After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 47 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged

Chapter 47 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged (47)

On the holidays, Gu Yong and his son didn't have to go to court, and they would fight in the yard early in the morning.

Jinyan was the last one in the whole family to get up, but he practiced with them for a while.

Gu Yong was both relieved and distressed, "Yanyan rests when she is tired."

When his daughter was weak, he hoped that his daughter would be in good health, but now that she was in good health, he couldn't bear her to train hard from morning to night.

His daughter can live a lifetime without worrying about food and clothing, so there is no need to suffer.

"Not tired, I still want to practice with daddy again." Jin Yan said.

Gu Yong didn't try to persuade him anymore, and after the morning exercise was over, he asked the maids to give Jin Yan a pinch of his legs, feet, and shoulders.

The eldest princess and Gu Jinhe watched from the side, their eyes full of helplessness.

The days when you don't go to court belong to Gu Yong's "parent-child time", and no one can disturb it.

This is no secret in Gu Yong's circle.

But there are so few people who don't have long-sightedness, who specially pick such a day to visit.

After breakfast, when Gu Yongzheng was taking a test of Jinyan's calligraphy, a few princelings came to see him.

The Gu family refused one by one.

Not long after, the servants came to report that Xun Taijun of Cheng'en Gong's mansion asked to see him.

Gu Yong didn't even raise his head.

Gu Jinhe winked, and his servants immediately ran out to spread the word.

The prime minister is busy with affairs and cannot take time off.

Mr. Xun Taijun, who had failed in his previous plans a few times, had a bad complexion. When he saw that he had been turned away, he raised his eyebrows and said, "If you go to spread the word again, just say that the old man has something important to discuss with Prime Minister Gu. I hope Prime Minister Gu will show you face."

When she first came here, she was still full of fighting spirit. She always felt that civil servants like Gu Yong cherished their feathers very much, and would never be as arrogant, stubborn, and arrogant as the eldest princess who has been domineering all her life.

Only now did she realize that she was wrong.

At any rate, the eldest princess still cared about her old friendship.

Gu Yong didn't care about anything.

The most difficult one is obviously Gu Yong.

If it was in the past, how could she put Gu Yong in her eyes.

Now the queen and the prince are grounded again, and the cause is nothing more than a word from the ignorant daughter of the Gu family at the palace banquet.

How ridiculous!

The situation is stronger than others, and she had to bow her head in order for Donggong to get rid of the restraint and return to the court as soon as possible.

Xun Taijun insisted on not leaving, and his servants did not chase her away, so he went to ask for instructions again after a salute.

Soon, a servant came out and said, "Mrs. Shen, the prime minister is testing our young lady's homework. I won't see any guests today. Please go back."

Xun Taijun: "..."

She listened to it twice before she understood what it meant.

Test homework?

Is Gu Jinyan going to take the scientific examination?

Or does it mean that the Daxuan Dynasty will not work without her and Gu Jinyan?

Gu Yong dotes on his daughter so pampered, so he is not afraid of going too far, when the time comes, he will raise an arrogant and arrogant waste!
"Mrs. Shen, I will tolerate you only when you are old, but you curse our eldest lady and accuse the prime minister in front of us. Do you think our prime minister's mansion is easy to bully?"

The servants scolded, and all the guards of the Gu family turned their fierce eyes on Taijun Xun.

Mrs. Xun was startled, and then realized that she had spoken out her heart, and was being listened to by the master, and her face was embarrassed for a while.

It was obvious that there would be no result if she stayed any longer, so she simply took her and left as if fleeing.

The servant spat coldly, turned back and reported everything to the master of the family.

After hearing this, Jin Yan showed a puzzled expression, and looked suspiciously at his parents and brother, "Old Madam Xun, are you sure that she and the queen mother and son are not scolding herself? I have never seen anyone who is more useless than the prince. Also, she Is that the attitude of begging for help? She can't even bow her head, and she still wants to plead for Donggong to make contacts, I think she is a toad chasing the moon, wishful thinking!"

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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