After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 418 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline

Chapter 418 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline (84)

Li Jing didn't answer the phone, Yan Xue made several calls from other numbers, but the result was the same.

And Yan Xue never gave up, and would fight several times perseveringly every day.

It wasn't until the recording of the fourth episode was over and he returned to City H, and after Jin Yan was picked up by Ling Yue and sent to Ling's house, that Li Jing took the time to answer Yan Xue's call.

"Brother Li..."

"speak English."

Li Jing's voice was cold, without a trace of ups and downs, but it made Yan Xue on the other end of the phone shiver.

Yan Xue sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the luxurious and luxurious things outside, filled with reluctance to live a luxurious life.

She said quietly: "Brother Li, you said at the beginning that as long as I give birth to a child, all the past will be erased."

Li Jing: "I also said, you are not allowed to see my daughter, you are not allowed to hurt her, have you done that?"

Yan Xue snorted twice, seeing that Li Jing's breathing didn't fluctuate at all, she showed dissatisfaction again, "I did that too helplessly, you don't know how ruthless those paparazzi in the entertainment industry are, and they didn't wait until the fans treated me like that." How strict, I don't want to expose you, but my opponent accidentally found out about your existence, even if I don't blow it up, they will..."

"So you deserve to die." Li Jing said.

Yan Xue was taken aback, and trembled for no reason, "Brother Li, I know you hate me, but I was really forced to do nothing. You taught me that when encountering danger, you must first consider the issue of your own survival. !"

Li Jing sneered, "Really?"

What he taught was to let Yan Xue be ruthless in order to save her life, instead of letting her lose her conscience and lose the last trace of her humanity.

Yan Xue hesitated, and said, "Yes, you taught me."

Li Jing is a very selfish person.

When she said that, the anger in Li Jing's heart should have subsided a little, right?

But Yan Xue did not wait for the forgiveness she expected.

Li Jing said: "I also taught you that people should be responsible for their own actions, if they do something wrong, they should admit their mistakes, and if they deserve to die, they should die."

Yan Xue's heart froze, and suddenly her whole body became cold and weak.

She was about to defend herself, but Li Jing had already hung up the phone.

Li Jing held his mobile phone, and after occupying the window for a while, he took the car keys and went out.

law firm.

After hearing Li Jing's reason for coming, Cheng Qianshan said, "You want me to focus on those fans?"

Li Jing: "Yes."

Cheng Qianshan was very puzzled, "Why? Yan Xue has a medical certificate for depression, but it's not like we don't have countermeasures. This hasn't even started yet, so you're so pessimistic?"

Thinking of something, Cheng Qianshan's expression changed, he got up and closed the office door, and returned to his original position before asking, "What do you want to do?"

Li Jing said nothing, just looked at him.

After pondering for a moment, Cheng Qianshan quickly figured it out, "If you don't engage in Yan Xue's fans, fans will take care of everything for Yan Xue. You want to use fans to kill Yan Xue?"

Yan Xue's recording has already shown the status of fans in her heart.

Inexhaustible cash machines, easy-to-manage and free and easy-to-use navy, knives and guns for charging, and scapegoats after overturning cars.

In short, big grudges.

Except for a very few fans who are still deceiving themselves, brainwashing and persuading themselves, most fans have already seen Yan Xue after tearing off the mask.

And among these people, many made mistakes in order to protect Yan Xue.

They did not hesitate for Yan Xue, but Yan Xue stabbed them in the back and even mocked how stupid they were.

How many fans can stand this?

How many parents of fans can tolerate their children going to jail, but Yan Xue, the most damned person, is getting away with a luxury car and mansion?
The hidden danger has been buried, as long as there is a little open flame, it will explode at the touch of a button.

Whether it's a fan who was irritated after being betrayed or a parent who was dazzled by hatred and resentment, Yan Xue can't escape if one party wants to take revenge.

After figuring out what Li Jing was going to do, Cheng Qianshan said, "I see."

Li Jing: "You won't persuade me?"

"What do you advise?"

Cheng Qianshan smiled, "When Yan Xue's recording was exposed, a trainee lawyer in the law firm was a little bit annoyed, saying that depression is a gold medal for avoiding death, and Yan Xue may not even have to go to jail in the end, but you were scolded three times. After many months, she was injured again, and Xiao Jinyan also suffered so many curses and curses... I forgot to mention that she is Xiao Jinyan's real mother fan, although you may not know it."

Li Jing: "I know."

He really didn't understand it before, but after occasionally seeing the screen full of bullet screens like "Xiao Jinyan's mother loves you", he understood.

Cheng Qianshan raised his eyebrows, "Yes, it's different to raise a daughter, she learns faster than others!"

Li Jing didn't deny it either.

After having a daughter, he did learn many skills that he didn't know before.

After leaving the law firm, Li Jing went to Ling's house again.

He originally planned to have lunch with Jinyan, but after he went, he saw an unexpected figure.

"Brother Li, it's Wenrenqiao again!" Zhang Ping said with a smile.

This Wenren Qiao really sees every stitch and sees through every corner.

As long as there is a chance, he seems to be able to seize it.

Seeing the two small figures chasing in the courtyard, Li Jing also showed a somewhat speechless expression, and then he called Wen Renxiao again.

Wen Renxiao said at once, "Professor Li, I'm shooting a commercial. I'll talk about it later if I have anything to do."

"Why is Xiao Qiao at Ling's house?" Li Jing asked.

Wen Renxiao coughed, "What did you say? Qiao Qiao? I don't know. I obviously left him at home to be taken care of by the nanny. You said he was at Ling's house... I'm sorry director, I'll be fine soon... I'm sorry, Professor Li, I'm really busy here, since Qiao Qiao is over there, please take care of me, I'll pick him up after work!"

Wen Renxiao hurriedly hung up the phone after saying "disclaimer".

He smiled triumphantly, "Son, for you, Dad has done too many things!"

After speaking, he felt that the atmosphere was not right.

Looking up, the assistant and manager looked at him with contempt.

Wen Renxiao handed the phone to the assistant, "It's only natural for me to pave the way for my son, what's so special? Go to work!"

The other two snorted, turned and walked away.

The former actor was so pure and kind, he didn't even panic.

The current film king doesn't even draft drafts when he lies.

And all this happened after he had been hanging out with those wild men in his father's program group for a month!

Those men are terrible!

Li Jing, who was hung up, was silent for a moment, and let Zhang Ping, who was holding back her laughter, drive the car in.

The moment he got off the car, his precious daughter threw herself into his arms with a cheerful smile as usual.

As for that brat whose eyes have been chasing after his daughter's figure, let him chase after him.

To be able to do this for the rest of his life is his skill!
 Wenren Qiao: What if I can't chase him for a lifetime?

  Li Jing: Break your dog legs

  It's six o'clock! ! !Everyone, please vote and support, you can update more when you are motivated ^-^
  love you guys good night
(End of this chapter)

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