After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 356 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline

The next morning.

Li Jing woke up very early. He first went to the balcony to look at the clothes he washed last night, and then went downstairs after finding that they were dry.

He found Liu Wen and asked if he could use the kitchen of the homestay.

Liu Wen was brushing his teeth, turned around and said, "Is Professor Li making breakfast?"

Li Jing nodded: "This is not against the rules."

Liu Wen chuckled, "Yes, most of the homestays here can cook for themselves, and now we have the right to use the homestay, so you can do it."

"Thank you, Director Liu."

After Li Jing left, Liu Wen immediately called Xiao Le and the others.

I had already photographed Li Jing cooking breakfast before, and at that time Xiao Le and the photographers were a little skeptical that Li Jing was really cooking three meals a day as he said.

I suspect that Li Jing's family actually hired a nanny.

But after taking photos along the way and witnessing all the details of Li Jing taking care of his daughter, he no longer doubted it.

If a person says that he loves his children very much, often takes care of them alone, and does all the housework by himself, but when he really faces a situation where everything needs to be done by himself, he messes things up in a hurry, that is obvious. He is lying.

Li Jing has never exaggerated how much he has paid for his daughter and their family, but everyone has eyes, so they can naturally see that he is a qualified father.

After Li Jing's breakfast was almost ready, the porridge was still simmering in the pot, and he went back to his room first.

The clothes that Jinyan was going to wear today were neatly folded by him and placed on the bedside, and the dirty shoes he wore yesterday were also brushed clean. After tidying up the room, he went to wash up.

After doing all this, he woke up Jin Yan.

Tired all day and only slept for eight hours, Jin Yan didn't get enough sleep at all, she was a little unhappy when she was woken up, her eyes blurred and she stretched out her hand after seeing Li Jing.


Li Jing picked her up from the bed, "I'm sorry baby."


Realizing that Li Jing was talking about forcing her to have such an experience, Jin Yan shook her head and said hoarsely, "I love your father."

Li Jing looked at her, and the warmth welling up in his heart could not be calmed down for a long time.

He dressed Jin Yan, watched her finish washing, and said, "Are you going to the kitchen with Dad, or waiting in the room?"

"Together." Jin Yan said.

Li Jing had no choice but to carry her down together.

When he went downstairs, Jinyan stared at the big rose with a surprised expression, Li Jing saw it, and put her next to the flower stand after going down.

Most of the rose flowers that were in full bloom yesterday have been gathered, and they are no longer so strong and delicate. They are clusters of flowers, but the half-open and half-closed state also endows it with an alternative beauty.

"Wait here for a while, Dad will be fine soon." Li Jing said.

Jin Yan nodded.

This time the camera was aimed directly at Jin Yan.

Xiao Le squatted down and looked at Jin Yan, "Do you like rose flowers?"

Jin Yan: "I like it, it looks good."

Xiao Le: "Which flower is prettier or you are prettier?"

Jin Yan said without thinking, "I'm pretty."

Xiao Le and the others were amused, this kid is too confident.

But maybe it was Li Jing, the father who gave her enough love and allowed her to grow up in a loving environment, which created her such an optimistic and confident personality.

"Then sister asks you a question, after you get here, will you miss home?" Xiao Le asked again.

Jin Yan: "Yes, I don't want to."

Xiao Le felt that she had already guessed the answer, "Why?"

Jin Yan glanced at the open kitchen not far away, and then looked at Xiao Le, "Because Dad is here, where Dad is, our home is where we are."

Xiao Le's heart moved, and he blinked again and again.

Since entering the industry, she has seen many half-truths and half-fake sensational scenes, but she never expected to be moved by a child.

At this time, Li Jing came out with a prepared breakfast.

Jin Yan immediately said: "Sister, I won't tell you anymore, I'm going home with my father."

Xiao Le's eyes turned sour again.

This child is really, where the father is, the home is.

"Dad, I'll help you!"

After Jin Yan finished speaking, Li Jing did not refuse, but handed her a small bag in his hand, "Baby go ahead, Dad will watch you."

As soon as they reached the corner, they ran into Wen Renxiao who was going downstairs to look for food.

Noticing the small bowl on the tray in Li Jing's hand and the shrimp porridge in the pot, Wen Renxiao's eyes almost popped out.

Wen Renxiao: "Professor Li, have you prepared breakfast so early?"

Li Jing: "Yes."

Wen Renxiao subconsciously swallowed his saliva, and after looking at the weight of the porridge, he said, "You can't let the child be hungry. Go back to your room and have breakfast, it will be cold in a while."

After finishing speaking, he stroked Jinyan's hair, "Little Jinyan also got up so early, so good."

When he went downstairs, he just ran into Liu Wen.

"Why, the film king also wants to make breakfast?" Liu Wen said.

Wen Renxiao's face darkened, "Don't bully me, I don't know how to make breakfast, I just came down to see if there is anything I can eat."

Liu Wen pointed to the big refrigerator and big freezer in the kitchen, "There are plenty of food, you can choose whatever you want."

Wen Renxiao: "..."

Then he can't just take a chicken leg out of the freezer and eat it directly?

But he can't do it by hand.

But I can't let my son go hungry!
So Wen Renxiao took out his mobile phone, searched for a breakfast strategy, and started the experience of frying the kitchen.

After a fried egg failed for the fifth time, Wen Renxiao sighed heavily.

Yesterday, I promised my son that he would learn from Professor Li.

But it is too difficult!

No wonder Jojo couldn't accept his imperfections.

This is not only imperfect, it is simply a defect!
Seeing this, Liu Wen couldn't help persuading him: "The film king, Brother Xiao, don't force yourself if you are not good at it. It's okay to eat dozens of ice creams if you have a strong stomach, but I can't do it as a staff member. If a few eggs are fried and they all have an accident, who will be in charge of the daily work?"

Wen Renxiao was so angry that he jumped, "Director Liu, you are insulting me."

Liu Wen: "Why not?"

Those burnt eggs, can't be wasted, can't go into the belly of his staff?

Wen Renxiao was also very sorry to face the few people who had just finished eating fried eggs with unsightly faces.

He immediately said: "Okay, okay, I apologize to everyone, I'm sorry everyone, I will try again for the last time."

Some people showed embarrassment, while others stepped back.

Wen Renxiao: "..."

A small step, but so much damage.

I don't know if everyone's disgust stimulated him, but this time Wen Renxiao managed to fry two eggs successfully.

After Wen Renxiao was surprised for a while, he looked at the crowd proudly, "It's just frying an egg, it's too simple."

He raised his chin, "Look, I also have some talent for cooking."

Liu Wen and others: "..."


Are you sure it's not "funny"?

6 update, ask for votes and support~

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