After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 472 The Villain Takes the Master Cannon Fodder Script

When Yu Qingtang returned to the ward, Yu Sheng was just awake, with a small figure sleeping in his arms, and beside the bed was Xie Jing, who was eyeing the child covetously.

He went to sit on the other side and asked Yu Sheng if he would drink water or eat fruit. Yu Sheng shook his head and asked him what happened.

Yu Qingtang: "There is a fly."

Yu Sheng frowned slightly, seeing that his younger brother still didn't intend to tell him the truth, so he started the conversation himself, "The Xi family or the Bai family?"

The young man froze for a moment, his face flashed with astonishment.

Realizing that Yu Sheng probably knew the truth, he still asked, "Brother, when did you know?"

Yu Sheng's physical condition improved, and his limbs could move slightly within a limited range, so he let his drowsy daughter lie beside him.

At this moment, he was rubbing Jinyan's ears and hair repeatedly, while saying calmly: "It's probably the first year of high school or the first year of junior high school, I forgot."

The corner of Yu Qingtang's mouth twitched, so early?
Xie Jing, who was listening to them, was also a little surprised.

Wasn't uncle at that time still a child?

Yu Sheng: "It seems to be in junior high school. At that time, I participated in a competition. The organizer cooperated with the Bai Group. I met Bai Zhengde at the venue. I somehow felt familiar. Later, when I looked in the mirror, I realized that we looked alike. Out of curiosity, I inquired about Bai Zhengde, and guessed it."

Yu Qingtang: "Then you..."

I knew it so long ago, but I didn't tell anyone, even the old man, and I digested it all by myself.

Seeing the distressed expression on the young man's face, Yu Sheng smiled, "Finding out the truth is just because I want to, but I am Yu Sheng."

Yu Qingtang, who was still fighting for him, was speechless.

"Can you tell me now, what happened outside?" Yu Sheng said.

Yu Qingtang said everything.

Before Yu Sheng responded, Xie Jing frowned first, "How did such a stupid person switch his uncle with her son? And he was able to hide the truth for so many years?"

This is simply incredible.

He doesn't know that there is a kind of person called the Son of Destiny, who is born with the aura of the protagonist, no matter how outrageous everything related to him is, under the influence of heaven, it will eventually be rationalized.

Yu Qingtang: "Because someone is stupider and worse than her."

Like Mrs. Bai.

For example, Bai Zhengde.

The teenage brother can tell at a glance that he looks similar to Bai Zhengde, and then find out his own life experience with a guess.

But Mrs. Bai couldn't tell that the son she lived with day and night was very similar to the mistress she hated to the bone.

Most of the time, Bai Zhengde was tossed between his original partner and mistress, yet he didn't even know the truth.

It's just that it's hard to say whether he was really kept in the dark or whether he knew it well but deliberately condoned it.

Yu Qingtang: "Shen Hua will definitely not just arrange for Shen Lin to be alone. I will ask Shen Lin to keep an eye on the hospital. If there is a situation, we will know it as soon as possible."

Xie Jing: "Uncle, they are going to kill you, won't you fight back? You are too kind."

Still very blunt, it sounds like sarcasm.

Yu Qingtang glared at Xie Jing, "The pattern is different, my brother just doesn't bother to argue with mob."

When is it his brother's turn to point fingers?
Yu Sheng sighed, "I didn't expect to deal with them so quickly."

Yu Qingtang: "..."

Xie Jing: "..."

So fast?
Is that what was planned for revenge?
You just praised your kindness and grandeur just now, so it's overturned?

But Yu Sheng didn't have the intention to continue talking. He turned his head and looked at his sleeping daughter tenderly.

Everything in the dream cannot be explained by science.

But the baby saved him again.

And those people almost killed his baby again.

So they be damned.


In the evening, Mu Yu, who had been away for work and cases all day, returned to the hospital. She came to take over the work of escorting the three children.

Yu Qingtang said that she didn't care, and mainly looked at Jin Yan, the child was never willing to leave the hospital before.

But now Jinyan is willing.

She was so obedient, but Mu Yu felt strange, "Isn't it because I don't want to leave the hospital now, do I have to stay close to my father?"

Jin Yan: "But Dad is healed now, and Mom wants to accompany Dad."

As a child, she stopped making light bulbs.

Mu Yu pinched her cheek distressedly, "Baby can accompany Mommy with Dad."

This luxurious single ward is very spacious, let alone a small one, even if several people stay, it will not affect it.

Jin Yan shook his head, "No, I want to go home with my uncle, I'm so sleepy."

After Jinyan was picked up by the grandparents who came to deliver dinner, Mu Yu shed her strong body and showed her fragile side in front of Yu Sheng.

She hugged Yu Sheng and murmured, "A Sheng, our baby is a little angel, isn't it?"

Yu Sheng stroked her hair and said in a low voice, "Yes."

Mu Yu suddenly raised her head again, her lips pressed against Yu Sheng's chin, she stared at Yu Sheng for a moment, then buried her head in the hollow of his shoulder, "We must protect her well."

Yu Sheng turned his head and kissed her ears and hair, and said warmly, "Not only the baby, but also you."

After a long hug, Mu Yu opened the insulated box to feed Yu Sheng soup, while muttering, "I always feel that Qingtang is still that wolf cub who is on guard when he sees me approaching you, and he will go to college in a blink of an eye Yes. Last night my parents talked about Qingtang's past achievements and asked me to ask Qingtang if she had any plans to go abroad, so he asked people to arrange everything, but I see that Qingtang doesn't even want to go abroad."

After a while, she said again: "For the sake of the future, going abroad is naturally a good thing, but it is too unsafe abroad. Qingtang is a child studying alone, and I am not at ease. I am afraid of delaying him if I stay here. He is so smart, he should To a wider world."

Yu Sheng accepted every feeding from her, then looked at her with a smile in his eyes, and listened to her babble.

"But I'm really worried about going abroad, and he has such a good relationship with the baby. If he goes to a foreign country and won't see each other for a long time, he will miss the baby, and the baby will miss him..."

Before he finished speaking, Mu Yu's eyes darkened.

In the next second, her mouth was blocked by a pair of warm lips.

the next day.

When most people were still checking their grades, Yu Sheng had already received calls from the principal and class teacher.

It's just that now his "life or death is uncertain", so the person talking on the phone has become Mu Yu.

Even though they already knew that their younger brother would be the top scorer in the college entrance examination, the couple were as happy as a child when they heard the perfect score and the congratulations and envy from others.

But the champion himself is as stable as Mount Tai, and he is racking his brains to think about how to make children happy.

For him.

The title of champion with a perfect score is nothing compared to a child's smiling face.

good night

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