After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 344 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline

Chapter 344 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline (10)

Knowing that Li Jing was going to take Jinyan to participate in the recording of the show, Yue Ling's mother immediately went to the mall to buy many beautiful clothes and skirts for Jinyan.

When Ling Yue came home, Mother Ling was arranging for the nanny to do the laundry.

"Be careful, don't break it, this little skirt is beautiful, it won't look good if it is torn."

Mother Ling said, fearing that the nanny could not do a good job, she went to do it herself.

After Ling Yue returned home, he stood in the living room for a long time. Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, he asked Ling's father who was also neglected, "Dad, did my mother move the shopping mall here?"

"You can control it?" Father Ling said.

Ling Yue: "..."

Got it!
This is being ignored and taking his anger out on him.

Ling Yue leaned in front of the pillar and looked at the busy mother Ling and the nanny, "Brother Li is taking Jinyan to participate in the show, not because he wants to move or participate in a modeling competition, he doesn't need so many clothes at all, and they can't bring them too much." ah."

Father Ling snorted, "I can't take it and I still have a car, is it hindering you?"

The corner of Ling Yue's mouth twitched, "Dad, where are you getting angry? You are not happy that you went to find your old friend. Why are you angry at me?"

"I just don't like you!" Father Ling said.

Ling Yue: "...I don't seem to be home much recently, how did I offend you?"

Father Ling snorted again.

Mother Ling's voice came from not far away, "Why are you back? What are you doing at home?"

Ling Yue: "..."

This is his home, so if he goes home, he still has to apply in advance?

Is there any reason for this?

Seeing Mother Ling coming over, Ling Yue immediately gave her a tissue, "Wipe your hands and talk calmly, isn't it good? You didn't even buy me a piece of clothing, am I jealous or angry? No..."

"Why are you jealous, why are you angry?" Mother Ling sneered.

Ling Yue deliberately said: "You treat one more than another, buy so many clothes for Yan Yan, I don't even have any new clothes to wear..."

Ling's mother said angrily: "Get out! If you can be like Li Jing and give us a little granddaughter like Yanyan, I won't have to be greedy for other people's children."

"That's right, if you give birth to a child, your mother won't have to spend all day planning how to steal Xiao Jinyan back to our house." Father Ling said.


Ling Yue looked at his parents speechlessly, "Yan Yan is brother Li's lifeblood, you dare to think about it."

Mother Ling scoffed coldly, "Can't you think about it if you can't steal it?"

Ling Yue: "..."


You are elders, you are older, and you are justified!

Ling Yue couldn't speak to his parents, and he was afraid that they would stick to the topic of "marrying and having children", so he hurriedly brought up the hospital.

Knowing that Ling Yue beat someone in the hospital, Mother Ling frowned and asked concerned: "Are you injured? How did the hospital handle this matter?"

Father Ling also looked serious, "How can that kind of person be on the operating table? Why didn't your hospital deal with it immediately when this happened, and wait for a bigger disaster in the future?"

Ling Yue: "There is a backstage, but it has been suspended now."

As soon as the voice fell, Mother Ling said to the mobile phone: "Dean Zhang."

Ling Yue's eyes widened suddenly.

He mentioned the hospital just to change the subject and prevent his parents from urging him to get married, but there was no time when the backstage complained.

This is just great.

He has also become a related household.

When Ling Yue was autistic, Ling's mother had already finished the main points in a few words.

Finally she said: "I don't want to pursue any responsibility, but you also know that this is my son. At the beginning, I didn't approve of him studying medicine and becoming a doctor. He has been a doctor for several years, but luckily he didn't come across a doctor. Make trouble, but if you are hurt by a colleague, it would be too wronged."

After what was said there, Mother Ling said: "I naturally believe that you will deal with it fairly and justly, so I won't bother you...Okay, see you some other day."

After hanging up the phone, seeing that Ling Yue's head was about to get into his crotch, Ling's mother scolded, "What are you doing? Do you think I'm ashamed to call you?"

Ling Yue shook his head again and again, "How could that be! I was really moved!"

Mother Ling smiled, "That's not too bad. I didn't do it all to protect you. Those kind of people who stay in the hospital will cause trouble sooner or later. It's better for everyone to solve it as soon as possible. If your dean just verbally perfunctory me, then Don't blame me for taking people from the Health Bureau to investigate."

Ling Yue: "..."

Health Bureau?

Mom is really cruel.

It won't take long for the whole hospital to know that he has sued his parents, and that he is the hospital's biggest relation.

I can't blame my mother, who made him so good at reincarnation!

A few days passed quickly.

Knowing that the first stop for the recording of the program was L City, and that the temperature would drop and rain there in the next few days, Li Jing brought two sets of jackets for himself and Jin Yan, and changed Jin Yan's small clothes for a few warmer ones. Sweaters and sweaters.

Two days before departure, they returned to their long-lost home.

No one has lived there for a long time, even though the windows are closed, there is still a thin layer of dust on the table and the floor.

Li Jing asked Jinyan to watch cartoons, and he cleaned up the whole house.

When Ling Yue came with five large boxes of clothes, Li Jingcai cleaned less than a third of the space. The workload was too much, so Ling Yue had to pick up a rag to join in.

An hour later, everything was tidied up, and Ling Yue lay down on the floor without any image. He complained feebly, "Damn me, I would think that the house you rent behind is small."

Small also has a small essence!

No, when cleaning, all the advantages of the small house come out.

At this time, Jin Yan gave him a bottle of water, "Uncle Ling Yue, here you are."

Seeing that it was Jinyan, Ling Yue was overjoyed, "I've been here for a long time, and I've been moving things and cleaning. Your dad didn't even give me a drink of saliva. It's Jinyan who knows how to love others and how to care about uncle."

He took a few sips and drank the water in one go.

Looking up, Jin Yan was still standing in front of him, but with an extra pack of snacks in his hand.

Ling Yue: "Give me something to eat?"

Jin Yan nodded.

Ling Yue was so happy that he quickly reached out and grabbed a little bit.

Why doesn't this kid take care of food at all?
He looked at Jin Yan, the more he looked at it, the rarer it became, and the more he looked at it, the more he wanted to steal it.

Depend on!
When he was at home the day before yesterday, he still despised his parents for having the idea of ​​stealing a child. Now he also has evil thoughts.

The whole family is constantly testing the edge of the law.

It's really in the same line.

He was indeed born to his parents.

"I'm going to the supermarket to buy some food, you take care of Yanyan first."

After Li Jing went out, Ling Yue was not tired in an instant, a carp flipped over, and he hugged Jin Yan to watch cartoons together.

Dinner is still made by Li Jing.

Ling Yue, who had eaten so much that his belly was round and unable to move, felt that his parents must not have the opportunity to eat the dishes cooked by Li Jing, otherwise his impression on them would be tantamount to trash.

At that time, there may be more than one little Jinyan that the parents want to steal.

I'm afraid I have to add the "son" Li Jing.

 Continue to 6 more! ! !Ask for votes for support~
  Ling Yue: I'm on the verge of crime, come and wake me up

  Yan Yan: Stealing children is wrong, everyone must not steal children

(End of this chapter)

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