Before the college entrance examination, Li Jing officially resigned from the clubhouse.

Jiang Ying, who had always been curious about how much the manager paid Li Jing, insisted on going with him, and he was indeed shocked by the figures he heard.

When leaving, a waiter came over and said, "Brother Li, the girl who was looking for you came here a few times, and she came again today."

After Li Jing left, Jiang Ying asked the waiter, "Girl? Are you sure it's not Cheng Qianshan?"

It could be said that he and Li Jing were inseparable, why didn't he see Li Jing dating any girl?

The man shook his head, "Brother Cheng quit a long time ago, he went for an internship."

When Jiang Ying looked over curiously, he saw Li Jing handing a wad of cash he got from somewhere to a girl about his age.

The girl didn't take the money, and instead looked a little unhappy, but her eyes lit up when she accidentally saw Jiang Ying.

I don't know what Li Jing said, but the girl felt aggrieved again, sobbing: "Brother Li, you misunderstood, I didn't mean to hit your friend, I'm glad you have friends of your own."

But Li Jing was indifferent and only asked her to take the money and leave.

Seeing the girl turning her head three times a step and leaving reluctantly, Jiang Ying immediately went over, "What's going on?"

Li Jing: "I used to be in an orphanage, I helped a few times..."

"I depend on you?" Jiang Ying said.

He was too familiar with the calculating look in that girl's eyes when she saw him.

Li Jing: "She wants to enter the entertainment industry, so she asked me to borrow money."

Jiang Ying: "It's just such a small relationship, you gave her so much money? And I think she is about your age, a girl, without any background, little life experience, just enter the entertainment industry like this?"

Sometimes he can't even buy a pair of shoes or clothes for [-] to [-] yuan.

But this is Li Jing's hard earned money from part-time jobs, how can he give it to an unrelated outsider for nothing?

"She chose it herself." Li Jing said.

Jiang Ying: "I know she chose the path herself. I mean, what are you going to do? She wants to break into the entertainment industry, and you will be taken advantage of by her, and you will provide her with food, clothing, shelter, and transportation?"

Li Jing said no.

When Yan Xue came to him for the first time, he wanted to refuse directly, but there was a voice in his heart that stopped him.

He wanted to figure out where that strange feeling came from, so he didn't reject it directly.

I don't know how many times this is.

Although he didn't understand why, his intuition was always accurate, and he chose to listen to the voice in his heart.

Seeing that Li Jing didn't want to say more, Jiang Ying didn't ask any more, but as a friend, he didn't want to see Li Jing being cheated, so he asked someone to check in private.

He knew that the girl was Yan Xue, and he also knew what Yan Xue was like.

Jiang Ying was going to travel around the world, so he told Ling Yue and Zhang Ping about it.

Although Li Jing's IQ and shrewdness would not be tricked by Yan Xue, but what if?
Jiang Ying traveled all over the world, and one day, he accidentally saw #影帝龙凤童#'s hot search on the Internet.

Wen Renxiao has never concealed his love and marriage. The whole network knows that he is with Tan Bing, the eldest daughter of the Tan family, and has only one son.

But what happened to twins?

Prompted by curiosity, Jiang Ying clicked on the video posted by the marketing account, and found that the actor was indeed holding two children.

Strangely, he actually saw Li Jing's figure inside.

What's even more bizarre is that in another video, the girl in the actor's arms was actually hugged by Li Jing.

And the blurry video and unsightly picture quality couldn't stop Li Jing's tender and doting expression when he looked at his daughter.

Netizens didn't know why, thinking that the actor gave birth to a pair of twins, and then one party said that the daughter was not allowed to show up to protect her daughter, and the other scolded the actor as patriarchal.

But he knew Li Jing's temper, if it wasn't for his own daughter, with Li Jing's obsession with cleanliness and the distance between him and others, he would never be so close to other people's daughters.

But there is a problem, Li Jing is not married and has never had a girlfriend, so where did this child come from?
In order to find out the situation, Jiang Ying stopped and ended his trip around the world.

He went straight to Li Jing's house without even returning home, and met the little girl named "Jin Yan" by Li Jing.

"I can't believe the person in front of me is Li Jing." Jiang Ying said.

Ling Yue was very dissatisfied with this, "If you have a daughter like Xiao Jinyan, you will be like Brother Li."

Their little Jinyan is so cute and beautiful!

Jiang Ying didn't believe it, but he couldn't refute it.

According to what Ling Yue said, little Jinyan was simply the most dazzling ray of light in Li Jing's lonely life, because the appearance of little Jinyan made everyone see a brand new Li Jing.

Wen Renxiao also said: "You haven't been a father before, so you don't know, Xiao Jinyan is definitely here to repay your kindness."

Of course, so is his precious son.

"Repay your favor? Do you want to be so exaggerated?" Jiang Ying said.

Ling Yue: "What do you know, little Jinyan is never noisy, she will greet people when she is hungry, thirsty, cold or hot, and she will laugh when she sees people who have no ill intentions towards her. Most importantly, she is Brother Li's caring little padded jacket."

The corners of Jiang Ying's mouth twitched when he heard that, "Why do I listen, what you said is like drinking expired Meng Po soup?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was kicked by Ling Yue, "I mean, Xiao Jinyan has a super high IQ, she's a genius!"

Jiang Ying: "After talking so much, you haven't told me who her mother is? Don't tell me she is Yan Xue's daughter."

Although they didn't understand why Li Jing indulged Yan Xue even though he knew she had something wrong in her heart, but he felt that, given the severity of Li Jing's cleanliness, he would disdain to touch Yan Xue.

Ling Yue: "Can't there be no mother?"

Jiang Ying: "..."

How did that child come, jumped out of the rock?

Wen Renxiao: "It said it fell from the sky, do you believe it?"

Jiang Ying rolled his eyes, "Do you believe it?"

The actor shook his head.

No one believed it.

But the reality is really like this.

According to what Li Jing said, this child is a gift from fate to him.

Once Yan Xue was kidnapped by an investor's wife looking for someone to find someone, Yan Xue begged Li Jing to save her, the voice in his heart made Li Jing agree to Yan Xue's request.

Yan Xue survived and ran away, but he was seriously injured.

When Zhang Ping and Ling Yue arrived at the scene, there was an infant lying beside Li Jing.

Afterwards, they searched all possible channels, but they did not find any clues related to the baby girl.

She seemed to appear out of nowhere, and the only intersection with this world was Li Jing.

When Li Jing woke up in the hospital and saw the baby girl for the first time, he said that he wanted to adopt the baby girl, and even named her Jin Yan.

What followed was even more dramatic.

Just because Ling Yue said that there was a charm of Li Jing in Jin Yan's eyebrows, Li Jing ran to take a paternity test.

And the results of the appraisal were beyond everyone's expectations.

There is actually a biological parent-child relationship between Li Jing and the little girl.

I ran several testing agencies one after another, and the results were exactly the same.

The child is Li Jing's biological daughter.

Write a little more and end this episode

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