Chapter 329 My family is the best (77)

half a month later.

A carriage slowly passed through the canyon. After many times of robbery and assassination, all the entourage looked at the steep canyon with full vigilance, ready to start a desperate contest with the ghosts and monsters hiding in the dark at any time.

Before the sky completely darkened, the group finally passed the canyon.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After leaving the precipitous canyon that is extremely easy to defend and difficult to attack, and there is not much retreat, there is nothing that can stop them.

Suddenly, Yun Hua said "Oh!" "It's raining!"

Yun Cai's face was full of admiration, "Miss said it was going to rain tonight, and it did. The time difference from the time predicted by Miss is only more than a quarter of an hour. Miss is really amazing!"

Yun Luo: "I think our lady is a real god!"

Yunxiu motioned to the others, "Shh, Miss just fell asleep, so keep your voice down."

When they found a suitable place to set up camp, they stopped the carriage, and began to prepare tents and light a fire to keep warm with a clear division of labor.

When everything was ready, there was still no sound from the carriage.

Yunxiu: "Everyone be quiet, let me see Miss first."

She lifted the curtain first, and seeing that Jin Yan was fast asleep, she stepped into the carriage lightly, and stretched out her hand to touch Jin Yan's forehead.

After confirming that Jin Yan had nothing to do, Yunxiu got out of the carriage, and then signaled the others to write on the ground instead of talking.

In order not to disturb Jin Yan, they were extremely careful even when writing, and everyone took turns watching the carriage to prevent any accidents from happening.

On the mountain road not far away, two groups of guards in different outfits showed their knives one after another. Half of them stayed on the spot and the other half held their knives to kill the ghostly shadow in the dark. past.

As soon as the fight started, the cold, damp air was filled with blood, and there was a chilling smell everywhere.

Beside the carriage, Yun Hua held the handle of the knife for the third time, but Yun Xiu held the back of his hand.

"elder sister……"

Yunxiu shook her head, telling her not to act rashly.

Their only task is to protect the safety of the young lady, no matter what happens, they must never ignore the safety of the young lady.

If they go to support, maybe they will fall into the trick of diverting the tiger away from the mountain.

All of a sudden, there were lightning and thunder, and heavy rain poured down. The sound of rain and thunder mixed together, diluting the sound of fierce fighting in the distance.

After an unknown period of time, the dark clouds gradually dissipated, and a round of pale moonlight appeared in the dark night sky.

The sound of fighting has long since disappeared with the pattering rain, and the surroundings have fallen into silence again. Occasionally, raindrops fall from the trees, which are very clear in the silent night.

A few people looked at the carriage, thankfully they didn't wake Jin Yan, when Jin Yan's voice came from inside, "Yunxiu, there are wound medicine and dried meat in the carriage, separate them by hand and send them over."

Yunxiu was slightly taken aback, and the other three were also surprised.

Did the lady know that someone was following them?
When Yunxiu went over with the wound medicine and jerky, the commanders of the dark guards who were in charge of the two camps were very surprised.

They were already extremely careful, for fear of disturbing the concubine, did they still get noticed?

"This is the wound medicine and dry food that Miss ordered me to bring. You have worked hard along the way."

In the carriage, Jin Yan said that he had no appetite and didn't want to eat, and asked Yun Hua and the others to eat by themselves and leave her alone, then turned over and soon fell asleep again.

In the dream, Si Fengxuan, who was wearing a black robe, called her name tenderly.

Yan Yan.

The moment there was a cold touch on his cheek, Jin Yan suddenly opened his eyes.


Si Fengxuan?
No, this is not a dream!


"It's me! It's me."

Jin Yan looked at him for confirmation, "Why are you here?"

Si Fengxuan stared at Jin Yan greedily, and said angrily, "I should ask you this question. Didn't I promise that I would obediently stay in the capital and wait for my triumphant return? Why did you come to Mobei, eh? You are so disobedient!"

Jin Yan said softly: "I miss you, so I'm here."

Si Fengxuan: "..."

At this moment, something hit Si Fengxuan's heart, and the words that could be used to teach Jinyan were blocked in his throat.

"Why, can't you?" Jin Yan asked.

Si Fengxuan shook his head, and said in a hoarse voice: "So disobedient, yet so righteous, Yan Yan, you really think that this king can't do anything to you, right?"

"Then how are you going to punish me? According to military regulations?" Jin Yan said.

Military regulations?

Si Fengxuan smiled, and pinched Jin Yan's nose skillfully, "You are not a soldier in the army, if this king punishes you with military regulations, wouldn't it be an abuse of personal power?"

Jin Yan: "You are a prince, if you want to do this, of course you can."

Si Fengxuan chuckled, "This king is reluctant, but..."

"But what?"

"However, what you said is not wrong at all. Now the king is in charge here, and what the king says is what he says."

Jin Yan wanted to hear what Si Fengxuan had to say next, so he listened to him: "The army is short of supplies, and tents are even more in short supply. Fortunately, this king's account is very spacious, so I have to wrong Miss Wen to accompany me." This king is handsome."

Jin Yan: "..."

Is this called punishment?
Seeing the puzzled expression on Jin Yan's face, Si Fengxuan couldn't help laughing, but also filled with joy.

He spoiled and said: "Yanyan, why are you so cute?"

After finishing speaking, he gave Jin Yan a firm hug.

After a slight pause, Jin Yan was wrapped in a cloak by Si Fengxuan and hugged him horizontally. Jin Yan, who lost his center of gravity, could only hug his neck tightly.

"What are you doing?" Jin Yan asked angrily.

Si Fengxuan lowered his head and kissed her forehead, "You'll know in a while."

He got out of the carriage with Jin Yan in his arms, and while ordering the others to set off immediately, he put Jin Yan on the horse, and then got on the horse himself.

Jin Yan was puzzled, "How far is it from the camp?"

Hurrying at this time, is Si Fengxuan performing some task alone?

Sure enough, Si Fengxuan said: "There are still three to five days away from the camp where the army is located, and an hour away from the king's account."

As he spoke, he grabbed the reins with one hand and tightly wrapped his arms around Jin Yan's waist with the other, and returned to the camp like an arrow.

When they arrived, the sky was still gloomy, but the lieutenant soldiers had already started their daily drills.

After the morning exercise, everyone returned to the camp, and when they were about to discuss matters, they were told that the prince was still sleeping.

Soldier: "..."

My lord, lazy bed?
Yunzhu Yunjian looked at everyone with contempt, what do you know?
It's not easy to reunite with Miss Wen, what's wrong with the prince being lazy?
When Si Fengxuan got up and Jin Yan showed up, everyone knew that the prince had abducted a military adviser who looked exquisite and beautiful like a fairy after going out.

What made them scratch their heads and didn't understand was that the prince, who was always obsessed with cleanliness and quiet, let a military adviser live in his handsome account.

Slowly, everyone discovered an extremely bizarre and unimaginable thing.

The way their prince looked at the little military division was really not very innocent!

 Si Fengxuan: I untie my war robes with the military adviser
  There are [-] words to write here~~~~~~
  Ask for a ticket ^-^
(End of this chapter)

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