After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 351 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline

Chapter 351 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline (17)

After the five families introduced themselves, Liu Wen announced the relevant rules of the program.

These rules are the first things that all fathers understand, and they have published their own suggestions on some of them, and Liu Wen has also fulfilled his promise and made changes.

"Grandpa Liu, can we eat? I'm so hungry..."

Before Leng Yuntian finished speaking, the square erupted in loud laughter.

Grandpa Liu?
Even if it is based on the imaginary age added by the elders who tried their best to get married, Liu Wen is only 30 years old.

When others are still at the age of being urged to marry, he has already been upgraded to become a grandfather.

It can be regarded as avoiding detours for decades.

Everyone's laughter made Leng Yuntian very puzzled, "Isn't it Grandpa? But you look so old..."

Leng Ao covered his son's mouth, and said with a strange expression: "I'm sorry Director Liu, he's still a child, childish words are outrageous, don't take it seriously."

As he spoke, he took another look at Liu Wen. He was unkempt, unkempt, with dark circles under his eyes like giant pandas. I don't know if he was angry. The skin on his lips was dry and turned up. In addition, he also dyed a grandma's gray hair ...

With this image, his son called him grandpa to save face.

Leng Yuntian didn't realize his father's kindness, and continued to say: "Sister Jinyan said that good children should not lie, they must be brave, I didn't lie!"

Leng Ao: "..."

Liu Wen: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Under normal circumstances, people don't laugh easily.

But now is an unusual situation.

Looking at Leng Ao's suspicious expression of "my son is naturally black", and looking at Liu Wen's full face of "am I really old?", everyone couldn't help it.

No, everyone laughed again.

After tens of seconds, just as the air calmed down, Leng Yuntian's voice appeared again, "You adults are so strange, I really don't understand you, so I won't play with you anymore."

After finishing speaking, he ran directly to Li Jing and stood beside him.

Leng Ao doubted life again.

I'm afraid I can't have this son!

Wen Renxiao gave Leng Ao a sympathetic look, he could empathize with his current mood.

But he is luckier than Leng Ao.

His son would not demolish him face to face.

Not long after, Liu Wen laughed at himself about his attire, and said that the theme of tonight was "free dinner".

"Why is it free?" Leng Yuntian asked again.

He's like a curious baby with tons of questions.

Liu Wen had a benevolent smile on his face, "Because starting tomorrow and until the end of this week's recording, you and your fathers have to support yourself and take care of three meals a day by yourself."

Leng Ao, Jiang Ying, and Chen Kang all frowned.

self catering?

How is this still playing?
But Leng Yuntian clapped his hands happily, "Yeah! Then I will be hungry every day!"

Everyone: "..."

Is there anything to be happy or proud about being hungry?
Leng Yuntian turned his head and asked Jinyan again, "Sister Jinyan, can your father know how to cook?"

Everyone understood immediately after hearing it.

Good guy.

No wonder he was so happy, it turned out that he had his eyes on Xiao Jinyan, and wanted to go to Xiao Jinyan's house to have a meal and make him familiar!
Leng Ao looked at his worthless son with a dark face.

And Jinyan stood leaning on his father's legs, holding Li Jing's two fingers in his hands, and said proudly: "Yes, my father's cooking is very, very delicious, my father can do anything!"

Li Jing doted on her daughter.

Several other men and program members turned into lemon essence and looked at Li Jing.

How else can I say that my daughter is a caring little padded jacket.

Unlike my son, there are leaks everywhere.

Leng Yuntian didn't realize how dark his father's face was, and kept emphasizing, "Then I'll go to your house to beg for food, just give me a steamed bun..."

Leng Ao couldn't bear it anymore, and grabbed Leng Yuntian back to his side.

His cold and arrogant son came to beg for food, where did he put his face when the news got out?
As everyone knows, it won't be long before he, a wealthy and domineering president, will follow the example of his rebellious son and walk his own path of begging!


Leaving the square, under the leadership of the program group, everyone came to a small homestay, and all their board and lodging tonight will be provided by this homestay.

"Okay, now everyone chooses a room according to the style you like. After a simple wash, you can finish your meal. After dark, there will be surprises waiting for you. Time is a little tight. Please understand!"

After Liu Wen finished speaking, each group of fathers hurriedly took their children upstairs to visit the room.

"Baby, tell Dad which room you want to live in." Li Jing walked in the front with Jin Yan in his arms.

Jin Yan: "Well, Dad, are you tired?"

Li Jing shook his head, "Father is not tired, is the baby tired?"

Jin Yan raised his small hand to wipe the sweat off Li Jing's forehead, and said softly, "I know Dad is tired, and I am too, Dad has worked hard."

Following them were Wen Renxiao and Wen Renqiao, as well as Leng Ao and his son.

Hearing Jin Yan's words, the two of them looked at their son who was not worthy and worthless and leaked everywhere in tacit understanding.

Wenren Qiao followed Li Jing's footsteps without distraction, no matter which room Jin Yan chose, he would choose the nearest one.

And although Leng Yuntian was too tired to walk, he was out of breath when he took a step, but he was also running forward with all his might, as if he couldn't lose to Wenren Qiao.

Wen Renxiao and Leng Ao looked at each other speechlessly.

The figures of the two children quickly disappeared around the corner. When the two fathers saw it, they couldn't ignore it. They could only follow.

On the second floor, when passing a room, Jin Yan suddenly yelled to stop, and Li Jing immediately walked in with her in his arms.

"Baby, do you like it here?"

As he spoke, Li Jing saw a painting on the wall.

For a moment, he almost thought he saw the picture drawn by his daughter, the surprise that made his heart restless for a long time.

The same sky and grass, the scorching sun, but the characters are replaced by a couple.

But Jinyan's focus is not here, she said: "Everything in this house is neatly arranged and symmetrical, and Dad likes it."

Li Jing's expression changed slightly.

His mind was not on the furnishing of the room, so he didn't notice the difference in this room at first.

After hearing what his daughter said, he also noticed that the person who cleaned up this room must have a very serious obsessive-compulsive disorder.

And he did feel comfortable.

He no longer looked at the room, but just looked at Jin Yan distressedly, "What about the baby?"

"I like it here." Jin Yan said.

Li Jing didn't say any more, he checked the room first, and after making sure that there was no dust on the table, chairs and bed, he put Jinyan on the chair.

"Baby, rest for a while, and Dad will go get our luggage."

As soon as Li Jing left, Wenren Qiao, who had chosen the room opposite, happily called out to Sister Jinyan and ran in.

At the same time, Leng Yuntian's heart-wrenching sobs sounded outside the door.

 Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
(End of this chapter)

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