After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 408 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline

Yan Xue once again overwhelmed herself half an hour ago with three suspected suicide farewell Weibo posts, ranking first in the most searched lists on all major platforms.

And this is the first time she has been on the trending searches in a day.

After Yan Xue posted on the blog, the majority of fans felt distressed beyond measure. They insulted Li Jing and all the netizens who spoke up for Li Jing even more brazenly, wishing to chop Li Jing and these netizens into pieces.

When the melon eaters saw this blog post, they laughed disdainfully in their hearts.


Are you, Yan Xue, willing to commit suicide?
If you really don't miss this world, don't covet the status of a popular star, don't enjoy today's material life, and you just kill Li Jing with a knife, why is there any need to encourage fans to commit crimes?
And this kind of marketing method is also a common technique in the entertainment industry.

Although passers-by felt disgusted and nauseated after seeing it.

But the fans feel distressed!

Abusing fans and solid fans is also a commonly used routine in the entertainment industry.

Except for fans who are deeply involved in it and don't know it, the people who eat melons are very familiar with this routine.

Yan Xue is nothing more than wanting to use the two magic weapons of depression and suicide to divert the public's attention and whitewash herself. She wants the public to sympathize with her experience and forget the evil things she has done. She wants to wait until the limelight passes before returning to the entertainment circle. Just rice.

But that is impossible!
Just 10 minutes ago, when there were a lot of hot searches about Yan Xue, some parents broke the news about something that everyone paid attention to.

That is, she found that her daughter's mood was not quite right these few days, so she paid more attention to it. Later, her daughter went out frequently, and often went to play with friends in the nearby unfinished building in the middle of the night. , As a result, I saw my daughter and friends who are usually well-behaved and sensible, all wearing strange clothes and dancing with strange spells, as if they were doing it.

They didn't dare to approach their daughter and her friends for fear of irritating them. After a group of children left, they took a closer look, only to find that it was arranged like an altar, and in the center was a printed black and white picture of respecting father and daughter. According to the photo, there are elegiac couplets around, like a mourning hall.

The parents said that they were almost scared to death on the spot, and fled the scene without looking back after being relieved. When they returned home in shock, their daughter was reading and writing as if nothing had happened.

They suspected that their daughter had joined some evil or religious organization, so they drew some pictures and specific symbols at that time and asked for help online, hoping to get answers from netizens.

Netizens' responses were also very consistent.

"It's just useless."

"Don't check it, it's useless, hurry up and practice the trumpet!"

"Is there any cult involved? Isn't it evil enough to be Yan Xue's fan?"

"She can vent all the malice in her heart for Yan Xue to the strange father and daughter who have no grievances or enmity with her, and naturally she can also hate you parents because of a trivial matter."

"All in all, all in all, be careful and save your life!"

"Create a villain while you are still young. Stay away from the crazy daughter, and you will be safe from disaster!"

Then the parents also replied to a netizen, saying that they had reported the incident to the relevant department and reported Yan Xue.

And Yan Xue, who just came out of the police station, may know a thing or two about the situation on the Internet, but she obviously didn't take this incident seriously, but sent three more Weibo messages urging her to die.

It was the lives of Li Jing and Xiao Jinyan who were urged.

And her queen executioner is a fan.

Other parents who read that parent’s Weibo, found that their children had the same strange behavior, and joined the queue to report Yan Xue and boycott Yan Xue. When they saw it, Yan Xue actually took advantage of the so-called depression and Suicide to sell misery to deceive fans, let fans charge for her, and immediately became even more angry, and went directly to the relevant units.

Do you care about Yan Xue, a star who looks like a cult leader?

Students don't study at school and only focus on chasing stars, so the Education Bureau doesn't care?
Can't control it or don't want to control it?

If the relevant units don't care, then don't blame the parents for uniting to deal with this matter!

And Yan Xue turned off her phone directly after posting Weibo, and then ordered her assistant to take her home.

The assistant reminded her, "Sister Xue, why don't you turn on your phone, in case Miss Zhang or the upper management of the company call..."

"What are you doing on the phone? I've already dealt with this matter." Yan Xue said impatiently.


Some things that are usually exposed to big names or lack of quality in public places are sold out to divert the attention of netizens, and it will be nothing after the limelight passes.

Because the entire entertainment circle is like this, except for the evil sunspots and opponents, no netizen will be too idle to do things and keep holding on to that little thing.

But now, maliciously framing other celebrities, leaking private videos of Han Fei and other celebrities, mobilizing fans to attack others in public places, guiding and conniving fans to engage in illegal assemblies, picking quarrels and provoking trouble, attacking the police...

Which of these is a trivial matter?

At this time, why don’t you apologize and admit your mistakes, and still want to sell the misfortune and procrastinate to the end. What’s the difference between pouring alcohol and gasoline on the house when it’s on fire?
Fixing a dead sheep and adding fuel to the fire are not the same thing at all, okay!

The assistant blushed with anxiety.

If Yan Xue was blocked just like that, the brand she endorsed would have already taken over the next script, and the various contracts she signed would be equivalent to huge IOUs for liquidated damages.

If Yan Xue was squeezed out of the liquidated damages and became penniless, what would happen to her salary?
Wouldn't the year-end bonus all go down the drain?

Unable to persuade Yan Xue, the assistant can only hope to pin on the agent and the company.

In any case, please ask Yan Xue to stay in the star position for two more months. When she successfully resigns, Yan Xue will die, and it doesn't matter to her.

On the other side, Li Jing also found the trace he was looking for on the computer.

When he returned to the living room, Ling Yue asked casually, "How is it? Did you find anything?"

When Brother Li collected relevant information about Su Ning and Yan Xue, he also found some information through his friends, and he found out about the news that was exposed today.

That's why he suspected that Brother Li was fighting back.

Li Jing nodded.

Ling Yue suddenly became interested, "What did you find out? If it wasn't you, who would it be?"

Li Jing: "I found out some things, but I can't be sure yet."

Baby is very talented in all aspects, but only this computer technology, the less people who know it, the better.

Ling Yue didn't doubt anything, he said: "Anyway, whoever can do this kind of thing must be a good person, and we don't need to expose his old background, just be grateful!"

Jiang Ying: "That's not bad."

Wen Renxiao: "A hero who fights against injustice on the road like this really cannot be exposed."

Li Jing: "..."


It's his day as a "heroic" father!

Li Jing: I am proud!


Sixth update, please vote for it~^-^ I love you guys

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