After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 357 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline

When Wen Renxiao disappeared on the road of being a comedian, Leng Ao was warmly calling his son to get up.

From 06:30 to 07:30, there were people coming and going in the aisle, and even the smell of rice wafted into the room, but Leng Yuntian didn't even open his eyes in a daze.

Leng Ao used all kinds of tricks, seeing that his face would not be washed clean after sleeping, he had an idea to mention Jin Yan's name.

"I can tell you Leng Yuntian, no matter how sorry you are, don't even think about seeing sister Jinyan all day today!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the child on the lazy bed moved a little.

After finding it useful, Leng Ao continued to say: "Dad thought how much you liked the new kid you met, but it seems that's all there is to it. In that case, you should go to sleep. I'll tell the director that we won't be recording this show. In the afternoon, I will go home..."

Leng Yuntian shouted in a daze: "No!"

Leng Ao deliberately said: "Aren't you happy that you can see your mother when you get home?"

"No! Record it!" Leng Yuntian continued to shout.

Leng Ao coughed, "But the program stipulates that the guests are not allowed to violate the relevant rules. Others have finished their breakfast right now, and you are still sleeping. We will be late soon..."

"Don't be late, I'll get up right away."

Leng Yuntian yelled, pulled a piece of clothing out of nowhere and put it on his head.

Leng Ao got up and brought him a new set of clothes, and turned to see that there was a black thing covering his son's head.

It looked familiar.

Leng Ao walked to the bed and saw that the shorts he wore after taking a shower were gone.

He looked at the ceiling speechlessly, then looked at the silly son who was sealed by the shorts, and went to help take off the shorts with a dark face.

Leng Yuntian didn't notice anything wrong at all, he took the new clothes and put them on, Leng Ao hurriedly stopped him, "Take off the bottom ones, and put these on again."

The ignorant child was stunned for a few seconds before doing so.

Leng Ao really couldn't stand it anymore, so he hurriedly helped him get dressed, and urged him to wash up before taking him downstairs.

"Mr. Leng, are you just getting up?" Jiang Ying asked.

When Leng Ao looked over, Jiang Ying was wearing a blue shirt with a wide open neckline, but a pair of shorts on his legs.

He kindly reminded, "It seems to be raining today, and the temperature is going to cool down."

Jiang Ying glanced at the sky, "Mr. Leng is really cold-faced and warm-hearted, thank you, but I am in good health, so I can bear the cold."

Leng Ao: "..."

What do you mean?
It's fine to say that he has a cold face and a warm heart. What does the latter sentence mean?
Does it mean that his body is not good enough?

Jiang Ying didn't notice Leng Ao's expression at all. He glanced at his son who was staring at the flower wall in a daze, with a slight smile on his face, "Why, does Xiao Chi want flowers too?"

"No." Jiang Chi said.

Jiang Ying: "But seeing you looking at the flower wall, Dad seems to give you a garden. What should I do, why don't Dad buy this homestay?"

Jiang Chi: "..."

Leng Ao: "..."

Is this the method of the dandy?
He just despised Jiang Ying, so he heard his son say in a childish voice: "Father, father, let's buy it! Buy it!"


Leng Ao was silent for a second, "Why buy it?"

He had no time for such a small business.

Leng Yuntian pointed to the wall of rose flowers in full bloom and said, "After I buy it, I can pick the flowers and send them to sister Jinyan!"

Leng Ao fell silent.

This is his son, right?
Why is his temper and personality so similar to Jiang Ying's dude?

Jiang Ying over there clapped his hands when he heard that, "What a boy, he's smart, he knows everything, he has a sweet mouth and can make girls happy, he has a future!"

Leng Ao reluctantly pulled his son to his side.

No matter how smart a child is, if he learns from Jiang Ying, he will eventually become a playboy who only knows how to eat, drink and play.

Jiang Yingcai didn't care what Leng Ao was thinking, he went to the kitchen to look around, took out the bread and milk in the refrigerator, and found nothing that could be eaten immediately.

Outside the door, Jiang Chi looked at him expressionlessly.

Jiang Ying coughed, "Then what, son, are you hungry?"

Jiang Chi: "Not hungry."

Jiang Ying: "How can I not be hungry? Eat this bread and milk first, and then Dad will think of a way."

There is no other way but to ask the program team for help.

Jiang Chi walked over and tiptoed to get two cartons of milk from the refrigerator and bread, "No need, this is enough."

"Isn't that good? Dad feels that you have been wronged." Jiang Ying said.

Jiang Chi looked up at his father, who couldn't see a trace of "guilt and self-blame" on his face, and walked out calmly.

Having been seen through by his son, Jiang Ying was not at all embarrassed, instead he took another piece of bread and followed him out.

His son has already left, and he still has the heart to do good deeds, "Mr. Leng, you don't know how to cook, right? While you can get something for nothing, hurry up and finish this breakfast first, or you won't have anything to eat for a while."

Leng Ao: "..."

This Jiang Ying, can he be suffocated to death without talking?
Before the arrogant President Leng could respond, Leng Yuntian had already yelled "Thank you, Uncle Jiang" and ran into the kitchen.

Jiang Ying smiled, "Be polite, know how to be grateful, and have a future."

Leng Ao: "..."

He is impolite?

Doesn't he know how to be grateful?
As soon as Jiang Ying left, Chen Kang came yawning, "Mr. Leng, Mr. Jiang just said that there is breakfast in the refrigerator, have you eaten?"

Before he finished speaking, Leng Ao had already walked in three steps in two steps, and quickly got enough breakfast for himself and his son.

The speed was so fast that Chen Kang didn't even react.

The cameraman and director who were in charge of the filming completely saw the communication between the fathers, not to mention how they would cut this part later when it was broadcast, and what funny elements and stalks would be added to it, that’s all. Look at them, they are going to die laughing.

Leng Ao, the president, still has a high neuropathy coefficient. Once he is discovered, he may be able to disappear on the road of sand sculpture in the future.

There is also Jiang Ying. Previously, he only knew that the eldest son of the Jiang family was a romantic figure in the upper-class circle. He was brilliant and courageous. He didn't expect that the real him in private was more interesting than what the media cameras and friends revealed.

Although Chen Kang didn't have much hot spots here, from the time he showed up, all his behaviors and behaviors showed his identity as a man of science and technology. I don't know how many men of science and technology can see his own shadow in him.

Not to mention the other two groups.

Wen Renxiao is an actor, and he has a large number of fans and a mass base. In the eyes of everyone, he has always been an acting school, a cool male god, it is not an exaggeration to say that he has been deified.

But the real him under the camera, while being funny, also narrowed the distance between him and the audience and fans.

Li Jing has no family background or background, but everything he owns now is made by himself.

His identity is just a university teacher, but his charisma, temperament, strong aura, all performances are not inferior to any other fathers at all.

Even, he may be the most outstanding one among them.

Red and red

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