Chapter 430 Young Tour · Li Jing (6)

After doing good deeds once and getting hurt once, Jiang Ying finally saw how serious Li Jing's cleanliness and obsessive-compulsive disorder were.

He had given up hope of dealing with the wound.

He even felt that Li Jing probably had completely forgotten that he was still in the room!
But just when he was drowsy, Li Jing called his name.

Jiang Ying stretched out his arm subconsciously.

He was pulled up,

Jiang Ying: "Have you finished cleaning?"

Li Jing signaled him to get up, Jiang Ying was a little confused, but he still stood up.

Then he saw Li Jing lift up the small sofa he was sitting on just now and throw it to the corridor.

Jiang Ying was dumbfounded, "What do you mean?"

Li Jing: "It's dirty, don't need it."

Jiang Ying: "..."

Does that mean he is dirty?
Depend on!
Should he be grateful to Li Jing for remembering his existence as a living being?
Damn really.

Only when he was sick would he be curious about Li Jing's past!
Looking at Li Jing who continued to wipe the floor, Jiang Ying thought to himself, I don't believe that you, Li Jing, have no conscience and will not feel guilty.

But when he pretended to be angry and wanted to leave, when he walked outside the door, he heard Li Jing say, "You are leaving? Then please take the garbage out of the door."

Jiang Ying: "..."

Jiang Ying: "..."

Jiang Ying: "..."

Is this what a fucking person said?

To have fantasies about an indifferent person like Li Jing, it really is his wishful thinking!
Jiang Ying was so angry that his face was contorted. He kicked the dirty old sofa hard, but the kick was skewed and hit the calf bone, where there were still injuries from the fight.

The moment the pain came, Jiang Ying thought he was going to die.

But the pain gradually disappeared, and soon he was paralyzed.

While cursing and saying that he really has mental problems, he picked up the old sofa, picked up the garbage bag and walked downstairs.

Less than 2 minutes after Jiang Ying left, Li Jing changed into a black hooded sweater and went out.

After a while, Jiang Ying came back after throwing out the trash, and found that the door was locked, and the anger that was finally extinguished instantly ignited again.


"Open the door!"

"Come out to me!"

He beat for a long time, but Li Jing didn't come out. Just when Jiang Ying wondered if Li Jing had slipped away, a voice came from behind, "Are you his friend?"

Jiang Ying turned his head and saw a young girl with vegetables in her hand, she should have just got off work.

"Well, I'm his classmate, I'm here to play with him." Jiang Ying said.

The girl hesitated for a while, then looked at Jiang Ying for a moment, "He's not at home..."

"Have you seen him?"

"He and some strange people..." the girl said.

Jiang Ying: "Where is it?"

Girl: "West Lane."

Jiang Ying ran downstairs after hearing his name.

He thought that Li Jing didn't like strangers staying in his house, so he locked the door on purpose or slipped out, but he didn't expect to fight again.

No, someone is chasing him?

Couldn't it be that Li Jing found out that the gangster who was making trouble for him was still hiding nearby, so he deliberately delayed the time, asked him to throw garbage to distract him, and went to fight with others?

Jiang Ying ran downstairs quickly, but after he went down, he was completely dumbfounded.

Up north down south left west right east he knows.

He also understands alleys and alleys.

But the question is which way is the damn west alley going?
While Jiang Ying was still looking for directions, Li Jing had already dealt with the five people hiding outside the house.

He stepped on the neck of a tattooed man, who was so frightened that his tears and nose flowed together. He said something about the big brother, grandpa and grandson, but Li Jing ignored it. Instead, he increased his strength and stomped down hard.

A click.

When the tattooed man screamed in pain, the two people next to him almost fainted from fright.

Letting go of the tattooed man, Li Jing kicked the person next to him hard in the stomach. The other person's facial features twitched and twisted, and he quickly vomited a mouthful of blood.

The remaining one kept calling Grandpa Li Jing, and said that he harmed the little girl and should not provoke him, and said that he would never touch the little girl again.

Li Jing gave him a cold look.

Such nonsense can also deceive fools.

To really put an end to this kind of rubbish touching little girls, it can only be solved at the root.

But he didn't want to kill anyone, so he picked up the steel pipe that these people used to ambush him, and smashed it between the opponent's legs.

The man screamed, his body began to twitch non-stop, and his face turned pale.

He still hadn't recovered from the pain and horror of Zisungen being smashed, and his two wrists were hit back and forth by the same degree.

Li Jing didn't look at him, but walked towards the other two people.

The two of them were already incontinently frightened by the appearance of the other three. Seeing Li Jing approaching, one of them quickly said, "I beg you, please go around me. I'm not with them. I beat you only because of me." The girl I like likes you, I am jealous of you, I opened the lock of your house today, I have learned to open the lock, I apologize to you, I will surrender to the police station, I will not confess you, you are self-defense, I know……"

The man's teeth were chattering when he was talking nervously. He talked in a mess, but he was greeted with a cold snort and a warm heart.

Li Jing knew that this person didn't dare to open his lock anymore, but the residence of a single girl nearby was still his target.

There was only the last one left, and before Li Jing could make a move, the other party was startled like a fool, he got up slowly, and hit his head on the right-angled tip of the concrete steps.

But by coincidence, the moment the man stood up, he stepped on a stone.

With this stumbling, the head that was originally going to hit the steps turned into a face and eyes.

When Jiang Ying came to find him, he happened to see the scene of the man bumping into the steps, and soon he was also startled by the scene of the man covering his bleeding eyes and howling.

But he didn't have a regular meeting with that person, he just glanced at the appearance of several people on the ground, then grabbed Li Jing's wrist and ran away.

Li Jing felt inexplicable, but Jiang Ying held him tightly, "Did you know that someone called the police? You will go to jail like this!"

"No." Li Jing said calmly.

Jiang Ying looked at Li Jing in disbelief. It was hard for him to imagine what Li Jing had experienced before, and why he was so calm after such a fierce fight.

He said: "Even if they were at fault first, if you beat them like that, you have already passed the limit of self-defense. According to the current law, when you reach the age of 16, you have to bear criminal responsibility."

Li Jing: "I am 15 years old."

Jiang Ying: "What?"

He didn't hear clearly at first, but when he realized it later, he forgot he was still running and stopped.

He looked at Li Jing in astonishment, "I was going to call you Brother Li, but you are two years younger than me?"

Li Jing didn't speak.

Thinking of something, Jiang Ying let out another "fuck".

He cursed a little annoyed and shocked, "You are only 15 years old? How can you be 15 years old with your temperament, your height, your fighting methods and your psychological quality that is different from ordinary people?"

 Jiang Ying: My world view is broken

(End of this chapter)

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