter the palace."

At the same time that Wen Lan and his son entered the palace to face the saint, a man dressed as a fair-faced guard entered the Queen Mother's Palace.

"Go back to the empress dowager, the girl from the Wen family has left the capital."

A calm and prestige voice came out through the heavy curtains, "Are you just bringing those four maids with you?"

"Yes." The guard replied.

As for the prince's hidden guard, the empress dowager knew it well, so it was not his turn to talk too much.

The queen mother suddenly smiled, "This girl is not only amazingly courageous, but also very affectionate and righteous. It is not in vain for my Xuan'er to treat her like that."

At the gate of the city that day, seeing the scene of the imperial guards killing people, many ministers turned pale with fright, but the girl didn't have the slightest fear on her face, instead she had a feeling of unfinished business.

Secretly, the girl not only gave Xuan'er winks to coax him, but also made a beheading action in public, obviously wishing to kill a few more corpses and wastes for Xuan'er's entertainment.

This is probably one of the reasons why Xuan'er must be Wen Jinyan.

Empress Dowager: "Have you made arrangements for what you are asked to do?"

Guard: "Go back to the Queen Mother, we have made arrangements."

Queen Mother: "Very well, you lead them. You must protect that girl Jinyan along the way. Don't let her suffer any hardships. You must safely send her to Xuan'er. After that, you will stay in the army and play by ear."

"If that girl lacks a single hair, you will raise your head to see Ai's family."

"Subordinates obey!"

(End of this chapter)

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