Chapter 431 Young Tour · Li Jing (7)

No matter how shocked Jiang Ying was, Li Jing's age would not change.

He wanted to take Li Jing to the place where he and his younger brother lived, after all, it was clean, spacious and safe, there would not be so many gangsters, but he was rejected.

Jiang Ying knew that he couldn't take Li Jing away, and he couldn't rest assured that Li Jing would be left alone for fear of being retaliated against, so he followed Li Jing all the way, and then returned to the rented house.

When he opened his mouth to say something, Li Jing said: "I will stop living here until the end of the month."

Jiang Ying began to rejoice.


Moved at the end of the month.

But looking back, isn't today fucking NO.30?
He suddenly felt that everything was very funny, "It's 30 today, your rental period is up, and you can't live in it yourself, so you still spend so much effort cleaning the house? Disinfecting and cleaning like a hospital, are you It's not sick!"

Li Jing gave him a cold look.

Jiang Ying: "..."


Li Jing is obsessed with cleanliness.

But is this fucking cleanliness really that bad?
Jiang Ying didn't really have the answer to this question until he had a son more than ten years later.


He said he was going to move, but Li Jingtong didn't have many clothes and shoes, so he just packed a suitcase.

The most left are the books he bought in the past.

Jiang Ying refused to leave before, and then he was ordered by Li Jing to be a mover.

At this time, Jiang Ying was hopeless.

All of this was brought about by him.

孽 孽!
When leaving, Li Jing carried his schoolbag and suitcase, while Jiang Ying carried a cardboard box full of books weighing fifty to sixty catties.

After finally stopping to catch his breath, Jiang Ying said, "Li Jing, do you think I have been taken advantage of?"

Li Jing: "..."

Doesn't it look like, don't you have any points in your heart?
Li Jing didn't say a word, but Jiang Ying saw four words in his eyes - bring shame on yourself!
Jiang Ying hates it!

Why did he open his mouth!
Why can't he control his mouth and say some self-defeating nonsense?
Jiang Ying said again: "Where is your newly rented house? How do we get there?"

Don't tell him that the house is far away and they still have to walk over it.

Li Jing: "Across from the school."

Saying so he hails a taxi.

Hearing Li Jing bargaining with the driver, Jiang Ying's world view was refreshed again, can the taxi still haggle?

The driver, however, agreed.

Jiang Ying took the book and left in a taxi first, while Li Jing rode a bicycle and took a shortcut after greeting the landlord.

The new house also has one bedroom and one living room, but the space is much larger than before, and the layout is better, especially the bedroom faces the sun, so it is very comfortable to live in.

Jiang Ying's butt wasn't even warm yet, seeing Li Jing take out those decontamination and sterilization tools again, Jiang Ying felt his eyes go dark.

It's already past dinner time, and you still have to clean up. What time do you have to clean up?
Jiang Ying thought, why not buy Li Jing a dinner.

But before he could say it, Li Jing said: "Thank you today, I will treat you to dinner another day, you go back first."

Jiang Ying's blood pressure soared all of a sudden.

I rely on!

Does Li Jing know the truth of hospitality?
Jiang Ying was so angry that he wanted to scold someone, but on second thought, after scolding himself for a long time, Li Jing might not know what he was scolding at all.

Li Jing even asked, "Why are you still here?"

It's so self-defeating.

Jiang Ying left, quietly.

But it's not that Li Jing didn't know about his departure, it's just that he didn't care.

Everyone else is just passing by.

On the contrary, Jiang Ying started to regret and blame himself after taking a taxi back to his neighborhood.

Li Jing is only 15 years old!
A 15-year-old child, an orphan, who has been wandering since he was a child, how can he know the ways of the world and the way of hospitality?
But he was actually fussing over a 15-year-old brat.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ying was even more annoyed.

But looking for Li Jing now is too embarrassing.

That night, Jiang Ying didn't eat any food, and he couldn't fall asleep all night because of guilt and remorse.

The next day.

Jiang Ying, who stayed up all night, bought a lot of nutritious breakfast and came to the classroom early, but it was not until the class bell rang that Li Jing entered the classroom on the bell.

He looked at the cold and handsome Li Jing, and then thought about himself who was dizzy and haggard all night, Jiang Ying doubted life again.

After sitting down, Li Jing took out the test paper and started to do it without saying a word to Jiang Ying. His indifference made Jiang Ying wonder if he had lost his memory.

Facts have proved that it is impossible for Li Jing to lose his memory.

He just doesn't want to talk to other people.

Jiang Ying was numb.

How could there be such a person as Li Jing in the world?

But no matter how weird and indifferent Li Jing's behavior and temper are, Jiang Ying became his first friend after transferring to another school.

Not only did Jiang Ying think so, but everyone else in the class thought so too.

On the third day of Li Jing's enrollment, Ling Yue, Ms. Song and the police from the police station came to No. [-] Middle School, and then specially praised Li Jing for his brave actions and gave him a bonus for his brave actions.

Ling Yue is even more familiar than Jiang Ying. Not only did he leave his contact information and home address for Li Jing, but he also recognized Li Jing's elder brother in person.

The sound of "Brother Li" made Jiang Ying's teeth ache.

Isn't it just taking advantage of being young, what's so great about it?
He doesn't care about "Brother Li", one day, he wants Li Jing to call him "Brother Jiang"!
After Ling Yue and the others left, the school invested again, awarded Li Jing a bonus, and gave him a certificate of honor for his bravery.

Now Li Jing is not only well-known in No. [-] Middle School, even the people he knew in the school he used to stay in know of his heroic deeds.

And in the surgical ward of a certain hospital, a group of tattooed social men with broken arms, broken legs, slanted mouths and slanted eyes, all wrapped in bandages, sat together and exchanged stories about each other's injuries.

When someone uttered the name "Li Jing" and said that he had become a young hero who "does what is right" the more than 20 tattooed men who gathered in the ward fell silent.

Is Li Jing a young hero who "does what is right"?

So how did these people get to the hospital ward?

It's just that they haven't decided whether to continue to find Li Jing for revenge, but they received warnings and threats from different people.

"Anyone who dares to touch Li Jing will just wait to be imprisoned!"

And served with the warning, there is also evidence of their crimes.

Just when the gangsters thought that as long as they didn't retaliate against Li Jing, the world would be peaceful, the police found them.

But when a group of people at the police station saw Li Jing who was being held by the wrist while talking, some of them were so frightened that they lost control of their urine.

Someone whispered, "Did he also commit a crime and be arrested?"

Another person said, "You'd better pray to God and Buddha to pray that he's okay, otherwise we'll go to the detention center and prison together, think about how much we'll be beaten."

other people:"……"

In broad daylight, what ghost stories are you talking about!

so horrible!

 Sixth update~ Babies who read the article, please vote and leave a message to support ^-^
  I was brushed down with a negative score before the rating, it would be best if I can save it with five stars [Meme]
(End of this chapter)

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