After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 409 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline

Jin Yan was not at home, Wen Renqiao and Jiang Chi had nothing to say to each other, so they each took a book by Jin Yan to read.

And a few adults were talking about hot searches and recorded programs on the Internet.

It was past eleven o'clock, and Jiang Chi was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes, and was still holding on to the book in his hand. Jiang Ying felt sorry for his son, so he offered to leave first.

When he arrived at Wen Renxiao's place, he was confused by his son.

Although Jiang Chi was a little bit reluctant, he was restrained, and he didn't show much reluctance when he was taken away by Jiang Ying.

But his son almost wrote "I don't want to go" on his face.

He also said: "Uncle Li, can you let me sleep here? Just this small place is fine. I don't move around, sleepwalk, or yell. I promise to clean it up tomorrow. Gotta clean up."

Both Ling Yue and Zhang Ping were amused.

Wen Renxiao couldn't bear to look directly at him, if this son wasn't his own, he really didn't want it anymore.

Li Jing didn't seem to respond, but if you look closely, you can find that the corners of his lips moved slightly.

Ling Yue: "So you want to build a floor shop here?"

Wenren Qiao nodded seriously.

Ling Yue looked at the Shadow Emperor sympathetically, "Then what should your father do?"

What is the identity of the film king, he can't live in the big hotel, can't he also play the floor with his son here?
Wenren Qiao: "Father go back, I will stay."

Ling Yue: "..."

He also knows to let his father go back, this is his own son.

Too filial.

Ling Yue laughed out loud, and said gloatingly, "Actor, you gave birth to a good son, look, how sensible and filial our little Qiao is."

Wen Renxiao bared his teeth numbly.

The son is good, but it is a pity that he was born to someone else.

Just to be able to follow Professor Li to pick up Xiao Jinyan home, I don't even want my father!

If this is filial piety.

Then his son is indeed too filial!
Seeing Wen Renxiao gnashing his teeth, both Ling Yue and Zhang Ping couldn't help laughing and bent over.

The corner of Li Jing's mouth twitched a few times, but he soon returned to normal. He persuaded: "Xiao Qiao, I have something to do during the day, and I will pick up Yan Yan after dinner."

When Wenren Qiao heard this, he was instantly obedient, "Then let Dad send me over at night, thank you Uncle Li!"

Li Jing gave a "hmm".

Wen Renxiao was speechless and rolled his eyes.

The laughing duo continued to laugh wildly.

On the second day, before Li Jing could find Liu Wen, Liu Wen called, "Professor Li, how is your injury?"

Li Jing said no problem.

Liu Wen: "How did I hear that you don't use anesthesia for stitches?"

Li Jing: "..."

Apart from Jiang Ying, he couldn't think of anyone else with such a quick mouth.

Li Jing said that the wound wasn't serious, it didn't hurt that much, it was within his tolerable range, that's why he didn't take anesthesia.

But Liu Wen clicked his tongue, "Don't explain, who doesn't know that you are trying to let yourself remember the lesson this time, and it has been spread all over the Internet. You Li Jing had dozens of stitches on the wound and didn't give anesthesia. You seriously Jing is a ruthless person..."

Thinking of something, Liu Wen changed his words again, "I was wrong, they said you are a wolf, you are more than a ruthless person by more than 01:30 points!"

Li Jing: "...the whole network?"

Liu Wen: "That's right, you went to the hospital to treat the wound, and the fans of our show recognized you and said you were seriously injured. Yan Xue's fans and some trolls didn't believe it, saying that you were selling miserably, and then the doctor who treated the wound for you I clarified this matter with the nurse, and they said that you were the first one they saw who had so many stitches without anesthesia."

Li Jing: "..."

It turned out to be the case.

It seemed that he was wrong about Jiang winning.

But Li Jing didn't know, after the doctors and nurses clarified, there were still some people who didn't believe it, saying that their three senses followed the five senses, and they were bewitched by Li Jing's beauty, so they would speak for Li Jing.

Then Wen Renxiao posted a Weibo post saying "I hope Professor Li will recover soon", with a picture that he took last night when Ling Yue changed the dressing on Li Jing's wound.

The photos have been typed, but the faintly visible traces left by the stitches still make everyone's backs shudder.

Wen Renxiao is a public figure with many fans. His ability to post such a Weibo has already shown his attitude.

He believed in Li Jing.

Jiang Ying, who seldom plays Weibo, reposted Wen Renxiao's Weibo, and wrote: "Cold knowledge, surgery requires anesthesia, and Professor Li's behavior is not recommended, but, I testify, Professor Li is my Toughest guy I've ever seen."

Although it is not clear whether he intended to drive while driving, netizens who knew that this new account was Jiang Ying thought it was wrong.

They asked him how he knew Professor Li was tough, and how tough Professor Li was.

Since then, his comment area has become weird, and even attracted many suspicious accounts, and it has been out of control ever since.

Leng Ao and Chen Kang, who were far away, also registered accounts to support Li Jing.

Chen Kang chose the way of Wen Renxiao to send his blessings.

Leng Aofa's is exactly the same as Jiang Ying's, but his is more concise and easy to understand, with only four words: tall and tough!

Tall and hard?

Netizen: "..."

Is there something wrong with the way you dads build teams?
As soon as Liu Wen heard Li Jing's reaction, he knew that he must have not read the news on the Internet, so he gave him a brief overview of the development from the early morning to the present.

"According to the news I got, Yan Xue is definitely doomed, and a relevant notice will definitely be issued within two days at the latest, and she will not have any chance to make public appearances in the future," Liu Wen said.

Li Jing: "Yes."

Liu Wen wondered, "Why do I listen, you are not very interested? Such good news, can't make you happy?"

Li Jing: "It's okay."

Compared with the ending he set for Yan Xue, Yan Xue's current situation is not an exaggeration to say it is heaven.

Liu Wen tentatively said, "It doesn't meet your expectations, does it?"

Li Jing: "Director Liu, what else do you need?"

Liu Wen coughed and remembered the business, "Almost forgot to say, we are recording the third episode, it is inconvenient for you to have an arm injury, and you cannot perform physical labor, then you should be a think tank, and everything is about your body. And we also have a team doctor in our team, who can do simple dressing changes, what do you think?"

Li Jing: "Director Liu is not afraid that netizens will say that you are a capitalist and inhumane, and use my blood to water your career path?"

Liu Wen: "..."

Is it the netizens who say it or do you think so too?
If it wasn't for the barrier of space, he really wanted to see Li Jing's expression at the moment.

Is it a serious joke, or is he holding back some bad thoughts!

"You know, I, Liu Wen, am not that kind of person." Liu Wen said.

Li Jing: "I don't know."

Liu Wen: "..."

Why don't you play cards according to the routine?
Forget it.

If you don’t know, then you don’t know.

Anyway, with the contract in hand, Li Jing has to go if he wants to go, and he has to go if he doesn't!

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