The more you know about Li Jing, the more you know how difficult it is for him to get to the present.

In addition to being emotional, it is inevitable that there will be some sadness.

If someone backed him up and protected him, if he didn't have to run around for a living, Li Jing, who is only 14 years old, would not have to apply for false certificates in order to find a job, and had so many outrageous and legendary experiences.

After leaving the hotel, Jiang Ying said he was going to sing K, after all he had booked the venue in advance.

"Whose money did you spend?" Leng Ao asked.

Jiang Ying: "Mine, but you pay the bill."

Leng Ao: "..."

He knew it.

After arriving at the club, Jiang Ying, who wanted to introduce the venue to Li Jing, suddenly asked, "You didn't work here too, did you?"

Li Jing nodded.

The trio continued to be dazed.

Society, my brother!
What else is there that you haven't done?
Jiang Ying: "When?"

Whether this kind of place is decent or not depends on the people here.

But no matter how serious a person is, when facing a handsome young man like Li Jing, it's hard for him not to have any evil thoughts, right?

Especially those rich wives with a lot of money.

Li Jing: "Summer vacation."

As soon as he finished speaking, a young man who looked like a college student came over to greet Li Jing with a smile, "Li Jing, are you here? You were given time to come and play before, but you never came. You don't know, since you left, many guests They didn’t come anymore, and the manager still says from time to time that it’s good to detain you when you resign.”

The trio: "..."

So, what kind of heartthrob physique is Li Jing?

Li Jing said he was busy and didn't have time, so the young man said, "No matter how busy you are, you should pay attention to your body. You should relax and rest. By the way, how is your transfer? Are you done?"


A sincere smile appeared on the young man's face, "That's good. I wanted to ask the teacher to help you with the lawsuit. I'm sure you will win. Don't talk about it. Have you read the book I gave you? I'm looking forward to it." See you at law school."

After finishing speaking, the young man seemed to have just noticed Jiang Ying and the others, and said with a smile, "You are all Li Jing's friends, right? I'll take you to the one I reserved."

Jiang Ying immediately stepped forward to make friends with the young man.

After inquiring, I found out that Li Jing had saved the young man's life.

Jiang Ying: "..."

What is Li Jing's route?
Why are you always saving people?
But this is just the beginning.

Someone in the back brought them water and drinks, and during the fruit plate barbecue, several people called Li Jing when they met Li Jing, and they were all older than Li Jing.

Jiang Ying didn't want to inquire about any information anymore, so he asked directly, "Li Jing, have you saved these people's lives?"

"No." Li Jing said flatly.

Jiang Ying: "Then they call you Brother Li!"

Li Jing: "Maybe, they've seen me fight, they should be afraid."

Jiang Ying: "..."

Suddenly everything made sense.

After playing in the clubhouse for two hours, when we left, the legendary manager appeared.

The manager looks very gentle and upright, but he doesn't speak seriously, "Li Jing, do you know how many distinguished members you took away with me?"

Li Jing: "Sorry."

Manager: "I heard that you went back to school again. With your IQ, it's okay if you don't go to class, right?"

The trio: "..."

Is this human?

For those of them who still need to go to the classroom to attend classes, it is simply a slap in the face and humiliation!

Li Jing looked at the manager, who smiled and said his plan, "Anyway, it's winter vacation, even if you make up classes, it won't help you, why don't you just come to work and earn all the expenses of the university, and I'll give you five times salary."

When the trio heard this, they all focused on Li Jing, wanting to know how to choose Li Jing.

Li Jing: "Five times may not be enough."

The manager added: "Ten times, this is the limit I can call the shots."

Li Jing: "I'll think about it."

The trio: "..."

So, how much is Li Jing's salary?

Jiang Ying was about to ask a question, but someone touched his shoulder.

When he turned his head, he saw a man dressed in black with his body covered tightly.

Jiang Ying said in a bad tone, "Is there something wrong?"

The man didn't care about Jiang Ying's attitude. He glanced at Jiang Ying and the others, and finally focused on Li Jing, "Are you interested in becoming an actor?"

Jiang Ying: "No."

The man was still respectful, "Handsome guy, how about you?"

Li Jing: "I don't want to."

The man sighed with some regret, "It's a pity that I can't film with you for being so handsome."

The word "filming" attracted the attention of several people, but that's all.

Especially Li Jing, the expression on his face hardly fluctuated.

Seeing this, the man's tone became more and more regretful, "Handsome guy, otherwise you should think about it again, and I promise you will earn more than working here."

As soon as Li Jing said this, the manager rolled his eyes first, "Did the actor come here to snatch someone from us?"


Both Jiang Ying and Ling Yue looked over curiously, knowing that this person might be a scout agent or some kind of star, but they didn't expect it to be the actor.

Judging from age, stature and location, there is only one person who meets the requirements, Wen Renxiao who won Best Actor at the age of 17.

Wen Renxiao said apologetically without sincerity, "How can it be called robbing people, this handsome guy's appearance and temperament are too suitable for the big screen, I just want to give him the opportunity, if you want it, I won't interfere. "

Having said that, he still insisted on Li Jing, "Little handsome guy, think about it."

Li Jing: "Sorry."

The manager smiled, he began to like Li Jing's nonchalant attitude.

Wen Renxiao sighed, "I respect your choice, but can we exchange contact information? Even if you don't film, can we still be friends?"

Li Jing told him the new account he had just opened not long ago, and Wen Renxiao also left his number.

"Aren't you afraid that people like us will leak your number?" Jiang Ying asked.

Wen Renxiao took off his sunglasses, revealing a pair of extremely beautiful and clean eyes, which is hard to see from people in the entertainment industry.

He looked at Jiang Ying and said firmly, "You won't."

Jiang Ying and the others had nothing to say for a while.

No one thought that a boy who was born as an orphan and won the best actor since his debut would be so defenseless against outsiders.

Such a simple and sincere trust really touched people's hearts.

But the entertainment industry, forget it.

In the end, several people exchanged contact information, and then left the clubhouse.

At this time, none of them thought that one day in the future, they would meet again because of the same identity.

That night, when Li Jing came home, he heard movement next to the trash can, and then picked up a little boy who was not covered with clothes and was covered in dirt.

He later gave the child his coat and the money he carried with him.

Later, Li Jing had a little tail named Zhang Ping who always took care of himself.

This is almost over~

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