After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 473 The Villain Takes the Master Cannon Fodder Script

Mu Yu and the others are not ostentatious, but as "parents" who watched Yu Qingtang grow up, they also have the mentality that other students' parents would have.

Even if he knew that Yu Qingtang's champion was a sure thing, he still worried and prayed for him before the exam.

The results came out, everything was expected, and they still couldn't help showing off to their relatives and friends.

Look, how smart and powerful our family Qingtang is!

Except for Yu Sheng, who was "uncertain about his life and death" and didn't show off to others, everyone from the old man to grandparents to Mu Yu all showed off to others.

Before the voluntary application began, teachers from the admissions offices of major colleges and universities had already come to Ancheng, and tried their best to meet Yu Qingtang.

There was even a teacher in the capital who promised that there was no need to specifically mention the bonus. If Yu Qingtang was willing to apply to their school, they could invite the best experts and professors in the industry to consult and treat Yu Sheng.

The remuneration of colleges and universities in other provinces and cities was higher than that of the other. Yu Qingtang refused them one by one, and then chose Anda with her eyes closed.

Anda: "..."

Am I picking up a top scorer for nothing?
Other colleges and universities: "..."

Think about it, what is worse than An Da?
Later they all found out that Yu Qingtang chose Anda just because his home was here and his favorite family was here.

When Anda heard the news, it was like gongs, drums, firecrackers, singing and dancing.

Other colleges and universities: "..."

Is it because the homeland is hard to leave?

It's easy to know where the root is.

But the question is, can a university really be built in Ancheng within three months?
Many teachers continued to contact Yu Qingtang while reporting their problems to the school. If the branch school is completed, would you apply for our school?

Yu Qingtang: "..."


Yu Qingtang is still not doing well, the principal went crazy first.

three months?
Are you building a college or a prefabricated house for temporary living?
Of course, as an infrastructure madman, it is not impossible to complete such a project within three months, but the problem is that the entire approval process alone takes more than three months.

Therefore, the great enrollment plan that the teachers of the admissions office came up with was aborted before it even started.

On the other hand, Anda recruited a top scorer who everyone was vying for without any effort.

It can be said that Anda is the biggest winner.


"Interview student Yu, how do you feel at the moment?"

Shen Lin handed the mobile phone to Yu Qingtang as a microphone, but he got a cold look.

Shen Lin: "..."


I can see that your mind is at rest.

Unable to be a reporter, Shen Lin honestly reported the situation he found out, "In the past few days, what I have observed, I think I am the same as I am, and there are no less than five people."

Raccoons of the same feather?
The corners of Yu Qingtang's mouth twitched slightly, but he was too lazy to correct anything.

Shen Lin: "Three of them are more useless than me. They are sneaky and sneaky. They are not good things at first sight. Two of them were regarded as thieves by the patient's family. Then the hospital security dispatched and took those two people away. I After inquiring about the follow-up, they really have a criminal record, and then went to the detention center..."

Yu Qingtang: "Let's get to the point."

Shen Lin "Oh", "the remaining two are smarter than the first three, and they also know that they registered to see a specialist. After taking the film, they took the test report and those pretended patients went to the inpatient department to find a doctor. Unfortunately, I still found out. Horse feet."

He turned on his phone and showed Yu Qingtang the video he had taken, "Did you see it? It's just this guy with a particularly wretched temperament. I bumped into him on purpose and read his list. I had three brain CT scans in three days. I don’t know how much blood, he is looking for a doctor when he is not sick, you say he is not a pure idiot, what is the difference between this and self-explosion?”

Shen Lin despises this person very much, saying that he is a big idiot, and that he is too stupid.

Yu Qingtang: "..."

Is it possible that all of you are equally stupid?
Shen Lin opened another video, "This one is amazing. I tried to see how he got in, but he was very vigilant and defensive. As soon as I got close to him, I dodged aside. There was no chance." Not to me."

"So you didn't find anything?"

"How is it possible! Who am I? I'm a double agent. If you don't believe me, listen to this."

Shen Lin turned on a recording and played it again to explain, "He didn't let me approach, obviously there was a problem, so I took the initiative to approach him, and I deliberately lied to him, saying that I had first-hand information, and then asked him how much my cousin gave him. Money, how much money is left unsettled, etc. In the end, this idiot got more money than me. Why do you say that I have a higher IQ than him, and I am still her cousin, so she gave it to outsiders? more than me..."

"Shut up!" Yu Qingtang scolded coldly.

When Shen Lin mentioned Shen Hua, this person was silent for a few seconds, and combined with this person's reaction when Shen Lin exchanged information with him later, it was obvious that he might not know Shen Hua at all.

If it's not Shen Hua, then only Xi Le and Bai's family are left.

"what happened?"

Shen Lin looked at Yu Qingtang cautiously. The latter didn't speak, but sent those videos and recordings to his mobile phone with a blank expression.

He watched several videos, and after confirming the time and trajectory of that person's actions, he asked Shen Lin to keep watching.

"Why are you going, you don't want to kill people, do you?" Shen Lin said.

Yu Qingtang raised her eyes slightly, her eyes were clear and indifferent, "Just do your job well."

An hour later, the sky was completely dark.

In a corner of the hospital, Yu Qingtang, who couldn't tell his age after the disguise, stepped on a man who also wore a hat and a mask. The man wanted to struggle, and desperately scratched Yu Qingtang's ankle with both hands, trying to reduce the weight on his body , but received another heavy kick on the chest.


I don't know that the ribs were kicked and broken from time to time, but the man's face instantly became hideously distorted due to the severe pain, and the legs and feet that were struggling non-stop also began to become weak, numb, and limp.

The man endured the severe pain, but did not call for help.

And Yu Qingtang squatted down slowly, and quickly took out his mobile phone, a miniature camera disguised as a headset, a recording pen and other gadgets from the man's pocket.

Yu Qingtang pressed the man's hand to unlock the phone, and then successively opened the photo album and other files and commonly used social software.

After a while, he clicked on an avatar named "X", lowered his voice and said, "Is he your employer?"

The man shook his head, refused to speak, and looked at Yu Qingtang unwillingly, wanting to know his identity.

But Yu Qingtang was all black from head to toe, hat, mask and clothes, only a pair of eyes were exposed.

But his eyes only revealed one message, and that was murderous intent.

Tomorrow will be the college entrance examination, I wish all the candidates all the best, the title of the gold list, just like our Qingtang, get what you want!come on, come on, come on!

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