After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 345 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline

Chapter 345 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline (11)

"Excuse me, is this Professor Li's family? We are the program team of "Extraordinary Dad"..."

Before six o'clock in the morning, people from the program team knocked on the door.

The filming director was a young girl in her twenties. The moment she saw Li Jing, the girl's eyes stared straight.

Several cameras and assistants from the program group also stared at Li Jing.

Although it has long been seen from the paparazzi and the video photos secretly taken by those fans that Li Jing is handsome and has a good figure, but watching him at such a close distance is too lethal.

After being stunned for a moment, the girl said: "I am the follow-up director of our group. My name is Xiao Le. The people next to me are the camera teachers and assistants of our group. You can tell us if you have anything. Come down and hope we get along well.”

Li Jing stretched out his hand and shook her, "Hi, I'm Li Jing."

After inviting a few people in, Li Jing said, "Have you started filming now?"

Xiao Le: "Yes, you can tell us if there is any inconvenience that you can't shoot."

Li Jing nodded, "It's okay, you guys sit down and rest for a while, I still have some things to do."

"Professor Li got up very early." Xiao Le said.

Li Jing: "Usually it's not this early, today I have to go out early, get up and make breakfast."

Xiao Le was a little surprised, "Then you usually cook by yourself at home?"

Li Jing nodded.

Xiao Le glanced at Li Jing, and felt that he was not the kind of man who lived at home.

Single, highly educated, stable job, with a five-year-old daughter, living in a flat floor of more than 200 square meters, but without a nanny, the male owner cooks by himself.

It feels weird no matter what.

But Li Jing's serious and focused expression when preparing the ingredients made her feel that Li Jing might not be lying.

"Do you want fried eggs?" Xiao Le asked.

Li Jing: "My daughter loves to eat."

Xiao Le thought of Li Jing running with his daughter in his arms when he was surrounded by fans and paparazzi in the video he had watched before, and thought of what the director said that he was on the show because of his daughter, so he said: "Then you must love your daughter very much. "

Li Jing's handsome side face revealed a gentle look, and his voice was gentle, "Yes, I love my daughter very much, more than everything in this world."

"Does that include yourself?" Xiao Le asked.

Li Jing turned his head, his deep eyes were full of doting and love, almost made Xiao Le feel like a deer bumping into him.

"In my world, no one or anything is more important than my daughter."

"Of course, including myself."

In the bedroom, 288 projected everything that happened in the kitchen to Jin Yan.

Seeing Jin Yan staring at the screen in a daze, it said: "The host has seen it, I did not lie, and the information recorded in the system did not lie, you are the most important in the villain's world, after your accident, no matter how beautiful the world is." It has nothing to do with him, of course he will destroy the world without you."

But it is not known whether the big villain has left behind.


Li Jing asked the crew of the program, and after knowing that the team was in charge of their breakfast, he only made three people.

Seeing this, Xiao Le thought again, there must be a nanny at home, otherwise Li Jing has to work and take care of such a young child, and there are a lot of housework to do at home, how can one person be so busy.

But soon she overturned her doubts.

After cooking the porridge, he went to the bedroom to wake Jin Yan up.

Xiao Le hesitated for a while, and couldn't help but said: "Professor Li, can I take a picture of your daughter getting up? If..."


Li Jing walked ahead, and the director team followed behind.

Jin Yan woke up for a while, then fell asleep again.

Li Jing patted her on the back lightly, and she opened her sleepy eyes.


The child had just woken up, hadn't spoken yet, his voice was still a little hoarse, and when he spoke, his mouth was so soft that his heart melted into a puddle of water.

Li Jing held her small face in his big hands, "Baby, it's time to get up."

Jin Yan let out a "huh" and stretched out his arms habitually, "Daddy hug~"

Li Jing picked up his daughter with a big hand, and when changing clothes, he turned his head, and the director team immediately retreated.

"This child is too beautiful, I have never seen such a delicate and beautiful child." Cameraman Zhang said.

Xiao Le was also immersed in it, "It's so beautiful, it's almost carved out of the same mold as Professor Li, the eyes, nose and lips are too similar. Did Professor Li give birth to a daughter, or did he reproduce a trumpet sex?" How about turning yourself?"

Just as he was talking, Li Jing came out with Jin Yan in his arms.

The child hadn't woken up yet, his little face was flushed, and he was yawning from sleepiness, his big black and white eyes were clear and clear, as if they had just been washed by the rain.

"Hello, brothers and sisters."

When Jin Yan said hello, she was so sleepy that she fell to the side, her little head was tilted, and there was still a sweet smile on her face, which turned the director's team over cute.

The youngest of them is 20 years old. If they are placed among children, they will definitely be rewarded with "uncle and aunt", but this child actually calls them brother and sister!
Brothers and sisters!
What a great, noble, beautiful, and merciful title!
It can be seen how beautiful and kind this child is.

Looking at her, Xiao Le stuttered, "Good morning, Xiaopeng, Xiao Jinyan, you are so beautiful, my sister said just now that I have never seen a child more beautiful than you."

The camera also followed suit.

"The kid looks so good-looking, so cute."

"So polite, so sensible.

Jin Yan smiled shyly, "Thank you brother and sister, I'm going to wash up now."

Xiao Le's aunt's heart was overflowing, and she blurted out, "Can you do it yourself? Do you want sister to help?"

"No, thank you sister, I can do it myself." Jin Yan said.

Seeing that Li Jing put Jinyan on the chair and asked her to step on the chair to brush her teeth, Xiao Le was a little worried, "Professor Li, it's too dangerous for Xiao Jinyan to stand on such a high stool."

"No, I will be by her side." Li Jing said.

"No, Dad is always here." Jin Yan said.

What the father and daughter said in unison once again made Xiao Le let out a pig cry in his heart.

It's just that they have the same appearance, and they have such a tacit understanding.

What kind of fairy father and daughter are these?
Jin Yan finished washing up soon, and when it was time to comb her hair, Xiao Le thought that I would finally be useful, she proudly cast a look at the camera and assistants, but saw a few people gloating.

Xiao Le looked back, everyone was stupid.

I saw that Li Jing's slender and beautiful fingers were more flexible than the kindergarten teacher's hands, and Jin Yan's black and smooth hair was braided into a complicated and beautiful princess head in the blink of an eye.

A small hair accessory is worn up, not to mention how beautiful it is.

Jin Yan said thank you dad sweetly there, and several members of the director team were still in a daze.

People can be faked, but skilled craftsmanship in weaving hair can't be faked.

How many hidden skills does Professor Li have?
 Professor Li still has many hidden surprises!
  The most surprising thing is my daughter~
(End of this chapter)

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