After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 417 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline

Chapter 417 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline (83)

When receiving a call from Yan Xue, Li Jing, who was participating in the recording of the fourth episode, had just found his house.

He brought Jin Yan to participate after the stitches were removed from the wound, three days later than the others.

Concerned about his injured arm and his cleanliness, this time everyone came together to help clean the house.

And Yan Xue called at this time.

Seeing that it was an unfamiliar number, Li Jing thought it was Cheng Qianshan's friend in City S who wanted to know about the case, but when he picked it up, he heard a soft and gentle "Brother Li".

Li Jing frowned, then quickly hung up the phone.

Noticing this scene, Jiang Ying was a little curious, "Who is Professor Li?"

Five children were playing in the open space not far away, their childlike laughter resounded throughout the yard, and their voices could not be heard at all.

Li Jing said, "Yan Xue."


Jiang Ying almost called out the name of "Yan Xue", he said: "Professor Li, don't be soft-hearted just because she is Xiao Jinyan's mother, this kind of person only cares about himself and will not change."

Chen Kang, who was trying to clean the table over there, said: "Actually, you have taken care of Xiao Jinyan by yourself. You can be said to be a father and a mother at the same time. There is no need for Yan Xue to play the role of a mother."

"I don't think Xiao Jinyan would want an outsider, and someone who hurt you, to intervene in your family." Leng Ao said.

Wen Renxiao: "She is looking for you now, something must have happened that forced her to look for you. I am too busy today and have no time to surf the Internet. I haven't looked at my phone yet. I don't know if there are any new revelations on the Internet."

While talking, a staff member said: "The recording of Yan Xue's self-explosion has become a trending search, Professor Li is innocent!"

The cleaning people stopped for an instant, and they all gathered in front of the staff to watch the news together.

"Yan Xue and Su Ning are husband and wife, wouldn't she be taking drugs too? After a while, she blew herself up. In her eyes, the fans were ATMs, sailors, puppets who charged for her, and the knife in her hand. After a while, she blew herself up again." She tricked Professor Li, and she said that Professor Li promised that as long as she gave birth to a child, she would not pursue the tricked thing!"

"Someone really reported Yan Xue for taking drugs."

"Whether you smoked or not, the urine test will tell."

After the recording was exposed, the Internet became even more lively.

"Those who steadfastly supported Yan Xue back then, come out and walk around twice!"

"Perhaps someone has already gone in!"

"The real victim didn't say anything, but an assailant pretended to be a victim and deceived fans and many netizens. Magic..."

"She plotted against Professor Li by herself, and drugged Professor Li, but she would shout "Stop the thief!"

"Professor Li is really wronged!"

"Yan Xue was so rampant before, are you sure that Professor Li won't fight back?"

"Of course, she must know how much Professor Li loves her daughter. After all, she is Xiao Jinyan's biological mother. For Xiao Jinyan's sake, Professor Li will not easily take action against her, right?"

"But it's different now, she encouraged fans to hurt Xiao Jinyan, which offended Professor Li!

"If it were me, I wouldn't bear it from the beginning!"

"Is Li Jing too cowardly?"

"Hehe, there are gangsters everywhere [I hit]"

"It is a cowardly person who said that Li Jing didn't fight back before. You have no memory, but the Internet has memory. Go back and see what the public opinion environment was like at that time. Li Jing was shouted and killed, and fans and paparazzi ran away. Offline, the school where he worked and his community went into trouble, how do you ask him to fight back? Even if he held a press conference, saying that he did not rape, and that everything was Yan Xue’s slander, would anyone believe it? It’s ridiculous!"

“Maybe there will be, but not much~”

"I'm the one who didn't believe it. At that time, someone who claimed to be an alumnus of Li Jing said on the Internet that Li Jing could not be a rapist, but no one believed it. Close and logout!"

"I didn't believe it at first, but after the show aired, I changed my mind when I saw Li Jing's attitude towards his daughter. A father who truly loves his daughter as much as his life would not do that kind of aggressive behavior to other women. .Because he also has a daughter, and his daughter will grow up one day, and he is weakening and getting old, and he can't be by his daughter's side to protect her all the time like when he was a child. Such a father would not wish the world There are irrational animals like 'rapists'!"

"It is very lucky that I am such a daughter who is protected by my father! I also hope that all girls can be happy and safe, and have no worries in their lives!"

"Stop being sensational, who knows if the recording is true or not, has anyone threatened Sister Xue!"

"Shocked! Found a fantasy creature!"

"Yan Xue actually still has fans."

"Fans? Isn't it an ATM?"

"Whether it's a fan or an ATM, I'm going to watch the second season anyway, the little princess wearing a flower crown, the little prince sleeping in a tree house, sister, I'm here again!"

The show was still being filmed, and the staff asked everyone to put away their phones after watching the news.

When the cleaning was over, the recording was suspended, and everyone was sitting together to rest, Jiang Ying said, "It seems that the film star understands the operating rules of the industry better, and she really has nowhere to go."

Wen Renxiao said: "The person who made the recording should be Yan Xue's assistant or manager who is close to her, but the exposure of this recording has advantages and disadvantages.

Although its appearance proved Professor Li's innocence, the continuous negative news and bans during this period should have stimulated Yan Xue's mental state. If she insisted that she suffered from depression and stress trauma, she said those It is because she is completely disappointed in this world, she doesn't care about anything anymore, and she doesn't care whether there is justice in the rape, so she gave up seeking justice and fairness. This trump card, coupled with the fact that Professor Li did not suffer too much physical harm, may not be able to do anything to her in the end. "

Chen Kang frowned, "Isn't it too unfair?"

Why should a good person be bullied!
Leng Ao shook his head, "There are too many problems in this world that cannot be solved by law, and it would be better not to be solved by law."

Jiang Ying also smiled, a wicked and cruel smile, so bad that people dare not look directly at him, "That's exactly what I mean too!"

Chen Kang looked at him with some puzzlement, while Jiang Ying looked at Leng Ao: "Mr. Leng, if you say a word, let's see if we think the same thing?"

Leng Ao: "Fans."

"It's clearly two words!" Jiang Ying said.

Leng Ao: "Don't worry about a few words, as long as it's easy to use."

The two started bickering again, and the three of them, who were used to it, shook their heads.

Li Jing lowered his eyebrows and looked at his feet, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Yan Xue probably doesn't know that solving the problem according to the law is the safest and most secure way for her.

But she chose wrong.

And if you choose the wrong path, you will die easily.

(End of this chapter)

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