After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 48 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged

Chapter 48 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged (48)

Jin Yan looked down on Old Madam Xun from the bottom of his heart.

Relying on being a companion to the eldest princess when she was a child, she did not know how many benefits she and the Shen family had gained from inside and outside.

Even the Song family and a pair of children are grateful for the kindness of the Eldest Princess, but she only thinks that she doesn't get enough.

"Leave her alone, write this word a few more times." Gu Yong also put away the pen after finishing speaking.

Jin Yan glanced at it, and suddenly his scalp became numb, "Daddy, why don't you let me learn how to draw talismans? I think this word is harder than those talismans."

Gu Yong smiled, "It is precisely because of the difficulty that I asked you to write, so that you can calm down."

Jin Yan muttered: "My heart has always been quite quiet."

After finishing speaking, the servants came to report that a pair of children from Concubine Xia's mother's family had come to invite Jinyan to go out to play.

Gu Yong looked at Jin Yan.

The eldest princess said: "The things in the adult world have nothing to do with you children. You can go to play if you want to, and write in big characters when you come back."

Compared with "going out to play" and "writing", Jin Yan naturally wanted to go out.

But the members of the Xia family, forget it.

"No, Xia Ziyue doesn't think of me as a rival in love, but she has bad intentions for my brother. No matter what she does or says, she always brings the topic to him. She asks my brother's preferences in a roundabout way, and she likes to call him 'sister-in-law' She taught me that this is wrong and that is bad, and I don't like to play with her."

After Jinyan finished speaking, Gu Jinhe was so moved that he almost cried.

"Yanyan, it turns out that brother is so important to you!" Gu Jinhe said.

Jin Yan said seriously: "Yes, brother, did you know the day before?"

Before Gu Jinhe could wipe away her tears, she smiled sweetly at him again, "I'm lying to you, I just don't want to play with Xia Ziyue!"

Gu Jinhe: "..."

After the siblings started arguing and fighting, Gu Yong and the eldest princess went out.

"My lord, Taifu Li brought his students to visit. This is a greeting card."

Li Taifu is the teacher of the prince.

He once wanted to marry his granddaughter to the prince, but the prince chose to let Emperor Jianping marry him and Jinyan, so Li Taifu's plan naturally fell through.

It is impossible for his granddaughter to be a concubine.

However, he has advised the prince many times that the daughter of the Gu family is arrogant and domineering, spoiled too much, and has the most powerful mother's family since the dynasty, so she is really not suitable to be a prince concubine.

When the housekeeper handed over the greeting card, Gu Yong's expression was as cold as the bottom of a pot.

He accepted the invitation.

In the next moment, that exquisite and expensive greeting card became a bunch of waste paper in his hands.

"Then invite him to drink tea first, and I'll be there later." Gu Yong said casually.

The housekeeper took the ball of waste paper and left.

The eldest princess reached out to pick a yellowish leaf, looked at the lines on it with a cool look, and said calmly, "From the disciples to the mother clan, and then to the tutor, it seems that the prince's faction is really in a hurry."

It was only then that I realized that it was too late to be anxious.

The third prince has made a lot of small moves recently.

Gu Yong scoffed coldly, "The emperor is not in a hurry, the eunuchs are just in a hurry."

The queen and the prince never felt that they were at fault. What's the use of the people below turning into ants on the hot pot?

"Do you want to see that old man?" The eldest princess sighed, "If I don't see you, I will definitely refer to you again."

Gu Yong sneered, "Then let them participate!"

Turning her head, she said to the eldest princess gently: "Yanyan made an appointment with someone to ride a horse. I heard that Xizhou just paid a tribute to a batch of new horses. I also want to pick a gentle and smart horse for my daughter. But I don’t have time to chat with them about the wheels.”

The eldest princess burst out laughing, and said: "Then you go, remember to pick two more horses, let Yan Yan choose by himself when you come back, and I will let the housekeeper treat the guests well."

What the Gu family does not lack is good tea.

(End of this chapter)

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