After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 352 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline

Chapter 352 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline (18)

Leng Yuntian's crying startled Leng Ao.

He thought something had happened to his son, so he ran over with Wen Renxiao to see that the princess and prince were sitting in the room holding hands, and a little sloppy was sitting on the ground crying outside the door.

Wen Renqiao immediately said: "Sister Jinyan and I persuaded him, he won't get up by himself."

Leng Ao: "..."

No prospects!
It's fine if he didn't grab the house, and he was crying so loudly, if this continues, his old face will be completely lost.

"Get up." Leng Ao said.

Leng Yuntian's big eyes were filled with tears, and he said aggrievedly: "Father, I also want to live at the opposite door."

Seeing this, Wen Renxiao pretended to say: "This child likes it so much, why not..."

He couldn't bear to see Xiao Yuntian, who was only four years old, cry.

But if he really gave up the room, then his precious son would probably hate him for the rest of his life, so it's better to let other people's children cry.

"No, let him cry."

Leng Ao picked up Leng Yuntian from the ground, and said coldly: "Didn't Dad tell you that you have to fight for what you want, crying alone is useless, remember?"

Leng Yuntian nodded aggrievedly, "I remember it all!"

"I can't remember it, but I still need to be able to do it. If you don't want to cry next time, just be smart and try your best to do it. If you work hard, even if you don't get it in the end, it's worth it." Leng Ao said.

The chicken soup cooked by Leng Ao is full of color and fragrance, but Leng Yuntian can't drink it.

He didn't cry at first, but when he heard this, tears came out again, "Why can't I get it after trying hard, I have worked hard..."

The corner of Wen Renxiao's mouth twitched, and it was too difficult for a five-year-old child to understand that hard work and reward are not equal.

But Leng Ao had already suffered internal injuries from anger.

He carried Leng Yuntian to the next closest room like he was carrying a chicken, and then gave a lesson of cruel reality to the four-year-old child.

Wen Renxiao smiled and shook his head.

Leng Ao seemed to be angry, but he still chose a room that was relatively better for his son.

Wen Renxiao: "Qiao Qiao, you play with Jin Yan, while Dad is going to get our luggage."

Seeing that Wenren Qiao seemed dissatisfied with the title "Qiao Qiao", Jin Yan deliberately said, "Brother, can I call you brother Qiao Qiao?"

Wen Qiao immediately said yes.

Jin Yan suspected that Wen Renqiao probably only heard the word "brother".

Xiao Le and Xiao Lu stood outside, watching the two children in the room approaching each other's heads and whispering to each other, their aunt's smile unconsciously appeared on their faces.

"It's so beautiful. When I was young, I envied the meeting between the hero and heroine in idol dramas when they were young. I even fantasized that the little heroine in a princess dress was me. Now it's a film and television still photo that has come into reality." Xiaole said.

Xiaolu coughed, "Men will be envious too."

It's just such a beautiful picture, he doesn't deserve it.

Not long after, Li Jing came up with the suitcase, and when he saw Wenren Qiao at the door, his eyes changed slightly.

"Uncle Li, let me help you..."

"No need, your father's suitcase is a bit heavy, you can help him." Li Jing said.

Wenren Qiao paused, looked back at Jin Yan, and went out.

After putting down the suitcase, Li Jing went to the bathroom to check, and adjusted the water temperature after confirming that there was no problem.

On the way, Jin Yan suffered from motion sickness at first, and later sweated a lot, so it must be uncomfortable for him to be wet right now.

So Li Jing asked Jin Yan to take a shower first, and when he was changing the bed sheet and quilt cover that he brought, Wen Renxiao's voice came from the door, "Professor Li, you are too good, even changing the quilt cover is so chic and smooth. "

Li Jing: "I learned it when I was a child."

Wen Renxiao was taken aback, then thought of some revelations on the Internet.

According to Yan Xue, Li Jing was an orphan just like her, but Li Jing didn't wait for other people's charity, but relied on his own hard work to earn money and go to school.

For an orphan without father and mother, not to mention improving material or spiritual enjoyment, being alive is the biggest test for him.

If he wants to live, he must face scrambles and fights. Only when his fists are harder and harder than others can he grab bottles and cardboard, avoid being beaten to death by other bullying gangsters, and keep his rations.

Li Jing, who has experienced hunger and humiliation, tasted the warmth and coldness of human relationships, and suffered from blood and pain, was portrayed by Yan Xue as a hooligan, an anti-social element, and a social scum.

He boasts that he has a good eye for seeing people, at least so far, he has never missed a single person.

He didn't think that Li Jing was the kind of person who broke the news on the Internet.

"Professor Li, you are amazing, no wonder you take such good care of your daughter." Wen Renxiao said.

Li Jing smiled, "My daughter is very sensible and takes good care of her."

Wen Renxiao was about to complain about his son, so as to shorten the distance between them, when Wenren Qiao's voice suddenly sounded beside him, "Father, learn from Uncle Li."


Wen Renxiao nodded perfunctorily, "Okay, Dad must study hard with Professor Li, and try not to embarrass you."

Wenren Qiao said "hmm" and went to their room.

It was almost time for dinner, and Wen Renxiao didn't dare to delay any longer, so he went to clean up soon.

10 minute later.

While Li Jing was blowing Jin Yan's hair, Wenren Qiao came again.

He knocked on the door, and after seeing that Li Jing had no objection, he walked into the room, then sat on a ponytail and stared at Jin Yan quietly.

After Wen Renxiao came out, he came directly to the opposite side without even thinking about it.

There is no doubt that the son must be inside.

Anyway, if his son disappeared during the recorded program, as long as he found Xiao Jinyan, he would be able to find his son as well.

After drying his hair, Li Jing gave Jinyan a simple hairstyle.

On the way to the restaurant, Wen Renxiao kept sighing, "It's better to raise a daughter, she is cute, caring and sensible."

Li Jing naturally defaulted to Wen Renxiao's words.

After they went downstairs, they ran into Jiang Ying and his son who had just left the house.

Jiang Chi still didn't say a word.

But Jiang Ying is very talkative, and he chatted about his feelings after visiting here.

He changed into a burgundy silk shirt, wearing black trousers, and his freshly washed hair was still steamed. Standing under the wall full of vine roses, he looked dazzling like a flower soaked in the essence of heaven and earth. rose flowers.

Jiang Ying was talking eloquently. After noticing a bright look in his eyes, he moved his body slightly, and took out a delicate pink rose from behind as if by magic.

He easily removed the thorny thorns on the branches, and then, under the eyes of everyone, he casually walked towards Jin Yan on catwalks, and held the flowers in front of her eyes.

"The most beautiful flower, for the most beautiful little princess."

Wen Renxiao, Leng Ao who came down from behind, Director Liu and Chen Kang who came to look for them were all stunned.

Don't talk about martial arts!
Didn't you see that the son of the film king and Mr. Leng's family are going to beat someone up?
 Continue to 6 more~
(End of this chapter)

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